"Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di Apotek Safa, Puskesmas Kecamatan Jagakarsa, dan Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati dilakukan pada periode bulan Juli hingga Oktober tahun 2019 dengan tujuan agar calon apoteker mampu memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek serta pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas dan rumah sakit. Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) dilaksanakan langsung di tempat yang telah ditentukan dan dibimbing oleh Apoteker Pembimbing di lapangan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari Praktik Kerja Profesi lain apoteker bertanggung jawab dalam manajemen farmasi seperti perencanaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, distribusi hingga pencatatan dan pelaporan obat. Sementara pelayanan farmasi klinik yang dapat dilakukan antara lain pelayanan informasi obat, skrining resep, swamedikasi, pemantauan terapi obat, rekonsiliasi hingga konseling. Beberapa temuan permasalahan dalam pelayanan kefarmasian antara lain kurangnya sarana dan prasarana dalam melakukan konseling dan PKOD di RSUP Fatmawati, belum tersedianya jadwal praktik apoteker untuk melakukan praktik kefarmasian di Apotek Safa serta belum terpenuhi semua aspek pelayanan kefarmasian yang membutuhkan kompetensi Apoteker sehingga perlu ditambah tenaga Apoteker di Puskesmas.
......Internship of Pharmacist Profession (PKPA) in Safa Pharmacy, Jagakarsa Sub-District Health Center, and Fatmawati Central General Hospital were carried out in the period of July to October 2019 with the aim that prospective pharmacist be able to understand the tasks and responsibilities of pharmacists in the management of pharmacies and pharmaceutical services. Internship of Pharmacist Profession (PKPA) were conducted in the designated place and guided by the Guiding Pharmacist in the field. Conclusions obtained from PKPA include pharmacists responsible for pharmaceutical management such as planning, receiving, storage, distribution to drug recording and reporting. While clinical pharmacy services that can be done include drug information services, prescription screening, self-service, drug therapy monitoring, reconciliation and counseling. Some of the findings of problems in pharmaceutical services include the lack of facilities and infrastructure in conducting counseling and PKOD at RSUP Fatmawati, the availability of pharmacist practice schedules to practice pharmacy at Safa Pharmacy and not fulfilled all aspects of pharmaceutical services that require the competence of pharmacists so that it needs to be added pharmacist at the Primary Health Center. "