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Ditemukan 1 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Elisabeth Herwanti
"Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi perawat pelaksana tentang upaya kepala ruangan memotivasi bawahan dengan kepuasan kerjanya di RSUD Prof. DR. W. Z. Johannes Kupang. Upaya kepala ruangan memotivasi bawahan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: pencapaian, pengakuan, minat kerja, tanggung jawab dan kemajuan. Kepuasan kerja secara komposit dilihat dari insentif, kebijakan organisasi, interaksi, profesional dan otonomi.
Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah perawat pelaksana di Unit Rawat Inap yang berjumlah 176 orang. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 117 perawat pelaksana dengan status pegawai negeri sipil. Pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya di RSUD Kota Bekasi.
Gambaran karakteristik demografi responden 51,3% berusia < 28 tahun, 51,3% lama kerjanya < 5 tahun, jenis kelamin 80,3% perempuan dan 65% tingkat pendidikan SPIT 1 setara. Responden mempunyai persepsi tentang upaya kepala ruangan cenderung sering memotivasi bawahan dengan nilai rata-rata 2,98. Sedangkan untuk kepuasan kerja responden cenderung merasa puas dengan nilai rata-rata 2,95 (range skor 1-4). Hasil analisis bivariat (Pearson correlation ) antara persepsi perawat pelaksana tentang upaya kepala ruangan memotivasi bawahan dengan kepuasan kerjanya memiliki nilai p 0,0001 (< a) untuk semua dimensi motivasi. Hal ini menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kedua variabel tersebut. Hasil analisis multivariat (analisis regresi linier ganda dengan metode Backward) didapatkan hanya dimensi pencapaian pekerjaan yang mempunyai hubungan dengan kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan kepada pimpinan RSUD Prof DR. W. Z. Johannes Kupang hendaknya mempertahankan bahkan meningkatkan pengembangan karir perawat melalui penyediaan dana untuk pendidikan/pelatihan, meningkatkan fasilitas untuk perawat serta keterlibatan bawahan dalam menentukan kebijakan.
Pimpinan keperawatan hendaknya membuat program jenjang karir serta meningkatkan peran sebagai mediator. Kepala ruangan kiranya meningkatkan umpan balik yang menumbuhkan motivasi kerja.
Daftar Pustaka 50 (1993 - 2002)

The Relationship between the Nurses Perception on the Efforts of Head Nurses to Motivate Staff and Their Job Satisfaction at the Public Hospital Prof DR. W. Z. Johannes Kupang, 2002"This study is a descriptive analytic study with cross-sectional design. The purpose was to identify the relationship between the nurses perception on the efforts of head nurses to motivate staff and their job satisfaction at the Public Hospital Prof. DR. W. Z. Johannes Kupang. The efforts of head nurses to motivate his/her staff are shown in five dimensions. The dimensions are the achievement, recognition, work improvement, responsibility and advancement. The job satisfaction measured as incomelmonthly incentives, the policy of organization, interaction, professional and autonomy.
The population of the study was all nurses (N = 189) who were working in the wards at the hospital. The sample included in the study was 117 staff who were all government official. A series of questionnaire was utilized to collect the required data. The pilot testing was conducted at the Public Hospital Bekasi City prior to the data collection. The purpose was to identify the validity and the reliability of the instrument.
The demographic characteristic of the respondents was as-follows: 51,3% of the respondents was under 28 years old, and had experiences less than five years. More than 80,3% respondents were female, and 65% graduated from SPK. The description of the nurses perception on the efforts of head nurses to motivate staff had a mean score of 2,98; whereas the mean score of the perception of nurses job satisfaction was 2,95 (range score 1-4).
The relationship between the nurses perception on the efforts of head nurses to motivate staff (five dimensions: achievement, recognition, work improvement, responsibility and advancement) and the nurses job satisfaction was tested using A Pearson Correlation test. The result showed both variables were significantly correlated with alpha 0,0001.
A stepwise regression using Backward approach was conducted to identify the most influential dimension in the relationship. The dimension was achievement.
Based on the above findings, it is recommended that the management of the hospital should improve the nurses' work performance through certain incentives such as financial support, provide opportunities for nurses to pursue further education, and to motivate nurses to participate in developing hospital policies. The head nurses are recommended to develop a career ladder and to play as a mediator. The head nurses are also recommended to motivate the staff through feedback that yield to work motivation.
Reference 50 books (1993-2002)"
T 2923
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