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Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
Abstrak :
Ruang Lingkup dan cara penelltian : Telah dilakukan panelitian eksperimental pada tikus jantan dan betina galur Wistar, berumur 2-3 buian dengan berat badan 110-160 g, untuk melihat efek proteksi kurkumin terhadap kerusakan hati yang ditimbulkan oieh parasetamol dosis toksik. Penelitian dilakukan dalam 3 tahap. Tahap pertama dilakukan pada 70 ekor tikus, yang dibagi secara acak kedalam 7 kelompok, masing-masing kelompok terdin atas 10 ekor. Kelompok A - G secara bemrutan mendapat perlakuan sebagai berikut : A = kontrol sehat ( hanya mendapat akuades p.o.) ; B = kontrol sakit( parasetamol 2500 mg/kgBB p_o = par. + CMC 0,5 % ) ; C = par. + kurkumin p.o. = kur. 2,5 mg/kgBB ; D = par. + kur. 5 mg/kgBB ; E = par. + kur. 10 mglkgBB ; F = par. + ekstrak kurkuma 1000 mgIkgBB p.o. dan G = par. + N-asetilsistein 500 mglkgBB p.o. Paracetamol diberikan pada jam ke 0, sedangkan obat uji dibenkan pada jam ke 1, 3, 5, 22, 28, 46 setelah pemberian parasetamol. Tahap ke dua dilakukan untuk melihat efek kurkumin ternadap keracunan parasetamol melalui cara pembenan yang berbeda. Tahap ke dua diiakukan pada 18 ekor tikus, yang dibagi secara acak ke dalam 3 kelompok: K, L, M. Pada jam ke 0, terhadap setiap hewan coba diberikan parasetamol 500 mglkgBB IP, selanjutnya pada jam ke 1, 3, dst. seperti pada tahap I, setiap kelompok secara berurutan, diberikan CMC 0,5 % p.o. (kontrol), kurkumin 10 mglkgBB p.o. dan ekstrak kurkuma 1000 mglkgBB p.o. Tahap ke tiga terdin dari 33 ekor yang dibagi secara acak kedaiam 5 kelompok (N,O,P,Q,S). Pada jam ke 0, setiap hewan coba mendapat parasetamoi 2500 mglkgBB p.o. selanjutnya pada jam ke 1, 3, dst. kelompok N dan S secara bemrutan diberikan CMC 0,5 % p.o. (kontrol) dan arang aktif 2500 mglkgBB p.o. sedangkan terhadap kelompok O, P, Q, pada jam ke 1, 7, 22, 28 dan 46, berturut-turut diberikan kurkuminoid 20 mg ; 10 mg ; dan 2,5 mglkgBB IP_ Empat puluh delapan jam setelah pemberian parasetamoi, tikus dibunuh dengan cara xii ekapitasi setelah dibius dengan eter. Darah ditampung untuk pemeriksaan aktivitas SGPT dan SGOT. Hati tikus dieksisi, ditimbang dan dinksasi dalam larutan fonnalin-dapar 10 %, kemudian diproses tebih lanjut untuk pemenksaan histopatoiogik. Data diuji secara statistik dengan menggunakan metode analisis varians satu arah dan Kmskal-Wallis dengan batas kemaknaan p s 0,05.

Hasil dan kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelompok E yang mendapat kurkumin 10 mgIkgBB p.o., memperiihatkan efek proteksi yang Iebih balk terhadap kemsakan hati tikus yang disebabkan oleh parasetamol dosis toksik, dibandingkan dengan kelompok lain. Efek proteksi ditunjukkan dengan menurunnya aktivitas SGPT, SGOT yang tidak berbeda bennakna (p>0,05) dibandingkan dengan kontrol sehat (kelompok A), menurunnya aktivitas SGOT yang berbeda bennakna (p<0,05) dibandingkan dengan kontrol yang hanya mendapat parasetamol (kelompok B). Terdapat perbaikan gambaran histopatologik sel hati pada kelompok E (2,1_-g0,38) dibandingkan dengan kelompok B (3,1;0,31), tetapi tidak berbeda bermakna secara statistik (p>0,05). Walaupun demikian, gambaran histologik kelompok E menunjukkan kerusakan yang berslfat reversibel, yang berbeda dengan kelompok B, yaitu berupa kerusakan yang irreversibel. Selain itu, pembengkakan hati yang teriadi pada kelompok E, tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna (p>0,05) dibandingkan dengan konirol sehat. Dari data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa kurkumin yang diberikan pada dosis 10 mg/kgBB p_o_ menunjukkn efek proteksi terhadap keracunan parasetamol pada tikus. Efek proteksi tersebut tampaknya tidak dilangsungkan lewat penghambatan absorpsi parasetamol di saluran cema.
