ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai proses berbagi pengetahuan antara staf dan pimpinan
Perpustakaan Bank Indonesia. Adapun tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini untuk
mengetahui proses berbagi pengetahuan antara staf dan pimpinan perpustakaan Bank
Indonesia serta melihat nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam diri staf dan pimpinan
dalam proses berbagi pengetahuan diantara mereka guna mengembangkan
kompetensi personal. Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini
adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode interpretif. Pengumpulan data yang
dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi langsung, dan analisis dokumen
terkait proses berbagi pengetahuan di Perpustakaan Bank Indonesia. Adapun hasil
penelitian ini bahwa budaya berbagi pengetahuan telah terinternalisasi di dalam diri
individu baik staf maupun pimpinan di Perpustakaan Bank Indonesia sehingga
mereka dapat mengembangkan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan. Pembentukan budaya
berbagi pengetahuan tersebut dibangun berdasarkan adanya relasi antar staf
perpustakaan dan pimpinan. Pembanguan relasi antara staf dan pimpinan dibangun
atas dasar nilai kepercayaan dan saling menghargai antar staf perpustakaan. Dalam
proses menjaga relasi tersebut terdapat juga proses negosiasi yang dapat
menyeimbangkan antara kepentingan individu yang berbeda-beda dengan
kepentingan kelompok yang akan dituju.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses about the process of knowledge sharing between the
commissioners and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library. The aim of conducting this
research is to figure out the process of knowledge sharing between the commissioners
and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library and to examine values internalized within
commissioners and staffs in the process of knowledge sharing to develop personal
competence. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with
interpretive method. The data collection is done through deep interview, direct
observation, and document analysis related to the process of knowledge sharing at
Bank Indonesia Library. The result of this research is that the culture of knowledge
sharing has been internalized within individuals, either staffs of commissioners of
Bank Indonesia Library so that they are able to develop the competence needed. The
formulation of knowledge sharing culture is built based on the relation between the
library staffs and commissioners. The development of relations between staff and
commissioners is built on the basis of trust and mutual respect among the library
staffs. In the process of maintaining the relation, there is also a process of negotiation
which can balance between the interests of different individual with the interests of
the group to be addressed.;This thesis discusses about the process of knowledge sharing between the
commissioners and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library. The aim of conducting this
research is to figure out the process of knowledge sharing between the commissioners
and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library and to examine values internalized within
commissioners and staffs in the process of knowledge sharing to develop personal
competence. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with
interpretive method. The data collection is done through deep interview, direct
observation, and document analysis related to the process of knowledge sharing at
Bank Indonesia Library. The result of this research is that the culture of knowledge
sharing has been internalized within individuals, either staffs of commissioners of
Bank Indonesia Library so that they are able to develop the competence needed. The
formulation of knowledge sharing culture is built based on the relation between the
library staffs and commissioners. The development of relations between staff and
commissioners is built on the basis of trust and mutual respect among the library
staffs. In the process of maintaining the relation, there is also a process of negotiation
which can balance between the interests of different individual with the interests of
the group to be addressed., This thesis discusses about the process of knowledge sharing between the
commissioners and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library. The aim of conducting this
research is to figure out the process of knowledge sharing between the commissioners
and staffs of Bank Indonesia Library and to examine values internalized within
commissioners and staffs in the process of knowledge sharing to develop personal
competence. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach with
interpretive method. The data collection is done through deep interview, direct
observation, and document analysis related to the process of knowledge sharing at
Bank Indonesia Library. The result of this research is that the culture of knowledge
sharing has been internalized within individuals, either staffs of commissioners of
Bank Indonesia Library so that they are able to develop the competence needed. The
formulation of knowledge sharing culture is built based on the relation between the
library staffs and commissioners. The development of relations between staff and
commissioners is built on the basis of trust and mutual respect among the library
staffs. In the process of maintaining the relation, there is also a process of negotiation
which can balance between the interests of different individual with the interests of
the group to be addressed.]"