"Tesis ini membahas mengenai aksi protes masyarakat AS terhadap McDonalds terkait penyebaran epidemi obesitas periode 2000-2013. McDonald?s menjadi target protes masyarakat karena dianggap mewakili industri restoran makanan cepat saji di AS. Fokus penelitian ini menunjukkan awal mula masyarakat mulai intens melancarkan protes terhadap McDonald?s serta bentuk-bentuk protesnya.
Tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian analisis deskriptif-interpretatif dan menggunakan teori pop culture, budaya makan, New Social Movement, pressure group, simbol, serta media massa dalam analisis. Dari penelitian ini didapat simpulan bahwa McDonalds memenuhi protes masyarakat sebagai upaya agar bisnis yang telah dijalankan sejak 1948 tersebut terus bertahan dan tidak kalah bersaing dengan kompetitor.
On 2000 -2013, McDonald's had become the target of protests against fastfoodinflicted obesity in the US. This giant restaurant chain was dubbed as the symbol of fastfood restaurants that lead to the unhealthy eating habit.
This research focused on asessing the initial stage of the protests and its forms, using descriptive-interpretative method and pop culture theory, eating habbit theory, New Social Movement theory, Pressure Group Theory, Symbol, and Mass Media to analyse it. This research concludes, at present McDonald?s has successfully maintain its position as a leading, prominent fastfood corporation in the US."