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Eka Suryaning Oktalianto
ABSTRAKPengukuran kinerja penting bagi organisasi karena dapat diketahui keselarasan antara pencapaian organisasi dengan strategi bisnis yang telah ditetapkan. Pengukuran kinerja yang berkala akan memastikan bahwa TI dapat berjalan sesuai dengan ekspektasi top management dan membantu organisasi bertahan serta sukses dalam persaingan bisnis di masa kini dan yang akan datang. pengukuran kinerja antara lain harus verifiable yaitu menyediakan informasi yang menjadi patokan pencapaian, kemudian sebisa mungkin pengukuran kinerja ini mendekati tujuan dari maksud pengukuran serta harus komprehensif yaitu memenuhi semua aspek penting dalam pengukuran kinerja.
PT PGN yang diwakili SBU I merasa pencapaian Divisi TI belum sesuai dengan ekspektasi stakeholder yang mungkin disebabkan Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) yang digunakan belum efektif untuk mengukur kinerja Divisi TI secara komprehensif. IKU saat ini menggunakan pendekatan Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul yang diadopsi dari Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence dan penggunaannya disyaratkan oleh Kementerian BUMN. Terdapat pendekatan lain untuk menyusun IKU yaitu berdasarkan kerangka Balanced Scorecard yang memiliki keunggulan pengukuran yang seimbang antara aspek finansial dan operasional.
Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam penelitian kualitatif, peneliti melakukan in-depth interview terhadap pihak terkait untuk mempelajari lebih dalam tentang IKU saat ini dan mengetahui ekspektasi dari pihak-pihak tersebut dalam proses penyusunan IKU berdasarkan kerangka IT BSC dan COBIT 5 yang digunakan sebagai panduan untuk menyusun sasaran strategis berdasarkan visi Divisi TI. Penelitian ini diakhiri dengan analisis perbandingan IKU berdasarkan ketujuh kriteria KPKU dan IKU berdasarkan keempat perspektif IT BSC. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa IKU saat ini belum mampu mengukur kinerja TI secara komprehensif karena belum mengikutsertakan aspek pengukuran kontribusi perusahaan dan orientasi pengguna. Sebagai solusi dalam hal ini, pengukuran kedua aspek tersebut tercakup dalam IKU berdasarkan IT BSC. Kedua perspektif tersebut menjadi IKU saat ini yang menjadi perrmasalahan terkait domain pengukuran kinerja dalam tata kelola TI.
ABSTRACTPerformance measurement is important for organizations because it can be seen between the achievement of organizational alignment with the business strategy that has been set. Periodic performance measurement will ensure that IT can be run in accordance with the expectations of the top management and to help organizations survive and succeed in a competitive business in the present and future. performance measurement, among others, must be verifiable that provide information that is to be the benchmark of achievement, then as much as possible the performance measurement approach and objectives of intent must be comprehensive measurement that meets all the important aspects of performance measurement.PT PGN which represented by SBU I felt the achievement of IT Division has not been in accordance with the expectations of stakeholders that may be due to the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that have not been effectively used to measure the performance of IT department in a comprehensive manner. KPI is currently using the Assessment Criteria for Performance Excellence approach adopted from the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence and its use is required by the Ministry of SOEs. There is another approach to prepare KPI is based on the Balanced Scorecard framework which has the advantage of measuring the balance between the financial and operational aspects.This study was included in the qualitative research, researchers conducted in-depth interviews with relevant parties to learn more about the current KPI and knowing the expectations of the parties are in the process of preparation of KPI based IT BSC framework and COBIT 5 is used as a guide for preparing strategic goals based on the vision of the IT Division. This study concludes with a comparative analysis based on the seven criteria KPKU KPI and KPI based on the four perspectives of BSC IT. This study resulted in the conclusion that the KPI has not been able to comprehensively measure the performance of IT because it has not included the measurement aspects of corporate contributions and user orientation. As a solution in this case, the measurement of these two aspects are included in the KPI based IT BSC. With the addition of this KPI is a solution for problems related to IT governance domains."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library