"[Skripsi ini menganalisis kalimat pasif bahasa Jerman dalam novel Tintenblut karya Cornelia Funke yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dalam novel Tintenblut versi terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dan melihat apakah terjadi pergeseran struktur bentuk dan perubahan perspektif makna dalam penerjemahannya. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori kalimat pasif bahasa Jerman menurut Pittner dan Berman, kalimat pasif bahasa Indonesia menurut Alwi dkk., dan pergeseran dalam penerjemahan menurut Simatupang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebih banyak kalimat Vorgangspassiv yang tetap menjadi pasif dalam bahasa Indonesia dan lebih banyak kalimat Zustandpassiv yang diterjemahkan menjadi aktif.
;This thesis analyzes Germanic passive voice in the novel entitled Tintenblut by Cornelia Funke, which is translated in Indonesian in Tintenblut Indonesian translation version. This thesis also attempts to identify shift in the structure of the form and change in the perspective of meaning in the translation. The theories used are theory about Germanic passive voice by Pittner and Berman, Indonesian passive voice by Alwi et al, and shift in translation by Simatupang. The result of the research shows that there are more sentences of Vorgangspassiv retained as passive in Indonesian and more sentences of Zustandpassiv translated into active.
;This thesis analyzes Germanic passive voice in the novel entitled Tintenblut by Cornelia Funke, which is translated in Indonesian in Tintenblut Indonesian translation version. This thesis also attempts to identify shift in the structure of the form and change in the perspective of meaning in the translation. The theories used are theory about Germanic passive voice by Pittner and Berman, Indonesian passive voice by Alwi et al, and shift in translation by Simatupang. The result of the research shows that there are more sentences of Vorgangspassiv retained as passive in Indonesian and more sentences of Zustandpassiv translated into active.
, This thesis analyzes Germanic passive voice in the novel entitled Tintenblut by Cornelia Funke, which is translated in Indonesian in Tintenblut Indonesian translation version. This thesis also attempts to identify shift in the structure of the form and change in the perspective of meaning in the translation. The theories used are theory about Germanic passive voice by Pittner and Berman, Indonesian passive voice by Alwi et al, and shift in translation by Simatupang. The result of the research shows that there are more sentences of Vorgangspassiv retained as passive in Indonesian and more sentences of Zustandpassiv translated into active.