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Ditemukan 19 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Delft: Delft University Press, 1999
660.284 FAK h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Fakhri
Abstrak :
Pembangunan yang dilaksanakan selama ini terlalu berorientasi pada kepentingan ekonomi nasional, sehingga mengabaikan pengembangan potensi ekonomi lokal. Pola pembangunan tersebut cenderung melupakan aspek pembangunan institusi. Akibatnya kurang menyentuh inisiatif, partisipasi dari lapisan masyarakat bawah untuk terlibat dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan. Hal ini disebabkan karena mereka kurang merasa memiliki terhadap program yang datangnya dari pemerintah (yang bersifat top down). Walaupun bentuk program tersebut berkaitan dengan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, namun pada akhirnya program tersebut terhenti pada masa pelaksanaan berakhir, seperti program Kredit Usaha Tani, Program Pemberdayaan Kecamatan. Permasalahan ini akan berdampak pada hubungan pemerintah sebagai pelaksanaan program dengan masyarakat sebagai penerima program. Mutlak diperlukan adanya perubahan dalam pendekatan pembangunan agar dapat berkesinambungan. Pendekatan yang popular adalah pembangunan yang berpusat pada rakyat, di mana tingkat partisipasi serta inisiatif masyarakat sangat diperlukan melalui pengembangan institusi lokal, sehingga ada kesinambungan pelaksanaan dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat. Untuk melihat hal tersebut, peneliti melakukan survei lapangan ke lokasi di Alahan Panjang, Kabupaten solok Sumatera Barat. Disana ditemukan adanya suatu institusi lokal yang telah ikut membac- up perekonomian masyarakat Alahan Panjang. Institusi tersebut bernama Handel yang artinya perputaran. Handel ditujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan modal petani dalam berusaha. Untuk itu kegiatan utamanya adalah dalam usaha simpan pinjam uang, dimana pada akhirnya uang tersebut dapat menggerakkan usaha tani dari para anggota Handel. Disini terlihat besarnya peranan Handel dalam usaha tani di Alahan Panjang, selain itu dari sumbangan handel juga diperuntukkan untuk membangun sarana ibadah, jalan dan kegiatan sosial lainnya. Tempat utama diadakannya pertemuan handel adalah di mushalla/surau atau di mesjid. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yang mana informan dikumpulkan dari beberapa informan. Para informan dipilih melalui teknik purposive-snow ball sesuai dengan permasalahan penelitian. Para informan penelitian ini meliputi mereka yang mengetahui handel (pengurus dan anggota handel), mereka yang terlibat dalam struktur pemerintahan nagari (pimpinan nagari dan anak-anak nagari). Sementara data yang dikumpulkan melalui studi dokumentasi dan hasil wawancara mendalam serta pengamatan lapangan kemudian diolah dan dianalisa secara deskriptif. Tujuan peneliti ini adalah melihat sejauh mans institusi Handel tetap bertahan menggerakkan roda ekonomi angggotanya agar keluar dari kondisi kekurangan secara ekonomi, terhindar dari ancaman rentenir dan tidak mau terikat dengan lembaga keuangan seperti bank. Di Alahan Panjang ada institusi lokal yang muncul atas inisiatif masyarakat itu sendiri. Inisiatif untuk memberdayakan diri secara ekonomi dengan sasaran usaha tani sebagai basis mata pencaharian masyarakat Alahan Panjang. Selain sisi positif dari handel, ditemukan juga sisi negatifnya yaitu karena Handel hanya diikat atas dasar saling percaya dari para anggotanya dan modal amanah dari para pengurusnya. Akibatnya mungkin saja pada suatu hari nanti, dapat terjadi hilang atau tidak kembalinya uang pinjaman. Selain itu handel lemah dalam segi administrasi dan pencatatan (manajemen administrasi), sehingga sesama ini tidak ada bukti yang cukup kuat untuk melakukan klaim pada anggota. Oleh karenanya modal utama pengawasan antar sesama anggota dan pengurus handel didasarkan pada budaya malu.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasan El Fakhri
Abstrak :
Terdapatnya upaya tangkap udang dogol (Metapenaeus ensis, De Haan 1844 ) di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya yang berlebih maka perlu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika populasi, tingkat pemanfaatan dan optimasi pemanfaatan udang dogol di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya. Penelitian dilaksanakan di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya dari bulan Januari 2013 sampai Desember 2014. