ABSTRAKTesis ini merupakan penelitian mengenai tradisi lisan Gaok di Majalengka.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan fungsi dan makna Gaok bagi
kehidupan masyarakat Kulur Majalengka serta proses pemertahanan Gaok yang
dilakukan dalang Rukmin. Sumber data diperoleh dari data lapangan dan studi
pustaka. Penelitian menggunakan beberapa konsep dan teori pertunjukan tradisi
lisan, kelisanan, teori struktural Propp dan pengelolaan tradisi lisan.
Metode penelitian menggunakan metode etnografi (salah satu pendekatan
Kajian Tradisi Lisan). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Gaok memiliki makna
dan fungsi bagi masyarakat Kulur Majalengka. Fungsi Gaok bagi masyarakat Kulur
meliputi: fungsi hiburan, media doa, dan fungsi penjaga nilai-nilai pendidikan.
Makna Gaok meliputi: Representasi nilai-nilai spiritualitas, Representasi nilai
perempuan, representasi tradisi riungan dan pesta makanan, representasi norma
hukum, dan representasi sejarah Majalengka.
Sedangkan upaya pemertahanan dilakukan oleh dalang melalui kreativitas
membuat Giok kombinasi, mengelola sanggar, dan menyimpan wawacan. Namun
demikian upaya tersebut berjalan kurang optimal karena keterbatasan kemampuan
dan dana yang dimiliki Rukmin serta kurangnya dukungan dari pihak eksternal yakni
pemerintah dan masyarakat. Akibatnya proses transmisi dan pewarisan melalui
pengajaran terhadap generasi muda tidak berjalan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis indicated a research about Gaok 's oral tradition in Majalengka. The
research aimed to disclose a function and Gaok's meaning for society life of Kulur,
Majalengka. As well as the survival process of Gaok which was done by "dalang"
(the master) Rukmin. Data sources was obtained by field study and literary study.
This research used various of concepts and the theories of oral tradition performance,
orality, Propp structural theory and the management of oral tradition.
The research method used ethnography method (one of the approaches of Oral
Tradition Study). The research result showed that Gaok had meaning and function for
Kulur society. The function were: entertainment,praying media, as well as for
keeping education values. The meaning of Gaok were: Representatives of spiritual
values, Representatives of women values, Representatives of "Riungan" tradition and
meal party, Representatives of law values, Representatives of Majalengka's History.
The effort to converse was done by "dalang" Rukmin through the creativity of
rrraking combination of Gaok, managing a Sanggar (club) and saving wawacan
(texts.) However those efforl was not optirnal enough due to the lirnitation of ability
and fund which was owned by Rukrnin and lack of support from external sides
namely government and society. As a result, transmission process and inheritance
through teaching to young generation were not carried out.;This thesis indicated a research about Gaok 's oral tradition in Majalengka. The
research aimed to disclose a function and Gaok's meaning for society life of Kulur,
Majalengka. As well as the survival process of Gaok which was done by "dalang"
(the master) Rukmin. Data sources was obtained by field study and literary study.
This research used various of concepts and the theories of oral tradition performance,
orality, Propp structural theory and the management of oral tradition.
The research method used ethnography method (one of the approaches of Oral
Tradition Study). The research result showed that Gaok had meaning and function for
Kulur society. The function were: entertainment,praying media, as well as for
keeping education values. The meaning of Gaok were: Representatives of spiritual
values, Representatives of women values, Representatives of "Riungan" tradition and
meal party, Representatives of law values, Representatives of Majalengka's History.
The effort to converse was done by "dalang" Rukmin through the creativity of
rrraking combination of Gaok, managing a Sanggar (club) and saving wawacan
(texts.) However those efforl was not optirnal enough due to the lirnitation of ability
and fund which was owned by Rukrnin and lack of support from external sides
namely government and society. As a result, transmission process and inheritance
through teaching to young generation were not carried out., This thesis indicated a research about Gaok 's oral tradition in Majalengka. The
research aimed to disclose a function and Gaok's meaning for society life of Kulur,
Majalengka. As well as the survival process of Gaok which was done by "dalang"
(the master) Rukmin. Data sources was obtained by field study and literary study.
This research used various of concepts and the theories of oral tradition performance,
orality, Propp structural theory and the management of oral tradition.
The research method used ethnography method (one of the approaches of Oral
Tradition Study). The research result showed that Gaok had meaning and function for
Kulur society. The function were: entertainment,praying media, as well as for
keeping education values. The meaning of Gaok were: Representatives of spiritual
values, Representatives of women values, Representatives of "Riungan" tradition and
meal party, Representatives of law values, Representatives of Majalengka's History.
The effort to converse was done by "dalang" Rukmin through the creativity of
rrraking combination of Gaok, managing a Sanggar (club) and saving wawacan
(texts.) However those efforl was not optirnal enough due to the lirnitation of ability
and fund which was owned by Rukrnin and lack of support from external sides
namely government and society. As a result, transmission process and inheritance
through teaching to young generation were not carried out.]"