"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sport-confidence dan coping pada atlet bulutangkis. Partisipan penelitian sebanyak 92 atlet bulutangkis yang mengisi kuesioner sport-confidence (SC) dan coping. Pengukuran sport-confidence menggunakan kuesioner Sport-Confidence Inventory-4 (SCI-4) yang disusun oleh Vealey & Knight (2002) dan untuk coping digunakan kuesioner Inventaire des Stratégies de Coping en Compétition Sportive (ISCCS) atau Coping Inventory for Competitive Sport (CICS) yang disusun oleh Gaudreau & Blondin (2002).
Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara ketiga jenis sport-confidence (physical skills and training, cognitive efficiency, dan resilience) dengan jenis task-oriented coping. Pada penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan yang negatif antara SC-physical skills and training dengan disengagement-oriented coping dan juga hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara SC-cognitive efficiency dengan disengagement-oriented coping. Hasil lain ditemukan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara ketiga jenis sport-confidence dengan distraction-oriented coping dan tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara SC-resilience dengan disengagement-oriented coping.
......This research was conducted to find the correlation between sport-confidence and coping in badminton athletes. 92 badminton athletes participated in this study by completing the questionnaire of sport-confidence and coping. Sport-confidence was measured by Sport-confidence Inventory-4 (SCI-4), measurement created by Vealey & Knight (2002) and for coping was measured by Inventaire des Stratégies de Coping en Compétition Sportive (ISCCS) or Coping Inventory for Competitive Sport (CICS), measurement created by Gaudreau & Blondin (2002).
The result of this research show the existence of positive & significant correlation between the three types of sport-confidence (physical skills and training, cognitive efficiency, dan resilience) and task-oriented coping. This research also found that SC-physical skills and training negative correlated significantly with disengagement-oriented coping and also existence of negative and significant correlation between SC-cognitive efficiency and disengagement-oriented coping. But there is no significant correlation between the three types sport-confidence with distraction?oriented coping and no existence of significant correlation between SC-resilience and disengagement-oriented coping."