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan pengambilan sampel udang dogol yang tertangkap oleh alat tangkap arad dan trammel net. Analisis dinamika populasi menggunakan program FiSAT II dan pengkajian potensi lestari dianalisis dengan menggunakan model surplus produksi dalam menentukan Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Optimasi pemanfaatan dilakukan dengan analisis Linier Programming terhadap aspek-aspek yang terkait dengan pemanfaatan udang dogol. Udang dogol di perairan ini memiliki pola pertumbuhan allometrik negatif, dengan nilai Lc > Lm yang menunjukkan sebagian besar udang dogol yang tertangkap di perairan ini sudah memijah. Nilai parameter pertumbuhan yaitu L∞: 55.8 mm, K: 1,18 per tahun, to: 0,1129, Z: 7,09 per tahun, M: 0,8 per tahun, F: 6,29 per tahun, dan E: 0,88. Nilai E menunjukkan tingkat pemanfaatan sudah melebihi batas ekploitasi dan sudah terjadi overfishing. Pendugaan MSY dan f-Opt sebesar 57 ton/tahun dan 392 unit alat tangkap standar trammel net. Skenario optimasi pemanfaatan udang dogol di perairan Cilacap dan sekitarnya yang paling menguntungkan dan lestari adalah dengan mengoperasikan 392 unit jaring trammel net dengan keuntungan Rp. 35,2 milyar per tahun.
There were an excessive fishing effort of greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus Ensis, De Haan 1844) in Cilacap Waters, so it is necessary to study the population dynamics, the level of utilization and optimization of greasyback shrimp in Cilacap waters. Research was conducted in Cilacap and surrounding waters from January 2013 to December 2014. The method used was survey method using samples of Greasyback Shrimp that were caught by fishing gear Arad and trammel net. Analysis of population dynamics used FiSAT II program. Assessment of the maximum sustainable yield was analyzed using surplus production models in order to determine the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). The optimization of the utilization of Linear Programming was done using analysis of aspects related to the use of greasyback shrimp. Greasyback Shrimp growth in the Cilacap waters moreover negative allometric, with a value of Lc> Lm which show that most of Greasyback Shrimp caught with fishing gear used in waters Cilacap already in spawning condition. Value of growth parameters L∞: 55.8 mm, K: 1.18 per year, to: 0.1129, Z: 7.09 per year, M: 0.8 per year, F: 6.29 per year, and E: 0.88. The value of E indicate that the utilization rate has exceeded the limits of exploitation (overfishing). Base on surplus production models analysis estimation of MSY was 57 tons / year while f-Opt for and 392 units using standard trammel net fishing gear. Optimization scenarios of Greasyback Shrimp in the Cilacap waters was the use of the most profitable and sustainable ways to operate 392 units trammel nets with a net profit of Rp. 35.2 billion per year, There were an excessive fishing effort of greasyback shrimp (Metapenaeus Ensis, De Haan 1844) in Cilacap Waters, so it is necessary to study the population dynamics, the level of utilization and optimization of greasyback shrimp in Cilacap waters. Research was conducted in Cilacap and surrounding waters from January 2013 to December 2014. The method used was survey method using samples of Greasyback Shrimp that were caught by fishing gear Arad and trammel net. Analysis of population dynamics used FiSAT II program. Assessment of the maximum sustainable yield was analyzed using surplus production models in order to determine the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). The optimization of the utilization of Linear Programming was done using analysis of aspects related to the use of greasyback shrimp. Greasyback Shrimp growth in the Cilacap waters moreover negative allometric, with a value of Lc> Lm which show that most of Greasyback Shrimp caught with fishing gear used in waters Cilacap already in spawning condition. Value of growth parameters L∞: 55.8 mm, K: 1.18 per year, to: 0.1129, Z: 7.09 per year, M: 0.8 per year, F: 6.29 per year, and E: 0.88. The value of E indicate that the utilization rate has exceeded the limits of exploitation (overfishing). Base on surplus production models analysis estimation of MSY was 57 tons / year while f-Opt for and 392 units using standard trammel net fishing gear. Optimization scenarios of Greasyback Shrimp in the Cilacap waters was the use of the most profitable and sustainable ways to operate 392 units trammel nets with a net profit of Rp. 35.2 billion per year]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Daffa Fakhri
Abstrak :
