ABSTRAKKonflik agraria semakin hari semakin sering terjadi, ini dikarena oleh
sumber daya tanah yang semakin terbatas dibanding dengan pertumbuhan tingkat
penduduk. Dampak lainnya adalah nilai tanah yang semakin mahal membuat tanah
menjadi ajang perebutan bagi pihak-pihak tertentu. Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan metode wawancara mendalam
(in-depth interview). Informan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 10
Menurut Ronny Rahman Nitibaskara konflik memiliki cakupan yang cukup
luas, meliputi pertentangan atau bentrokan, persaingan, atau gangguan oleh
kelompok secara fisik atau benturan antar kekuatan-kekuatan yang sulit didamaikan
atau pertentangan-pertentangan dalam tataran kualitas seperti ide-ide, kepentingan
atau kehendak. Semua makna konflik tersebut, tampaknya pada waktu belakangan
ini cukup ramai terjadi di Indonesia. Mediasi adalah salah satu proses alternatif
penyelesaian masalah diluar pengadilan untuk dapat tercapai suatu solusi
(perdamaian) yang saling menguntungkan para pihak. Dengan konflik dapat
diselesaikan dengan saling menguntungkan dari kesepakatan mediasi tersebut
diharapkan dapat menunjang ketahanan wilayah.
ABSTRACTAgrarian conflicts increasingly frequent, this dikarena by land resources are
more limited than the growth rate of the population. Another effect is that the more
expensive land values make the scene of the seizure of land for certain parties. The
method used in this study using qualitative methods with in-depth interviews (indepth
interview). Informants were used in this study as many as 10 people.
According to Ronny Rahman Nitibaskara conflict has broad enough
coverage, covering conflict or clash, competition, or interference by the group
physically or clashes between the forces that are difficult be reconciled or
contradictions in the level of quality of such ideas, interests or the will. All the
meanings of the conflict, it seems at times quite crowded lately occurred in
Indonesia. Mediation is one of the alternative process issues out of court settlement
to be reached a solution (peace) the parties mutually beneficial. With the conflict can
be resolved with mutual benefits of the mediation agreement is expected to support
the resilience of the region , Agrarian conflicts increasingly frequent, this dikarena by land resources are
more limited than the growth rate of the population. Another effect is that the more
expensive land values make the scene of the seizure of land for certain parties. The
method used in this study using qualitative methods with in-depth interviews (indepth
interview). Informants were used in this study as many as 10 people.
According to Ronny Rahman Nitibaskara conflict has broad enough
coverage, covering conflict or clash, competition, or interference by the group
physically or clashes between the forces that are difficult be reconciled or
contradictions in the level of quality of such ideas, interests or the will. All the
meanings of the conflict, it seems at times quite crowded lately occurred in
Indonesia. Mediation is one of the alternative process issues out of court settlement
to be reached a solution (peace) the parties mutually beneficial. With the conflict can
be resolved with mutual benefits of the mediation agreement is expected to support
the resilience of the region ]"