"Saat ini, peran
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) terhadap perekonomian masih menjadi topik diskusi. Walaupun banyak penelitian sebelumya yang telah meneliti hal ini, namun konsensus belum terjadi. Lebih lanjut, diskusi mencapai fase baru ketika terjadi COVID-19 yang memaksa banyak aktifitas bertransformasi dari
offline ke
online. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini ingin berkontribusi mengisi gap penelitian dengan menggunanakan data panel tingkat kota/kabupaten di Indonesia dan menggunakan beberapa proxy penetrasi ICT (penetrasi internet, penetrasi
mobile phone, dan kecepatan internet). Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil bahwa COVID-19 dan kebijakan pembatasan aktifitas berdampak negatif tehadap perekonomian. Selain itu, ICT juga dapat berdampak negatif ke perekonomian. Namun demikian, ICT dapat meningkatan ketahanan ekonomi kota/kabupaten dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19.
......The role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the economy continues to be a topic of discussion. Numerous works have addressed the topic, but no consensus has emerged. When the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic happened, this discussion entered a new phase, as the pandemic pushed many offline activities to go online. Using district-level data in Indonesia and employs several proxies for ICT penetration (internet penetration, mobile phone penetration, and internet speed), this research can contribute to the existing knowledge. This study revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic and the restriction policy negatively impact economic performance. Moreover, it was discovered that ICT could be disruptive to the economy. Nonetheless, districts with more advanced ICT have greater economic resilience in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023