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Daya tahan jantung paru sebagai komponen kebugaran jasmani mempunyai peranan penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitas pegawai sipil. Di era otonomi daerah, peranan Pemerintah Daerah dan Dinas Otonom dalam pembangunan semakin penting. Untuk itu perlu diketahui sebaran daya tahan jantung paru dan faktor yang berhubungan antara pegawai negeri sipil di kedua instansi tersebut.
Disain cross sectional dengan deskripsi analisis. Didapatkan sample penelitian Pegawai Negeri Sipil umur 30-50 tahun Dinas Kesehatan dan Pemerintah Daerah Tk.I di 4 Provinsi sebanyak 654 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik dan daya tahan jantung paru di nilai dengan tes lari 2,4 km.
Tingkat daya tahan jantung paru yang baik ditemukan hanya pada 27 % dari total responder. Proporsi tingkat daya tahan jantung paru yang baik di Pemerintah Daerah lebih besar dari Dinas Kesehatan Tingkat I. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah tidak berminum alkohol (OR sesuai 2,39), berolahraga (OR sesuai 2,1) dan golongan kepegawaian ( OR = 1,51 ).
Kesimpulan Saran
Daya tahan jantung paru pada Pegawai sipil pada umumnya masih rendah. Daya tahan jantung pare mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan golongan, unit kerja, tidak minum alkohol, dan olah raga. Disarankan untuk diteliti lebih lanjut tentang hemoglobin, aktifitas fisik dan pola makan. Perlu penyuluhan mengenai gaya hidup sehat bagi pegawai negeri sipil.
BackgroundCardiorespiratory endurance as a component of physical healthy is playing an important role in improving quality and productivity of government officials. In the decentralization era, the role of the provincial government and health office in coordinating the implementation and controlling developments has become more important. Therefore, there is a need to find out the status of cardiorespiratory endurance and its related factors among the government officials of provincial health and government office in four provinces.MethodsThis study is using cross-sectional design with descriptive analysis. A total of 645 samples of government officials, age 30-50 years, working at provincial health office and government office in four provinces were recruited. The data was collected by interview and physical examination; the cardiorespiratory endurance was measured by performing the running test for 2.4km (Cooper Test).ResultsThe level of good cardiorespiratory endurance among the subjects was 27.6% out of 645 total respondents. It was better in government office's staff than in the health office (31.6%, 24%). The most affecting factors were; not taking alcoholic drinks (adjusted OR 2.39), sports (adjusted OR 2.1), and grade of government official (adjusted OR 1,51),Conclusion and RecommendationThe level of cardiorespiratory endurance among the government officials is still low. The provincial government office's staffs have better cardiorespiratory endurance than the provincial health office's staffs. The cardiorespiratory endurance correlated with the grade of government official, working unit, not taking alcoholic drinks, and sports. The health education on healthy life style should be given to government officials. For further research, it is recommended to assess the relations of the haemoglobin, physical activity, and dietary pattern, with the cardiorespiratory endurance."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005