Perjanjian jual beli piutang seharusnya dilakukan dengan memenuhi syarat sahnya, sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Hal ini disebabkan dengan tidak terpenuhinya ketentuan mengenai syarat sah perjanjian jual beli piutang dapat mengakibatkan pembatalan perjanjian jual beli piutang. Dengan dipenuhinya syarat sah mengenai perjanjian jual beli piutang, maka dapat diminimalisasi terjadinya pembatalan perjanjian jual beli piutang yang dapat mengakibatkan akta perjanjian jual beli piutang menjadi batal demi hukum. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai keterkaitan antara perbuatan melawan hukum dengan tidak diberitahukan kepada debitur terkait cessie yang dilekati hak tanggungan, serta pertimbangan majelis hakim yang menyatakan perjanjian jual beli piutang batal demi hukum akibat tidak dilakukan pemberitahuan terkait cessie yang dilekati hak tanggungan dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan Nomor 1119/Pdt.G/2021/PN Jkt.Sel. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dengan tipe penelitian eksplanatoris. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini, keterkaitan antara perbuatan melawan hukum dengan tidak diberitahukan kepada debitur terkait cessie yang dilekati hak tanggungan adalah berdasarkan Pasal 613 KUHPerdata pemberitahuan bukan merupakan hal yang esensial dalam cessie. Akan tetapi, apabila cessie tersebut juga dilekati dengan hak tanggungan, pemberitahuan yang tidak dilakukan berpotensi mengakibatkan kerugian materiil dan immateriil bagi debitur, hal tersebut yang menyebabkannya menjadi perbuatan yang melawan hukum. Pertimbangan majelis dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan Nomor 1119/Pdt.G/2021/PN Jkt.Sel kurang tepat Akta Perjanjian Cessie 118 tidak dapat dinyatakan batal demi hukum hanya karena tidak dilakukannya pemberitahuan, seharusnya majelis hakim turut mempertimbangkan mengenai hak tanggungan yang melekat pada cessie tersebut untuk memperkuat dasar dari putusan majelis hakim. Dengan demikian, saran yang dapat diberikan adalah bagi para pihak yang ingin mengadakan perjanjian harus benar-benar mengetahui dan memahami substansi dari perjanjian yang dibuat, sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya sengketa di antara para pihak. Selain itu, disarankan bagi majelis hakim untuk lebih memperhatikan seluruh bukti-bukti yang diajukan dalam proses pembuktian di pengadilan, agar dapat memperkuat dasar dari sebuah putusan pengadilan. ......The sale and purchase agreement for receivables should be carried out in compliance with the legal requirements, in accordance with the applicable regulations. This is due to non-fulfilment of the provisions regarding the legal terms of the sale and purchase agreements receivables can result in cancellation of the sale and purchase agreement receivables. By fulfilling the legal requirements regarding the receivables sale and purchase agreement, it can be minimized the cancellation of the receivables sale and purchase agreement which can result in the deed of the sale and purchase agreement of receivables being null and void. The problem in this study is regarding the link between tort and not being notified to the debtor concerned cessie attached to the mortgage right, as well as the consideration of the panel of judges which declared the sale and purchase agreement of receivables null and void as a result of not making the relevant notification cessie which is attached to the mortgage right in the South Jakarta District Court Decision Number 1119/Pdt.G/2021/PN Jkt.Sel. To answer these problems, the research method used is normative juridical law with the type of explanatory research. The results of the analysis of this study, the relationship between tort and not being notified to the debtor concerned cessie attached to the mortgage right is according to Article 613 KUHPerdata notification is not an essential thing in cessie. However, when cessie is also attached with a mortgage right, notification that is not carried out can potentially in material and immaterial losses for the debtor, which causes it to become an tort. The panel's considerations in the South Jakarta District Court Decision Number 1119/Pdt.G/2021/PN Jkt.Sel are inaccurate Deed of Agreement Cessie 118 cannot be declared null and void simply because a notification is not made, the panel of judges should also consider the mortgage rights attached to cessie to strengthen the basis of the judge's decision. Thus, the advice that can be given is for the parties who wish to enter into an agreement must really know and understand the substance of the agreement made, so as to prevent disputes between the parties. In addition, it is suggested for the panel of judges to pay more attention to all the evidence submitted in the evidentiary process in court, in order to strengthen the basis of a court decision.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fakhri
Abstrak :
