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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Dalam suatu kepailitan, terdapat berbagai pihak yang memiliki kepentingan, seperti debitor yang berutang dan kreditor yang berpiutang. Karenanya harus diadakan pengaturan-pengaturan mengenai kepailitan. Hukum Kepailitan yang berlaku sekarang ini adalah Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004. Kepailitan tidak hanya dapat diajukan oleh kreditor, tetapi juga dapat diajukan oleh debitor sendiri. Tetapi hal tersebut memberikan celah bagi debitor untuk melarikan diri. Dalam hal tersebut, Hakim harus bersikap aktif karena pemeriksaan permohonan kepailitan bersifat sederhana. Mengenai pelunasan utangnyapun, kreditor tidak dapat melakukan apapun apabila debitor berdalil tidak mempunyai aset berharga. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis-normatif dan menggunakan teori hermeneutika hukum. ......In a bankruptcy, there are many parties who have an interest in it, called Debtor who owes and Creditor who has receivables. Therefore, there should ne a sufficient regulation to keep everything related to bankruptcy measured. The bankruptcy law which regulates the bankruptcy in Indonesia is Law No. 37 Year 2004. Bankruptcy is not only stated by creditor, debtor is also capable to put his own state into bankruptcy and the debtor may exploit it in order to escape from the debts. Pertaining to that issue, the judge is expected to be more active in consideration of the nature of the examination in bankruptcy petition is simple. Concerning the debts settlement, the creditor would be helpless if the debtor can not provide any adequate assets to repay the debts. This research is jurisdicial normative type of research and using the theory of hermeneutika law.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Menurut SDKI (2007) AKI saat ini adalah 228/100.000 KH, sedangkan AKB sebesar 34/1.000 KH. Angka ini masih jauh dari target yang harus dicapai pada tahun 2015 sesuai dengan kesepakatan Sasaran Pembangunan Millenium (Millenium Development Goal/MDG) yang ditetapkan WHO yaitu sebesar 102/100.000 KH dan AKB sebesar 23/1.000 KH. Sementara itu AKI di Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah adalah 241,84/100.000 KH dan AKB sebesar 60/1.000 KH, dan Sulawesi Tengah menempati urutan ke-5 tertinggi di Indonesia. Bidan di desa sebagai ujung tombak pelayanan di tingkat dasar diharapkan mampu memperluas jangkauan pelayanan KIA sesuai dengan tugas pokok dan fungsinya yaitu meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat khususnya dalam upaya pencapaian target cakupan k4. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kinerja bidan di desa serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja bidan tersebut dalam pencapaian target cakupan K4. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa perlu adanya pelatihan yang bersifat teknis serta manajemen yang berkesinambungan dan merata bagi bidan di desa, penambahan dan pemerataan tenaga bidan sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat, serta mempertimbangkan reward bagi bidan yang cakupan K4 nya mencapai target dan sanksi tegas bagi bidan yang cakupan K4 nya menurun.
According to SDKI (2007), in this time the number of MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate) is 228/100.000 live birth, while the number of IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) is 34/1000 live birth. Those number still far away from target that must be achieved in 2015 based on Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) which is appointed by WHO that is 102/100.000 live birth for MMR and 23/1000 live birth for IMR. Meanwhile, the number of MMR in Central of Sulawesi is 241.84/100.000 live birth and the number of IMR is 60/1000 live birth, and also refers to those number, Central of Sulawesi becomes top five rank in Indonesia. Midwifes in village as principal point of basic services are supposed to be able in expanding maternal and child health based on main task and the function for increasing public health status, especially in achieving K4 scope target. Aim of this research is to know the description and relating factors of midwife?s village performance in K4 scope target achievement. This research is quantitative research with cross-sectional design. Result of this research recommends that technical training and also continual and balance management is needed for midwifes in village. Besides that, the recommendation of this research are to improve and generalize midwifes that appropriate with public needs and also to consider about reward for midwifes which their K4 scope can achieve the target, while punishment for midwifes that their K4 scope is decreasing.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Program Jaminan Persalinan (Jampersal) adalah suatu upaya dari pemerintah untuk menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) dan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB). Berdasarkan Survey Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2007, AKI 228 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup, AKB 34 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup. Menurut hasil Riskesdas 2010, persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan pada kelompok sasaran miskin baru mencapai 69,3% dan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan di fasilitas baru mencapai 55,4%. