ABSTRAKBahan isolator polietilen ikat silang sangat umum digunakan dalam industri kabel
listrik. Sifatnya yang mudah terbakar dengan nilai batasan indeks oksigen dibawah
18-19 % membuat bahan ini memerlukan perbaikan. Bahan antimon (III) oksida
(Sb2O3) sangat umum digunakan sebagai aditif flame retardant pada bahan polivinil
klorida dan polietilen ikat silang. Penelitian atas penggunaan antimon (III) oksida
pada bahan polietilen ikat silang dilakukan dengan variasi komposisi Sb2O3 yaitu
2%, 4% dan 6%. Didapatkan bahwa nilai batasan indeks oksigen meningkat
menjadi sampai dengan 22% dan kestabilan panas semakin meningkat. Efek
negatifnya harus diwaspadai bahwa ternyata semakin tinggi penambahan Sb2O3
pada bahan polietilen ikat silang menyebabkan penurunan nilai resistifitas
ABSTRACTCrosslinked polyethylene insulation material is very commonly used in electricalcable industry. Due to the highly level flammability of crosslinked polyethylenewhich have low limiting of oxygen index value between 18-19% make this materialrequires improvement. Antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) is very commonly used as aflame retardant additive in polyvinyl chloride and crosslinked polyethylene materialto increase the limiting of oxygen index value. By applying the composition ofSb2O3 with the variation of 2%, 4% and 6%, we found that the limiting of oxygenindex value increased up to 22% and the heat stability was improved. The negativeeffects should be aware because we also found that addition of Sb2O3 on crosslinkedpolyethylene materials led to a decrease in the value of the electrical resistivity., Crosslinked polyethylene insulation material is very commonly used in electricalcable industry. Due to the highly level flammability of crosslinked polyethylenewhich have low limiting of oxygen index value between 18-19% make this materialrequires improvement. Antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) is very commonly used as aflame retardant additive in polyvinyl chloride and crosslinked polyethylene materialto increase the limiting of oxygen index value. By applying the composition ofSb2O3 with the variation of 2%, 4% and 6%, we found that the limiting of oxygenindex value increased up to 22% and the heat stability was improved. The negativeeffects should be aware because we also found that addition of Sb2O3 on crosslinkedpolyethylene materials led to a decrease in the value of the electrical resistivity.]"