"This cross sectional study in the Philippines, is a part of CRONOS study. Data on dietary intake, anthropometry, biochemical assessment and socio - economic and self perceived health status were collected from 300 elderly Filipino men and women between 60-75 years old in middle income and low income areas in Metro Manila and rural areas in Rizal province during the period of October to November 1996.
Results of dietary intake showed both sexes had very low intakes of energy nutrients. Rural elderly for both sexes had low intakes of energy and nutrients compared with urban middle income and urban low income.
Anthropometric finding showed that rural elderly had lower nutritional status as compared to urban elderly. Chronic energy deficiency was higher in male than female elderly. A high prevalence of anemia (38%) among male elderly was also found to exist. A high prevalence of hypertension was also observed in the urban low income elderly (33%).
Majority of the elderly rated their self rated health as good and fair. The reported self perceived diseases common among the elderly were arthritis, cough, and hypertension.
Previous jobs engaged by the elderly were mostly blue collar jobs and owing to loss of income, most elderly are dependent on their families for support."