Memiliki rajah pada tubuh atau biasa disebut dengan tato adalah hal yang umum ditemukan pada masyarakat modern. Tato di masa sekarang dapat dikatakan telah memiliki kedudukan tersendiri dan menjadi pilihan dalam dunia fashion. Kemudian tato dapat dikatakan pula sebagai salah satu cara manusia untuk mengekspresikan diri. Tato di Indonesia sendiri sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu bahkan merupakan bagian dari kebudayaan khususnyadi beberapa suku asli Kalimantan dan Mentawai. Sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya masih menilai bahwa tato memiliki keterkaitan dengan hal-hal negatif, yakni dengan narkoba, alkohol, dan dunia kriminalitas. Penilaian tersebut bisa terjadi karena pada zaman Orde Baru dengan aparatus militer yang ada pada saat itu memberlakukan kebijakan menumpas penjahat melalui penembak misterius atau biasa disebut dengan petrus. Individu-individu yang ditumpas pada masa tersebut umumnya memiliki tato. Perlakuan yang diberikan oleh petrus tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai bentuk dari mengkriminalisasi para pemilik tato. Selanjutnya penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengetahui apa yang menyebabkan tato mengalami kriminalisasi simbolik dan analisanya di dalam kerangka kriminologi budaya. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Informan penelitian ini adalah satu orang yang berhasil selamat dari penangkapan penembak misterius tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab terjadinya kriminalisasi simbolik terhadap pemilik tato dikarenakan terdapat konstruksi nilai yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah pada saat itu dan hal ini berhubungan dengan salah satu konsep kriminologi budaya yang disampaikan oleh Jeff Ferrel yaitu culture as crime. ...... Having a tattoo on the body is a common thing found in modern society. Tattoos in the present have their own position and become a choice in the world of fashion. Then the tattoo can be said as one of human way to express themselves. Tattoos in Indonesia itself has existed since ancient times even part of the special culture in some indigenous tribes of Kalimantan and Mentawai. Most Indonesians in general still think that tattoos are related to negative things, such as drugs, alcohol, and the world of crime. The assessment can occur because in the "Orde Baru" era with the existing military apparatus at that time enacted the policy of crushing criminals through a mysterious shooter or commonly called a "petrus". Individuals who crushed at that time generally have tattoos. The treatment given by "petrus" is said to be a form of criminalizing tattoo owners. Furthermore, this research seeks to find out what causes the tattoo to have symbolic criminalization and it's analysis within the framework of cultural criminology. The research methodology used in this research is qualitative approach. The informant of this research is one person who survived the arrest of the mysterious shooter. Data collection were conducted by in-depth interview. The results showed that the cause of the symbolic criminalization of tattoo owners due to the construction of values established by the government at that time and this is related to one of the concept of cultural criminology presented by Jeff Ferrel is culture as crime.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dicky Fakhri
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pada anak dengan penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB) yang menjalani operasi jantung terbuka, sepsis merupakan salah satu komplikasi pascaoperasi. Lama prosedur pintas jantung paru, usia, status gizi, timektomi, dan variasi genetik, seperti polimorfisme toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 dan tollinteracting protein (TOLLIP) dapat memengaruhi respons imun. Informasi mengenai peran faktor tersebut terhadap kejadian sepsis dan respons imun pascaoperasi jantung terbuka masih terbatas. Tujuan: Mengetahui peran polimorfisme TLR2, TOLLIP, dan faktor lainnya terhadap kejadian sepsis dan respons imun pascaoperasi jantung terbuka untuk memperoleh strategi paling tepat dalam penanganan kasus bedah jantung pada anak. Metodologi: Studi longitudinal dengan non-probability consecutive sampling dilakukan pada anak <1 tahun yang menjalani operasi jantung terbuka. Pemeriksaan polimorfisme TLR2 Arg677Trp, TLR2 N199N, TOLLIP rs5743867, sel CD4 dan CD8 yang menyekresikan IFN-γ intraselular, sel Dendritik yang mengekspresikan TLR2, dan sel NK. Pasien menjalani operasi jantung terbuka. Setelah operasi, pasien dimonitor untuk menilai sepsis dan respons imun pascaoperasi. Hasil: Dari 108 subjek yang terlibat, 21,3% diantaranya mengalami sepsis. Seluruh subjek adalah mutan TLR2 Arg677Trp, 92,6% pasien adalah mutan TLR2 N199N, dan 52,8% pasien adalah mutan TOLLIP rs5743867. Polimorfisme TLR2 N199N dan timektomi total tidak diikutkan dalam model analisis multivariat. Polimorfisme TOLLIP rs5743867 (p = 0,358) menurunkan resiko sepsis, lama prosedur pintas jantung paru ≥90 menit (p = 0,002), usia neonatus (p = 0,032), dan gizi buruk (p = 0,558) meningkatkan risiko sepsis pascaoperasi. Jumlah respons imun bervariasi antara kategori, namun secara umum komponen respons imun lebih rendah pada pasien yang mengalami sepsis dibanding pada pasien yang tidak mengalami sepsis. Simpulan: Lama prosedur pintas jantung paru dan usia neonatus secara signifikan memengaruhi risiko dan kecepatan sepsis pascaoperasi. Peran polimorfisme TLR2 N199N dan TOLLIP rs5743867 terhadap kejadian sepsis dan respons imun pascaoperasi memerlukan studi komprehensif lebih lanjut.
Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time, age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and immune response after open heart surgery is still limited. Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children. Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1 year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8, TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded. After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was checked. Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients, TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis. TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p = 0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed postoperative sepsis. Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and the immune response after open heart surgery;Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time, age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and immune response after open heart surgery is still limited. Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children. Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1 year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8, TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded. After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was checked. Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients, TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis. TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p = 0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed postoperative sepsis. Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and the immune response after open heart surgery;Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time, age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and immune response after open heart surgery is still limited. Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children. Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1 year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8, TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded. After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was checked. Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients, TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis. TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p = 0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed postoperative sepsis. Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and the immune response after open heart surgery;Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time, age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and immune response after open heart surgery is still limited. Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children. Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1 year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8, TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded. After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was checked. Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients, TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis. TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p = 0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response?s counts vary in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed postoperative sepsis. Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and the immune response after open heart surgery, Background: Sepsis is one of the complications in children with congenital heart defect who underwent open heart surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time, age, nutritional status, thymectomy, and genetic variants, such as toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and toll-interacting protein (TOLLIP) polymorphism affect immune response. Information regarding those factors in the development of sepsis and immune response after open heart surgery is still limited. Objectives: To understand the role of TLR 2 and TOLLIP polymorphism, as well as other risk factors, in the development of sepsis and immune response following open heart surgery to develop the best strategy in open heart surgery in children. Methods: Longitudinal study with consecutive sampling were done in children <1 year old who underwent open heart surgery. Blood sample was obtained to check for TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism, TLR2 N199N polymorphism, TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism, the numbers of intracellular interferon γ CD4 and CD8, TLR2 expression in Dendritic cells, and NK cells. Patient then underwent open heart surgery. Thymectomy was done as indicated and CPB time was recorded. After surgery, patient was monitored for signs of sepsis and immune response was checked. Results: Out of 108 patients involved in this study, 21.3% developed postoperative sepsis. TLR2 Arg677Trp polymorphism was found in all patients, TLR2 N199N polymorphism was found in 92.6% of the patients, and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism was found in 52.8% of the patients. TLR2 N199N polymorphism and thymectomy were not included in multivariate analysis. TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism (p = 0.358) reduced the risk of sepsis, CPB time ≥90 menit (p = 0.002), neonates (p = 0.032), and severe malnutrition (p = 0.558) increased the risk of postoperative sepsis. Immune response’s counts vary in each category, but were generally lower in patients who developed postoperative sepsis. Conclusion: Cardiopulmonary bypass time and neonates significantly influenced the risk and hazard of postoperative sepsis. Further investigation on the role of TLR2 N199N and TOLLIP rs5743867 polymorphism are necessary to provide more comprehensive explanation on the development of postoperative sepsis and the immune response after open heart surgery]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ali Aufa Fakhri
Abstrak :
Keselamatan kapal sangat bergantung pada kekuatan akhir struktur dari kapal. Hal ini berkaitan dengan pembebanan yang terjadi pada kapal. Pembebanan yang melebihi batas kekuatan kapal dapat menyebabkan kegagalan struktur. Selain itu lingkungan yang korosif juga menjadi pertimbangan dalam analisa kekuatan struktur kapal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki secara numerik pengaruh dari serangan korosi merata terhadap kekuatan akhir penegar dengan profil T, L, I dan Y. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode elemen hingga menggunakan perangkat lunak ANSYS. Parameter yang digunakan adalah Penurunan ketebalan pelat profil akibat korosi dan kurva Load Displacement. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dengan berkurangnya volume dan massa dari profil, karakteristuk kekuatan akhir akan berkurang.
The safety of the ship depends on the ultimate strength of the ships structure. This is related to the loads that occurs on the ship. Loads that exceeds the ships strngth limit can cause structural failure. In addition, a corrosive environment is also a consideration in analyzing the strength of the ships structure. The purpose of this study is to investigate numerically the effect of uniform corrosion on the ultimate strength of stiffener with profiles T, L, I and Y. The method used is the finite element method using ANSYS software. The parameter used is a decrease in the profile plate thickness due to corrosion and load-displacement curves. The results of the study show that by reducing the volume and mass of the profile, the final strength characteristics will decrease.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Yusuf Fakhri
Abstrak :
Interferometer Michelson merupakan alat optik yang biasa digunakan untuk mengukur panjang gelombang cahaya dan indeks bias medium. Dalam pengukurannya, kita biasa menjumpai kesulitan dalam menggeser cermin serta mengamati perubahan pola terang gelap. Untuk mengatasinya, dibuatlah suatu sistem penggeser cermin yang dikendalikan mikrokontroller. Pergeseran dengan mikrometer sekrup, yang dikendalikan dengan motor DC, masih menunjukkan pergeseran dengan ketelitian 1μm. Untuk mengatasinya, sistem pergeseran memanfaatkan pemuaian logam untuk menggeser cermin. Penelitian ini menunjukkan dua sistem pergeseran cermin, yaitu model motor DC dan model pemuaian logam, masing-masing model ini akan dibandingkan. Untuk mengamati perubahan pola terang dan gelap digunakan sensor cahaya fotodioda. Model motor DC unggul pada kecepatan pengambilan data, sehingga sistem ini mampu mendeteksi perubahan terang gelap (sebagai jumlah cacahan) sebanyak 10564 dalam satu detik. Model pemuaian logam menggunakan sensor temperatur (LM35) untuk mengukur temperatur logam yang dipanaskan dan menghitung pemuainnya sebagai pergeseran cermin. Model ini dapat menggeserkan cermin dengan ketelitian alat ukur mencapai 0,085 μm, dimana resolusi ini berasal dari temperatur yang dideteksi LM35. Kedua model ini masih memiliki kelemahan saat benda digunakan pada percobaan interferometer michelson. Model motor DC masih memiliki kelemahan pada bagian mekaniknya, sehingga model ini masih sulit untuk menggeserkan cermin pada kecepatan