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui pemanfaatan program Jampersal berdasarkan karakteristik ibu di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Arut Selatan Kecamatan Arut Selatan Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross Sectional, dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai April 2012. Uji statistik yakni univariat sampai dengan bivariat. Pada pemanfaatan Jampersal hanya 5 variabel yang berhubungan yaitu : pengetahuan, pekerjaan, pendapatan, waktu tempuh dan biaya transportasi. ......Labor Assurance Program (Jampersal) is an government?s effort to decrease Maternal Mortality Rate (AKI) and Infant Mortality Rate (AKB). Based on Indonesia Health Demographic Survey (SDKI) 2007, AKI is 228 per 100.000 live births, and AKB is 34 per 1.000 ones. According to Riskesdas 2010, labor by health officer to low income target group is just reach 69.3% and in new facility 55.4%. This study aims to find out utilization Jampersal based on maternal characteristic in working area of public health center South Arut, South Arut subdistrict, West Kotawaringin regency 2012. It is using cross sectional design, carried out on January to April 2012. Statistical test using univariat and bivariat one. In utilization of Jampersal only 5 variables have correlation that are: knowledge, occupation, income, lenght of time to health service and additional cost.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elin Erlina
Abstrak :
Banten Sultanate is a region known having active and productive ulema (the savants) in writing and copying manuscripts (works) especially religious manuscripts. The process of works writing got full support from the ruler. It had been recorded since Sultan Abu Mafakir Mahmud Abd al-Qadir regime (ruled 1626-1651), and furthermore, the productive period of process of works writing continued until the 19th century. Many of them belonged to Middle East ulema alumnae and stayed in Mecca for a long time, while being there they were active in writing work. Banten Sultanates had a religion counselor, who was one of ulema alumnus, at the same time as a royal work writer who was used to write on his king request. Some religious manuscripts were /dab literature which contained religious teaching an advices, for example filch, theology, Sufism or mysticism, tafsir, nahwu and sarI(Arabic grammer), akhlaq (morals and Islam etics), etc. They were written in Arabic, Sundanesse, Javanesse, and Malay with Pegon, Jawi, Arabic and Latin writing character. And those manuscripts haven't been much researched yet until to day primarity from philological approach. One of Bantenese who had ever been in Mecca is Abdullah bin Abd al-Qahhar al-Bantani - henceforth we call him al-Bantani - he was a writer and copier of the 18""' century's works in the rule of Sultan Abu Nasr `Arif al-Din Zain al-`Asyigin bin `Abd al-Fath Syifa' 7ain al-`Arifin (1753-1777). He wrote three religious books and one of them is Fat/i al Muluk Liyasila ila Malik al-Mu/0k `ala Qa `idat Ahl al-Su/ilk (FM) that contained mysticism. This book had neo¬sufism typical written based on Sultan's request in 1183 H (1769M) and become one of Sultan's private library collections. He is also considered as a great Bantenes ulemas after Yusuf al-t Makassari (d. 1699M). The other his works and copies in manuscripts now are still kept in National Library of Indonesia and have not been published yet. FM is a codex unicus and autographic manuscript which in this research as an object that is done using philological and intertextual approach with editing of the text and content analysis. FM's content represents description of Sufism tendency happened commonly in the world of Islam in the 17d' - 18' centuries. In that era, Sufism tended to Islam orthodhox that was tighter and was reconciled with al-Ghazali teaching. While al-Ghazali was considered as a sunni sufic mystic prominent figure. Around the 16tl' - 17d' centuries, sufism world tended to heterodhox and heretical teaching, for instance wandat al-wujud (the unity of being) doctrine of Ibn `Arabi which is considered as a philosophical sufic mystic. Through FM, al-Bantani did reconciliation between al-Ghazali's teaching and Ibn 'Arabi's teaching, and based this reconciliation (or combination) of teaching on the main source of syari a (Islamic formal law, Sacred law); the Koran and the sunna (the prophet tradition). It made al-Bantani's teaching and thought categorized Neo-sufism. This reconciliation of the two teaching (al-Ghazali's and Ibn `Arabi's) was reflected primarily on al-Bantani's thought of relation between God and Nature which regarded as the relation between Khhliq (The Creator) and khalq (the creature). In such a relation, al-Bantani made the concept of tajalli (manifestation of God) of Ibn `Arabi becoming more accessible from the syaz a side, that is Allah does tajalli with creature in His tanzih (purification) and His tasybth (assimilation) so the only and only God as The One Reality is Allah who is pure from all countable creature - He is an Uncountable - and similarity to the creature. His tajalli or tanazzul is...
