"Dalam penatalaksanaan diare non spesifik sering terjadi ketidaktepatan pengobatan seperti pemakaian antibiotika. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola dan biaya penggunaan antibiotika pada pasien rawat jalan diare non spesifik balita ini dilaksanakan di puskesmas MTBS dan non-MTBS di wilayah Kota Tangerang Selatan tahun 2012.
Rerata item obat per resep, persentase pemberian oralit dan persentase resep mengandung antibiotika pada puskesmas MTBS berturut ? turut adalah 3,18 item, 89,53% dan 25,43%. Pada puskesmas non-MTBS adalah 3,33 item, 60,11% dan 62,84%. Pola peresepan berhubungan dengan biaya obat pada kedua puskesmas, sementara faktor penjamin tidak berhubungan. Penatalaksanaan MTBS di puskesmas mendorong rasionalitas penggunaan antibiotika.
In the management of non-specific diarrhea, frequently found inaccuracy of treatment such as the use of antibiotics. The research aims to determine the patterns and costs of antibiotic used in the toddler outpatient of non-specific diarrhea. It was conducted in IMCI and non-IMCI health centers in South Tangerang City in 2012.
The mean drug items per prescription, percentage of ORS and the percentage of prescriptions containing antibiotics in IMCI health centers were 3.18 item, 89.53% and 25.43%. In the non-IMCI health centers the figures were 3.33, 60.11% and 62.84%. Prescribing pattern was associated with the cost of drugs in both health centers, while source of payment was unrelated. IMCI management in health centers encourages rational antibiotics use."