"Biaya kesehatan setiap tahun selalu meningkat, dengan porsi pembelanjaan obat yang cukup tinggi. Efisiensi dalam bidang pelayanan obat diharapkan dapat mengurangi peningkatan biaya kesehatan secara keseluruhan.
Untuk Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi yang akan merubah sistem pelayanan obat menjadi sistem unit dose perlu mengadakan pengkajian perubahan sistem pelayanan tersebut. Dalam persiapannya lebih dahulu diadakan penataan di dalam Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit di bidang organisasi, personil, maupun tata kerja, selanjutnya tenaga medis dan perawat mulai diperkenalkan sistem unit dose.
Dalam proses pelaksanaan, dibentuk komite (panitia) farmasi dan terapi yang kemudian menyusun formularium rumah sakit serta memantau pelaksanaan pelayanan obat di rumah sakit.
Kebijaksanaan di bidang pelayanan obat di rumah sakit Dr. Moewardi ini diharapkan dapat memacu kinerja personal di Instalasi Farmasi maupun perawat di bangsal, perbaikan organisasi instalasi farmasi, peningkatan pelayanan obat di rumah sakit yang pada akhirnya dapat menimbulkan penghematan dalam bidang biaya obat di rumah sakit.
Dari perhitungan akhir ditemukan adanya perbedaan harga obat yang tertera di resep dokter dengan harga obat yang dimanfaatkan pasien. Selisih tersebut merupakan penghematan bagi pasien di bidang biaya obat.
Berdasarkan perhitungan ini disarankan agar sistem ini dapat dilanjutkan sebagai kebijaksanaan rumah sakir Dr. Moewardi di tempat yang baru, dan juga disarankan agar sistem ini dilaksanakan di rumah sakit yang besar, kelas A dan B.
Drug cost is one of the largest costs in hospital services and almost the entire burden of this is bear by the patients. One way to reduce the drug costs for the hospital clients is to make the service more effective. Unit Dose Treatment system for inpatient services is one of many ways to make the drug services more efficient and effective. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta is planning to charge the distribution of drug services in patients units from the standard model into the dose unit treatment system. Several preparation stages are needed to change the whole inpatient treatment units in Moewardi Hospital. One of the steps is to learn the change in a smaller unit, such as in one or two wards in Moewardi Hospital. This study is intended to learn the effectiveness of unit dose treatment system in Moewardi Hospital manager to decide whether to continue using the standard model of prescribing drugs in their inpatient units or using a new unit dose treatment model. To prepare the implementation of new system many changes has been introduced to the system, i.e. organization of Pharmacy Unit in Hospital, standard procedures, and training for medical and nursing personnel's on the benefits and procedures to implement unit dose treatment system. A need for a strong Pharmacy and Therapy committee to develop hospital formulation standard (list of essential drugs will be provided in hospital), and to monitor the implementation of this standard, is very much needed. This study was conducted after the new system has been implemented for one year long. Results of this study shown that unit dose treatment model caused significant costs differences compared to the standard prescription model. The cost difference will reduce the burden of the hospital patients, especially for the out of pocket patients. The decrease of patient's cost through efficiency in drug distribution system, in the long run, will improve the client satisfaction of Moewardi Hospital."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1995