"[Tesis ini membahas probabilitas dari dampak spatial spillover dari infrastruktur jalan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di provinsi Jawa Barat menggunakan data panel kabupaten/kota pada tahun 2007-2010. Studi ini menggunakan data Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) sebagai indikator pertumbuhan ekonomi. Jalan dengan kondisi baik dan kepadatan jalan digunakan untuk mewakili infrastruktur
jalan. Selanjutnya, tenaga kerja dan stok kapital swasta digunakan sebagai variabel kontrol. Penelitian ini menguji hipotesis bahwa infrastruktur jalan yang memadai tidak hanya akan memberikan efek positif pada pembangunan ekonomi suatu wilayah, tetapi juga terhadap wilayah di sekelilingnya. Untuk mengetahui adanya korelasi spasial dilakukan uji dengan menggunakan Global’s Moran I index, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dependensi spasial antar kabupaten/kota di provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa spatial spillover infrastruktur jalan memiliki dampak positif pada pertumbuhan
ekonomi di tingkat regional.;This research examines the probability of spatial spillover effect of road infrastructure to regional economic growth in the West Java province by using data panel over 2007 to 2012 at regency’s level. This study uses Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) as indicator of economic growth. Good road condition
and road density are utilized to explain road infrastructure. In addition, controlling variables use the labor force and private capital stock. This study tests the hypothesis that sufficient road infrastructure brings positive effect on economic development not only within region, but also on surrounding regions. The spatial correlation test by using Global’s Moran I index results on the existence of spatial dependence among regencies on the West Java Province. The main results
conclude that the positive spillover of road infrastructure on regional economic growth occurs in these periods at regional level;This research examines the probability of spatial spillover effect of road
infrastructure to regional economic growth in the West Java province by using
data panel over 2007 to 2012 at regency’s level. This study uses Gross Regional
Domestic Product (GRDP) as indicator of economic growth. Good road condition
and road density are utilized to explain road infrastructure. In addition, controlling
variables use the labor force and private capital stock. This study tests the
hypothesis that sufficient road infrastructure brings positive effect on economic
development not only within region, but also on surrounding regions. The spatial
correlation test by using Global’s Moran I index results on the existence of spatial
dependence among regencies on the West Java Province. The main results
conclude that the positive spillover of road infrastructure on regional economic
growth occurs in these periods at regional level, This research examines the probability of spatial spillover effect of road
infrastructure to regional economic growth in the West Java province by using
data panel over 2007 to 2012 at regency’s level. This study uses Gross Regional
Domestic Product (GRDP) as indicator of economic growth. Good road condition
and road density are utilized to explain road infrastructure. In addition, controlling
variables use the labor force and private capital stock. This study tests the
hypothesis that sufficient road infrastructure brings positive effect on economic
development not only within region, but also on surrounding regions. The spatial
correlation test by using Global’s Moran I index results on the existence of spatial
dependence among regencies on the West Java Province. The main results
conclude that the positive spillover of road infrastructure on regional economic
growth occurs in these periods at regional level]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015