Scope and Method of Study: The purpose of this study is to investigate the possible protective effects of curcumin on liver damage induced by paracetamol in rat. The study was carried out on 110 - 160 g, 2-3 months old Vlhstar derived rats of both sexes, and was divided into three steps. The first step was intended to investigate the optimal dose of curcumin in reducing liver damage induced by paracetamol. The experimental animals were divided into 7 groups of 10 rats each randomly. All drugs were given orally, and were treated as follows : Group A : normal rats (were given water only) ; B (paracetamol 2500 mg/kgBW) ; C (paracetamol 2500 mg/kgBW and curcumin 2.5 mg/kgBW) ; D (paraoetamol 2500 mg/kgBW and curcumin 5 mg/kgBW) ; E.(paracetamol 2500 mglkgBW and curcumin 10 mg/kgBW) ; F (paracetarnol 2500 mg/kgBW and curcuma extract 1000 mg/kgBW) and group G (paracetamol 2500 mg/kgBW and N-acetylcysteine 500 mg/kgBW), respectively. Curcumin, curcuma extract and N-acetylcysteine was given at 1, 3, 5, 22, 28, and 46 hours afterparacetamol. The second step was intended to investigate the effect of curcumin P.O. on llver damage induced by IP injection of paracetamol 500 mgIkgBW. The groups consist of control group (K), given only paracetamol, curcumin-treated group (L), 10 mg/kgBW P.O. and curcuma-treated rats (M), 1000 mg/kgBW P.O. The third step was intended to investigate the effect of curcuminoid IP on liver damaged induced by paracetamol 2500 mg/kgBW orally. This groups consist of control group (N), given only paracetamol; curcuminoid treated groups (O, P, Q) 1 20 mg ; 10 mg, and 2.5 mg/kg BW, respectively, given at 1, 7, 22, 28 and 46 hours after paraoetamol administration, and activated charcoal-treated rats, 2500 mg/kgBW orally (group S). Fourty eight hours afterthe administration of paracetamol, the experimental animals were ether anesthetized and decapltated. Blood were collected and SGPT XlV nd SGOT activities were determined ; the livers were excised, weighted, and 'fixed in 10 % buffered-formalin for making histologic preparations. Data were statistically analyzed using analysis of varians and Kruskal-Wallis methods.

Result and Conclusions: The results showed that curcumin of 10 mgIl
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
Yogyakarta: Balai Bahasa Provinsi Yogyakarta, 2014
305.8 ERN i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2013
PGB 0282
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai efek antikandida in vitro dengan menggunakan ekstrak segar bawang putih baik jenis jantan umbi tunggal maupun jenis betina (umbi bergerombol). Bawang putih diperoleh secara acak dari beberapa pasar dan pasar swalayan. Pembuktian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda tabung pengenceran dan metode difusi "disc agar" untuk menetapkan kadar hambat minimal (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration = MIC) dan kadar bunuh minimal (Minimal Lethal Concentration = MLC ). Dengan metoda tabung pengenceran, MIC dan MLC bawang jantan pada inkubasi 370 C selama 24 jam berturut-turut adalah 0,98 mg/mL dan 3,91 mg/mL, sedangkan bawang putih betina : 0,245 mg/mL dan 31,25 mg/mL. Dengan metoda difusi "disc agar" hanya ditentukan MIC dengan adanya zona hambatan di sekitar kertas cakram (diameter 8 mm). Zona hambatan kedua jenis bawang mulai tampak jelas pada kadar 31,25 mg/mL sebesar 13,7 mm (bawang jantan) dan 12,6 mm (bawang betina). Secara statistik hasil tersebut tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan flukonazol sebagai kontrol. ...... Anticandidal effect study of freshly garlic extract both male type and female type of garlic has been carried out in vitro. The garlic was taken randomly from market and supermarket. By using the tube dilution method and the diffusion disc-agar method to asses Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimal Lethal Concentration ( MLC ). With tube dilution method, MIC and MLC of the male type of garlic extract is 0.98 mg/mL and 3.91 mg/mL respectively, while the female type of garlic extract is 0.245 mg/mL and 31.25 mg/mL respectively ( on 24 hour incubation at 370 C ). By using diffusion disc-agar method, the extract of garlic both male and female type of garlic as well has just shown inhibition zone around the paper disc ( 8 mm in diameter ) at 31.25 mg/mL concentration. The inhibition zone diameters are 13.7 mm for male type and 12.6 mm for female type of garlic. Statistically it is not possible to compare this result with fluconazole as a control drug.