dibawah 3,35mm/s. Untuk model pemuaian logam, alat masih belum memiliki resolusi yang cukup baik pada satu cacahan perubahan pola terang gelap pusat. ...... Michelson interferometer is an optical instrument that used to measure wavelengths of light and index of refraction. In the moment of measurement, we always encounter difficulties to move the moveable mirror and observe the changing of the center dark-light patterns. So, the system to move mirror that controlled by microcontroller is created. To move the mirror use micrometer screw, which is controlled by a DC motor, still shows a shift with 1μm of resolution. The movement system is utilizing the metal expansion to move the mirror. This experiment demonstrate two of the movement system, the DC motor model and metal expansion model, each of these models will be compared. To observe the changing patterns of light and dark, photodiode sensor is used. DC motor model excel at the speed of data retrieval, so the system is capable of detecting changes dark-light patterns (as counter) as much as 10564 data in one second. Metal expansion model is using a temperature sensor (LM35) for measuring the temperatur of heated metal and calculate the expansion as the movement of mirror. This model can move the mirror with instrument resolution reached 0.085 μm, where the resolution is derived from the detected temperature of the LM35. Both of these models have limitations when used in the experiment of Michelson interferometer. DC motor model still has a weakness in the mechanics, so the model is still difficult to move the mirror at speeds below 3.35 mm/s. For metal expansion model, the tool does not yet have good enough resolution at one counter as changing of the center of dark-light patterns.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marini Altyra Fakhri
Abstrak :
Indonesia dikenal dengan negara yang berada pada garis khatulistiwa yang memiliki potensi sinar matahari yang besar sehingga bisa di manfaatkan sebagai salah satu sumber energi baru terbarukan di Indonesia, yaitu PLTS Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya. Guna meningkatkan perkembangan energi baru dan terbarukan, maka diperlukan pihak swasta untuk dapat menjalin kerjsama dan bersedia menanamkan modalnya atau investasi dalam pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan. Penelitian ini secara umum secara analisis keekonomian menggunakan metode NPV, IRR, Payback Periode, dan WACC terhadap tiga skenario yang berbeda, skenario pertama sesuai dengan harga yang sesuai power purchase agreement PPA pada tahun 2014, skenario kedua melakukan financing scheme dengan diberikannya isentif terhadap perubahan harga beli listrik oleh pemerintah pada tahun 2017, dan skenario ketiga melakukan penyesuain terhadap teknologi solar panel terhadap fluktuatif itensitas radiasi matahari. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan keekonomian diperoleh untuk skenario pertama didaptakan IRR sebesar 14,47 dan NPV sejumlah 2.821.177 dengan masa pengembalian selama 6,37 tahun, skenario kedua IRR sebesar 12,27 dan NPV sejumlah 1.304.373 dengan masa pengembalian selama 7,65 tahun, dan skema ketiga dengan IRR sebesar 14,89 dan NPV sejumlah 3.056.457 dengan masa pengembalian selama 6,23 tahun. Untuk Analisis risiko menggunakan metode analisis sensitivitas dan teridentifikasi risiko yang berpotensi dapat menggangu parameter resiko investasi IRR, NPV, dan Payback Periode adalah political risk dan natural and climate risk.
Indonesia is known as a country that is on the equator which has great sunlight potential so that it can be utilized as one of renewable energy source in Indonesia, that is Solar Power Plant. This study is generally analyzed economically using the NPV, IRR, Payback Period, and WACC methods against three different scenarios, the first scenario corresponds to the appropriate power purchase agreement PPA price in 2014, the second scenario financing scheme with the incentive Changes in electricity purchase price by the government in 2017, and the third scenario is adjusting the solar panel technology to fluctuating solar radiation itensity. Based on the economic calculations obtain for the first scenario is obtain IRR of 14.47 and NPV of 2,821,177 with a payback period of 6.37 years, the second scenario is obtain IRR of 12.27 and NPV of 1,304,373 with a payback period of 7.65 years and the third scenario is obtain IRR of 14.89 and NPV of 3,056,457 with a payback period of 6.23 years.For risk analysis using sensitivity analysis methods and identified risks that could potentially disrupt investment risk parameters IRR, NPV, and Payback Period are political risk and natural and climate risk.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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