"Dalam era persaingan yang sangat ketat dan akselerasi perubahan lingkungan usaha yang begitu tinggi seperti sekarang ini, perusahaan dituntut untuk mampu rnenyesuaikan diri dengan perkenibangan agar mampu bertahan dan memenangkan persaingan. Salah satu Cara untuk mencapai kondisi seperti itu adalah melakukan transformasi organisasi menuju Learning Organization. Learning Organization telah mulai didiskusikan dalam berbagai literatur sekitar tahun 1990an. Belakangan ini, telah banyak perusahaan yang menerapkan konsep Learning Organization. Honda, Motorolla, Samsung, Canon merupakan perusahaan pelopor dalam mengembangkan Learning Organization.
Learning Organization yang dikembangkan melalui sistem organisasi secara keseluruhan telah didefinisikan dari berbagai prespektif oleh beberapa ahli. Dari berbagai pandangan para ahli tersebut disebutkan bahwa Learning Organization merupakan iklim organisasi yang mampu mendorong dan mempercepat individu dan kelompok untuk belajar.
Penelitian dilakukan di Bank X, bank dengan aset terbesar di Indonesia dengan jumlah karyawan lebih dari 20.000 orang yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Perusahaan telah melakukan berbagai upaya guna mendukung proses pembelajaran bagi karyawannya yang memakan waktu, biaya dan tenaga. Mengingat hal tersebut maka perlu dilakukan evaluasi guna mengetahui apakah perusahaan telah menerapkan seluruh dimensi Learning Organization pada level individu, kelompok dan organisasional, apakah ada perbedaan pandangan diantara karyawan terhadap dimensi Learning Organization di dalam perusahaan dan apakah penerapan Learning Organization telah dipahami secara merata oleh seluruh karyawan di semua level sehingga upaya perusahaan untuk mendorong proses pembelajaran di perusahaan dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal.
Untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang penerapan Learning Organization di Bank X maka penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara survei melalui kuesioner, observasi, wawancara dan Focus Group Discussion. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa organisasi dinilai telah menerapkan seluruh dimensi Learning Organization untuk seluruh anggotanya, yaitu Continuous Learning, Inquiry & Dialogue, Team Learning, Empowerment, Embedded System, System Connection dan Strategic Leardership. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam menilai setiap dimensi Learning Organization oleh karyawan di semua level. Berdasarkan hasil Focus Group Discussion, keinginan karyawan untuk memanfaatkan fasilitas yang disediakan perusahaan guns mendukung proses menuju Learning Organization masih tergolong rendah. Hal ini diketahui dari minat akses ke portal Knowledge Center, pemanfaatan modul eLearning, pemanfaatan perpustakaan dan fasilitas-fasilitas pembelajaran lainnya yang belum dilaksanakan secara optimal oleh karyawan. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena program pencerahan atau sosialisasi tentang fasilitas-fasilitas organisasi untuk mendukung terciptanya Learning Organization di Bank X belum menyentuh seluruh karyawan karena terutama ditujukan kepada manager lini menengah ke atas. Permasalahan ini disadari sebagai suatu tantangan bagi para manajer yang diharapkan dapat berperan sebagai katalisator proses pembelajaran di unit kerjanya masing-masing, mengingat peran setiap manajer adalah sebagai learning manager.
In this very tight competitive era and high acceleration of environmental change like nowadays, companies should adapt and growth in order to survive and win the competition. One of the ways to reach the said condition is to transform the organization to be a Learning Organization. Learning organization has started to be expostulated in many literatures around 1990. Lately, many companies have applied the learning organization concept. Honda, Motorola, Samsung and Canon are the exponent in developing learning organization. Learning Organization which has developed by the organizational system as a whole has been defined from various views by some experts. Those experts mentioned that learning organization is an organizational climate that capable to push and quicken the individual and group to learn.This research is done at Bank X bank with the biggest asset in Indonesia with more than 20.000 employees spread all over Indonesia. The company have conducted various effort to support learning process for the employees which time, expense, and energy consuming. Considering the mentioned, an evaluation should be conducted in order to evaluate whether the company have applied the entire dimension of Learning Organization at individual, team/group and organizational level, whether there is any perception difference among the employee regarding the applied Learning Organization's dimension and whether Learning Organization implementation have been comprehended by the entire employees at all level so that the company's effort to push learning process can be exploited optimally.This research is using -descriptive approach to capture the Learning Organization implementation at Bank X Research are done by questionnaire, observation, interviews and Focus Group Discussion. This research conclude that the organization have applied the entire dimension of Learning Organization for its member. Dimensions of Learning Organization consist of Continuous Learning, Inquiry & Dialogue, Team Learning, Empowerment, Embedded System, System Connection and Strategic Leadership. From this research known that there is no significance difference on evaluating each dimension of Learning Organization by the employees at all levels. Based on the Focus Group Discussion, it is known that the employees intention to exploit the facilities provided by the company to support Learning Organization still pertained low. It can be detected from employee's enthusiasm to access to Knowledge Center portal, exploiting eLearning modules, using libraries and other learning facilities optimally. It might be because of the socialization and clarifications concerning organizational facilities to support Learning Organization in Bank X are only given to middle line manager and up. This problem is realized as a challenge to all managers who expected to be the learning process motor at his/her workplace, due to manager's role as leaning manager.To cope the problems, Learning Organization process need to be improved by providing learning facilities which easily accessed by the employees at Head Office and branches, forming the change agents which continually support and lead (as role model} of the Iearning organization forming, well mechanism to ascertain that each employee can improve their competency by joining courses with sufficient budget, appropriate courses items, better work load mechanism and availability of alternate person and more socialization of learning program through various online as well as offline media. In this case, manager as department leader should accommodate his/her subordinate to enrich their knowledge and work together creating the Learning culture.For farther research the writer suggest to improve the sample method in order to cover the population characteristic by using stratified random sampling method, thereby the research 's result will clearly describe the employees perception of Learning Organization implementation at Bank X as a whole. Research can be further conducted by connecting each dimension of Learning Organization with financial performance, organizational performance (ROE, ROA) or with other important variable such as Leadership."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006