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Erlina
Abstrak :
RS Delima Asih Sisrna Medika Karawang merupakan RSU swasta tipe C yang telah beroperasi selama kurang lebih 3 tahun. Dalam kunm waktu tersebut, RS Delima Asih telah berhasil menjalin ketjiasama dengan sejumlah 36 perusahaan dan asuransi untuk pembiayaan kesehatan karyawannya. Pemasamn merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam pertumbuhan RS Delima Asih, untuk itu perlu disusun sebuah rencana strategis pemasaran yang tepat untuk RS Delima Asih. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil indepth interview, FGD dan CDMG dan data sekunder diperoleh dari laporan Kepala Bagian, Direktur dan suxnber lain yang remain. Am analisis yang digunakan muah "rows Mau-ix, re Matrix dan BCG Matrix. Responden adalah 6 orang Kepala Bagian. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Maret-Mei 2009. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa RS Délima Asih berada pada kuadran I (Future Quadrant) dalam TOWS Matrix, se] Growth and Stability dalam IE Matrix dan tiga unit fungsional di kuadran Question Mark serta 2 unit di kuadran Dogs. Strategi terpilih adalah penetrasi pasar. ......Delima Asih Sisma Medika Hospital in Karawang is type C general private hospital, that has been operating for approximately 3 years. For this time, Delima Asih Hospital has been making good cooperation as a health care provider for 36 companies and insuranees. Marketing is one of the main focus needed more attention in order to support the development of Delima Asih Hospital. So, the Hospital management needs to arrange a good and appropriate marketing strategic planning. This study is a qualitative study, using primary and secondary data. The primary data getting from the result of indepth interview, Focused Group Discussion and CDMG and the secondary data getting from the report of Managers, Directors and other available sources. The tools in doing analysis are TOWS Matrix, IE Matrix and BCG Matrix. Respondents arae 6 Managers of the hospital. This study conducted on March - May, 2009. The result of this study provides that Delima Asih Hospital in TOWS Matrix has position in Future Quadrant, in IE Matrix in Growth and StabiIity Cell and in BCG Matrix, there are three units in Question Mark and two units in Dogs Quadrant. The final chosen strategy is market penetration.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lina Erlina
Abstrak :
Identifikasi self efficacy mobilisasi pasien selama perawatan di rumah sakit dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya merupakan hal penting yang harus dilakukan perawat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mobilisasi pasien sehingga dapat mempercepat penyembuhan dan mengindari efek negatif immobilisasi. Instrumen pengkajian untuk mengidentifikasi self-efficacy mobilisasi dan bagaimana perannya terhadap kemampuan mobilisasi pasien sampai saat ini belum didapatkan. Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan instrumen self-efficacy mobilisasi yang terbakukan dan menemukan model teoritis tentang peran self-efficacy sebagai mediator terhadap kemampuan mobilisasi pasien. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua tahap yaitu tahap pengembangan instrumen dan analisis model teoritis. Alur penelitian dilakukan dengan study kualitatif pada 10 pasien, uji validitas konten oleh 8 pakar dan uji keterbacaan pada 5 pasien, uji konstruk dengan confirmatory factor analysis CFA serta analisa model teoritis dengan structural equetion modeling SEM pada 306 pasien. Hasil penelitian tersusun instrumen self-efficacy mobilisasi yang terdiri dari 17 item yang terbakukan dan diperoleh model teoritis yang sesuai tentang peran self-efficacy mobilisasi sebagai mediator. Self-efficacy menjadi bagian penting bagi perawat dan tim kesehatan lain dalam upaya mempercepat penyembuhan pasien melalui peningkatan kemampuan mobilisasi pasien. ...... Identifying the self efficacy of patient for mobilization during hospitalization and influencing factors are important for nurses in accelerating healing and avoiding the negative effects of immobilization.The assessment instrument for this purpose and how its role to the patient 39 s mobilization capability has not yet to established. The purpose of this study is aimed to develop a standardized self efficacy for mobilization instrument and finding a theoretical model of the role of self efficacy as a mediator of patient mobilization abilities. This research has two stages. The first is the development of the instrument and the second is the theoretical model analysis. The research was conducted with qualitative study on 10 patients. Content validity test by 8 experts and legibility test in 5 patients. Construct test with confirmatory factor analysis CFA and theoretical model analysis with structural equation modeling SEM in 306 patients. The results of the study was found a self efficacy for mobilization instrument volving consist of 17 standardized items and obtained the appropriate theoretical model of the role of self efficacy for mobilization as mediators. Self efficacy as an important for nurses and other health teams in an effort to accelerate healing process of patients through performing early patient mobilization.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kusuma Erlina
Abstrak :