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis distribusi liposomal-metilprednisolon palmitat (L-MPLP) di beberapa organ pada mencit C3H setelah pemberian secara intra-peritoneal. Sebagai formula baru, L-MPLP pada membran liposom meningkat dari 70% menjadi 95% setelah digunakan tetra eter lipid dalam komposisi liposom sebagai penstabil membran. Atas dasar penelitian tersebut, L-MPLP akan terdistribusi dengan lebih baik di beberapa organ pada mencit dibandingkan control yaitu MPLP sebagai obat bebas, metilprednisolon (MPL) sebagai standar dan liposom tanpa obat. Empat puluh dua mencit C3H dibagi ke dalam 5 grup penelitian. Setiap grup dibagi ke dalam 6 waktu penelitian. Setiap obat disuntikkan intra-peritoneal. Darah diambil dari vena ekor (menit ke 10; 30; 60; 90; 180 dan jam ke 48) dan dilakukan ekstirpasi organ (hepar, limpa, timus, ginjal dan sumsum tulang) pada menit ke setalah mencit dimatikan dengan eter. Distribusi L-MPLP dalam organ tampak jelas pada menit ke 180 dan menurun setelah 48 jam. Distribusi obat atau metabolitnya tampak menonjol pada hepar, diikuti secara berurutan oleh limpa, timus, ginjal dan sumsum tulang.
The Distribution of Liposomal-Methylprednisolone Palmitate (L-MPLP) in Several Organs in Mice after Intra-Peritoneal Injection. This study was to analyze the distribution of liposomal-methylprednisolone palmitate (L-MPLP) as a new drug formulation, in several organs of mice after intra-peritoneal injection. In a previous study, in vitro, the stability and the incorporation of methylprednisolone palmitate into liposome membranes were increased, from 70% to approximately 95% using tetra-ether lipid as a stabilizer of the liposome membrane. Based on this result, the stability of L-MPLP should also be proved, in vivo, that the drug, methylprednisolone palmitate, could be distributed into several organs more effective than in a control group (methylprednisolone palmitate and methylprednisolone as a standard of drug and liposome). Forty-two mice of C3H were divided into 5 study groups. Each group of animals was divided into 6 sub-groups of time from 10 minutes to 48 hours. Each drug was injected intra-peritoneal, blood was drawn from the vein of the tail and the organs i.e. liver, kidneys, spleen, thymus, and bone marrow were extirpated after sacrificing the mice using ether. The distribution of the drug or their metabolites was higher at the minute of 180 and tended to decrease at the time of 48 hours after injection. The higher distribution was shown in the liver and rather high in the spleen, thymus, kidney, and bone-marrow respectively.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia; STK Yarsi ; Guru Besar Tamu FKUI, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
Abstrak :
Liposomes are used for drug carriers meaning that drugs are incorporated in the membrance or the vesicle of the liposomes. In this study, liposomes were prepared from mixed micelles, consisting of phosphatidylcholone, without or with cholesterol and sodium cholate was added in several ratios namely 0.44; 0.55; 0.63; 0.70; 0.90 and 1.10. After the preparation, the sodium cholate has been removed by a dialysis membrance, using the Hemoflow High Flux, which is generally used for haemodialysis. The Hemoflow High Flux is a tool an effort to obtain a simple, quick, effective method for removing sodium cholate in the process of preparing liposomes. The effectiveness of this tool was proved by the particle size of the liposome which was measured by the Malvern Particle Sizer. The particle size of the liposome consisting of phosphatidycholine (PC) without cholesterol and with cholesterol was 63-68 nm at all ratios andapproximately 125 nm at the ratio of 0.55; 0.63; 0.70, respectively. The particle size of the liposome tended to be smaller after dialyzing although the concentration of lipids tended to increase. However, a larger amount of buffer solution has to be used with this method.
Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia; Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology University of Freiburg, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menguji stabilitas fisik dan kimia secara in vitro dan stabilitas biologik secara in vivo terhadap formula terbaru liposom EPC-TEL2,5. Liposom sebagai pembawa berbagai obat (drug carrier) yang berukuran 50 - 200 nanometer, merupakan salah satu produk teknologi nano (nanotechnology). Liposom ini merupakan formulasi terbaru yang mengandung lesitin / fosfatidilkolin kuning telur (egg yolk phosphatidyl choline=EPC dan Tetra eter lipid (TEL) 2,5 mol % dari Sulfolobus acidocaldarius atau Thermoplasma acidophilum.yang kemudian dinamakan sebagai liposom EPC-TEL2,5, belum pernah diuji stabilitasnya. Pada penelitian ini digunakan TEL dari Thermoplasma acidophilum. Kestabilan liposom dalam membawa obat hingga mencapai organ sasaran akan sangat menentukan dosis terapi obat. Uji kestabilan liposom EPC-TEL2,5 dilakukan pada liposom tanpa perlakuan (tanpa ekstrusi atau sonikasi), liposom hasil ekstrusi membran 200 nm, dan liposom hasil sonikasi. Secara fisik, uji dilakukan dengan cara mengukur jumlah dan diameter partikel liposom setelah penyimpanan pada suhu 4º C, suhu kamar, dan 37º C. Secara kimia dengan mengukur jumlah dan diameter partikel liposom setelah pemaparan garam NaCl; CaCl2; MgCl2 pada pH 5; 7; 9. Pengukuran jumlah dan diameter partikel liposom ke dua jenis uji stabilitas dilakukan pada hari I; hari VII; akhir bulan I; bulan II, dan bulan III. Secara biologik dilakukan pengukuran hasil degradasi TEL pada menit ke 0; 30; 60; jam ke 2; 4; dan 8 setelah penyuntikan liposom EPC-TEL2,5 secara IP, pada mencit. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa liposom tampak stabil hingga akhir bulan I pada suhu 4º C dan 37º C pada uji stabilitas fisik; tetap stabil hingga akhir bulan II pada uji stabilitas kimia pada larutan garam NaCl; CaCl2 pada pH 5 dan 7. Liposom EPC-TEL2,5 terdegradasi di hepar mencit pada uji stabilitas biologik.
The Physical, Chemical, and the Biological stability test on Liposome EPC-TEL 2.5 as the newest drug delivery systems (drug carrier), in vitro and in vivo. This experiment is carried out in order to improve the stability of the Liposome EPC-TEL 2.5 physically, chemically, and biologically. As a new formula, this liposome that has contained phosphatidylcholine from egg yolk=EPC and Tetra-ether Lipid (TEL) from membrane of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius or Thermoplasma acidophilum had never been tested on their stability. The stability of liposome to carry the drug into the targeted cells or organs is required for determining the therapeutic dose of the drugs. Physically, the test was done by measuring the amount and diameter of liposome after incubating at 4º C, at room temperature, and 37º C. Chemically, the test was also done using the same parameters after introduction of chemical solution of NaCl, CaCl2; MgCl2 at the pH of 5; 7; 9. The measurements was carried out on day 1; 7; and month 1; 2; and 3. Biologically, liposome EPC-TEL 2.5 was injected Intra-Peritoneally to mice to detect the degradation of TEL in their liver, at the minute of 0; 30 ; 60 ; the hour of 2; 4; and 8. The results of these tests were shown that liposome EPC-TEL 2.5 was stable until the last month of 1 at 4º C and 37º C on physical stability test; more stable at the chemical solution of NaCl and CaCl2 at the pH of 5 and 7 until two months; and TEL was degradable in liver of mice.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
Abstrak :
The studies of neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects of Acalypha indica Linn. water extract ex vivo on Musculus gastrocnemius frog have already done at three Departments in Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. The experimental studies were done on 2 groups of frog for neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects. Each group of frog was divided into 7 subgroups of application, 4 samples each. There were 5 subgroups of doses: 5; 10; 15; 20; 25 mg and 2 subgroups as control. Pancuronium bromide 0.2%, 4 mg, was used for a positive control as muscle relaxant. Neuroprotection study was done as follow: ringer - extract - pancuronium bromide, and neuro-therapy study was ringer - pancuronium bromide - extract, respectively. The parameters measured in these studies were the electrical activities such as amount and duration (second) of re-polarization; depolarization, resting potential, and the height of spike after electrical stimulation at 5 mV. Neuro-protection effect of extract was determined by the ability of muscle to show the electrical response after incubating with pancuronium bromide for 10 minutes, and after incubating with extract for 10 minutes for neuro-therapy effect. In the dose of 15 mg and 20 mg/mL of A. indica Linn. extract showed better activities than the dose of 25 mg of extract, both as neuro-protection and neuro-therapy effects, but statistically its have not a significant difference. This study should be followed by an in vivo experiment on frog and it would be done in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on other animal models.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library