ABSTRAKParadigma sektor kehutanan masih memandang kayu sebagai hasil utama
mengakibatkan tingginya angka deforestasi di Indonesia. Padahal banyak hasil
hutan lainnya yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi.
Salah satu manfaat hutan yang belum terestimasi nilainya yaitu jasa lingkungan
terutama wisata. Dan fungsi hutan yang mempunyai manfaat wisata salah satunya
di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (TNGHS). Salah satu bagian dari
TNGHS yaitu Resort PTNW Gunung Salak I yang mempunyai daya tarik
tersendiri yaitu sebagai field project Suaka Elang. Pada Resort PTNW Gunung
Salak I terdapat 2 (dua) lokasi wisata yaitu bumi perkemahan Loji dan Wana
Wisata Sukamantri.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh nilai ekonomi wisata dari lokasi
tersebut. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode TCM dan CVM untuk
mengetahui nilai ekonomi dari kawasan wisata. Dan nilai surplus konsumen untuk
metode TCM Resort PTNW Gunung Salak I sebesar Rp. 909.000 per
individu/tahun atau Rp. 6.635.700.000/tahun, sedangkan untuk nilai WTP kondisi
saat ini sebesar Rp. 8.500 dan untuk kondisi masa akan datang sebesar Rp. 9.700.
ABSTRACTThe paradigm of forestry sector still sees wood as the primary outcome
resulted in high rates of deforestation in Indonesia. Whereas many other forest
products that can be utilized and have high economic value. One of the benefits
from forests that have not estimated is environmental services value, especially
forest tourism. And one part of forests that have tourism benefits is Mount
Halimun Salak National Park. One part of the national park that has a special
attraction as a field project of Raptor sanctuary is PTNW Mount Salak I Resort. In
PTNW Mount Salak I Resort there are 2 (two) tourist sites, which are Bumi
Perkemahan Loji and Wana Wisata Sukamantri.
This study aimed to obtain economic value from the site. This research using
TCM and CVM method to determine the economic value from tourist area. The
value of consumer surplus for TCM method PTNW Mount Salak I Resort is Rp.
909 000 per individual/year or Rp. 6.635.700.000/year, while for WTP value for
current state of Rp. 8.500 and for the future condition of Rp. 9.700., The paradigm of forestry sector still sees wood as the primary outcome
resulted in high rates of deforestation in Indonesia. Whereas many other forest
products that can be utilized and have high economic value. One of the benefits
from forests that have not estimated is environmental services value, especially
forest tourism. And one part of forests that have tourism benefits is Mount
Halimun Salak National Park. One part of the national park that has a special
attraction as a field project of Raptor sanctuary is PTNW Mount Salak I Resort. In
PTNW Mount Salak I Resort there are 2 (two) tourist sites, which are Bumi
Perkemahan Loji and Wana Wisata Sukamantri.
This study aimed to obtain economic value from the site. This research using
TCM and CVM method to determine the economic value from tourist area. The
value of consumer surplus for TCM method PTNW Mount Salak I Resort is Rp.
909 000 per individual/year or Rp. 6.635.700.000/year, while for WTP value for
current state of Rp. 8.500 and for the future condition of Rp. 9.700.]"