Kematian adalah tahapan hidup yang pasti dilalui oleh setiap makhluk hidup. Upacara kematian merupakan suatu peristiwa yang menunjukkan tindakan atas ‘yang meninggalkan’ dan ‘yang ditinggalkan’. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa kematian merupakan sesuatu yang sangat berarti dan dapat diwadahi dalam suatu arsitektur. Arsitektur terbentuk karena adanya peristiwa yang menempati ruang, begitu pula dengan arsitektur kematian yang terbentuk karenanya adanya peristiwa upacara kematian di dalamnya. Krematorium sebagai arsitektur yang menfasilitasi upacara kematian kremasi memunculkan laut sebagai komponen menghuni baru yang tidak terdapat pada teori Heidegger. ...... Death is a life stages through which every human must face. Funeral ceremony is an event of ‘the one living’ and ‘the left behind’. This writing aim to tell that death is a meaningful stage in our life and can be accomodated within architecture. The architecture is formed because of the events that take place in spaces. The architecture of death formed by funeral ceremony as the events. Crematorium as the architecture for cremation ceremony indicated sea as a new dwelling components that are not in Heidegger’s theory.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Matondang, Erlina
Abstrak :
Poverty issue in East Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) has happened for years. Some efforts have been done, but there is no significant impact yet. Poverty issue in NTT is being the concern of Indonesia's government not only because of the high number of poverty, but also the location, which is in the border territory of Indonesia-Timor Leste. Actually, whether we realize it or not, NTT has a great potential for the problem caused by its dry soil and some social issues in its society. Some of those potential is able to be seen in five local economic sectors, i.e. demography, forestry, farming and animal husbandry, trading, and tourism. This article is written to explain how big the potential of NTT is and how to manage it in order to alleviate poverty. The approach used in this article is qualitative approach with literature review as well as data collecting method. There is no special method used in analyzing this article; it just utilizes objective analysis based on current data, situation, and condition. Based on the analysis, there are a lot of potentials in NTT, but they are yet to be developed well, whereas people are stuck in the current situation, so there is no significant achievement in poverty alleviation efforts. Potential utilization can be optimally taken through strategic, effective, and efficient efforts supported by the government, both nationally and locally, and NTT society. Through potential optimization, the poverty rate in NTT should be able to be pushed down.
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2017
351 JBP 9:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Erlina
Abstrak :
Senyawa yang berperan sebagai inhibitor HDAC kelas IIa telah banyak dikembangkan sebagai obat antikanker, antiinflamasi, penyakit Huntington, human papiloma virus dan antidiabetes. Senyawa inhibitor HDAC antara lain golongan hydroxamic acid, peptida siklik, asam alifatik dan benzamide. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencari senyawa inhibitor HDAC kelas IIa salah satunya adalah melalui pendekatan farmakofor 3D berbasis ligan. Senyawa aktif HDAC4 dan HDAC7 dibuat ke dalam dataset training dan test untuk pembuatan dan validasi model farmakofor 3D berbasis ligan menggunakan LigandScout 4.09.1. Model farmakofor terbaik digunakan untuk penapisan virtual terhadap database herbaldb. Senyawa hit yang diperoleh selanjutnya dilakukan penambatan molekul menggunakan AutoDock4Zn, simulasi dinamika molekuler dan perhitungan nilai MMGB/PBSA menggunakan AMBER12. Berdasarkan hasil validasi model farmakofor 3D berbasis ligan, dipilih model farmakofor terbaik yaitu model 6 dan 10 HDAC4 dan model 1 HDAC7. Berdasarkan hasil penapisan virtual diperoleh 6 senyawa hit yaitu artocarpesin, avicularin, dimboa glucoside, eriodictin, luteolin dan mirabijalone c. Proses simulasi dinamika molekul selama 10ns menunjukan bahwa senyawa yang memiliki aktivitas terbaik yaitu senyawa artocarpesin HDAC4 , mirabijalone c dan eriodictin HDAC7. Asam amino esensial HDAC4 meliputi Asp196, Asp290 dan His198 untuk interaksi ZBG. Asam amino esensial HDAC7 meliputi Asp707, Asp801 dan His709 untuk interaksi ZBG. ......Currently, compounds as the inhibitor of HDAC class IIa are developed as anticancer, antiinflammation, Huntington disease, human papilloma virus and antidiabetes. Inhibitor compounds of HDAC are mainly divided into hydroxamic acid, cyclic peptide, aliphatic acid and benzamide. 3D pharmacophore ligand based approached was used to found inhibitor compounds of HDAC class IIa. Active compounds of HDAC4 and HDAC7 were divided into training and test dataset for build and validation of 3D pharmacophore ligand based models using LigandScout 4.09.1. The best pharmacophore model, was used for virtual screening against herbaldb database. After this steps, hit compounds would be docking using AutoDock4Zn, molecular dynamic simulation, and MMGB PBSA calculation score using AMBER12. Based on the results of 3D model validation pharmacophore based ligand, selected models are models of best pharmacophore 6 and 10 HDAC4 and model 1 HDAC7. Based on the results of virtual screening, 6 hit compounds were obtained such as artocarpesin, avicularin, dimboa glucoside, eriodictin, luteolin and mirabijalone c. Molecular dynamics simulation process for 10ns indicate that the compound has the best activity are artocarpesin for HDAC4, mirabijalone c and eriodictin for HDAC7. Essential amino acids for HDAC4 include Asp196, Asp290 and His198 for ZBG interactions. Essential amino acids for HDAC7 include Asp707, Asp801 and His709 for ZBG interaction.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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