ABSTRAKDalam menghadapi perubahan dinamika bisnis telekomunikasi, pada awal tahun 2012 PT. XL Axiata menjalankan strategi managed services yaitu dengan melakukan pengalihan kegiatan operasional jaringannya ke pihak third party. Strategi ini dijalankan dengan tujuan agar operator dapat lebih fokus dalam menjalankan core business-nya dan optimalisasi terhadap budget operasional. PT. Huawei Services adalah Managed Services Provider (MSP) yang dipercaya XL untuk menjalankan kegiatan operasional jaringannya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi strategi managed services yang sudah diimplementasikan PT. XL Axiata dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode evaluasi balanced scorecard. Analisis meliputi empat kategori utama yaitu perspektif keuangan, perspektif pelanggan, perspektif proses bisnis internal serta perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan.
Berdasarkan hasil keseluruhan evaluasi strategi managed services menggunakan metode Balanced Scorecard didapatkan bahwa managed services berdampak positif pada aspek financial XL, yaitu nilai OPEX mampu dioptimalkan hingga mencapai 1% di tahun 2013 dan 4% di tahun 2014. Implementasi managed services juga berdampak positif terhadap aspek non-financial pelanggan, yaitu meningkatnya kepuasan pelanggan dan menurunnya tingkat keluhan pelanggan. Hal ini mengindikasikan kualitas layanan XL semakin meningkat setelah implementasi strategi managed services.
ABSTRACTPT. XL Axiata (XL) has performing managed services strategic since 2012. Managed services in telecommunication industry was known as transferring the operational resources and activity to the third party. The purpose of managed services are to scale up company core competences (for example: services and customers oriented) and also to optimize operational expenses. PT. Huawei Services (HS) is Managed Services Provider (MSP) that was appointed with XL to take network operational responsibility.
The research performed strategic evaluation to XL managed service. It used Balanced Scorecard Analysis method for evaluation. The analysis includes four main categories such as financial perspective; customer perspective; internal business process perspective; learning and growth perspective. The research result should give recommendation to enhance managed services implementation in the future.
Based on Balanced Scorecard analysis obtained results that implementation of Managed Services has given positive impact on financial perspective. OPEX has been decreased until Growth 1% in 2013 and Growth 4% in 2014 . Implementation of managed services has give positive impact on customer perspective with increasing customer satisfaction index and decreasing amount of customer complaint."