"Menjalin hubungan romantis adalah salah satu tugas perkembangan yang khas dari
dewasa muda. Hubungan romantis yang memuaskan, berkaitan dengan berbagai dampak
positif dan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya pola attachment. Berbagai
penelitian sebelumnya telah dilakukan untuk menjelaskan mekanisme yang mendasari
hubungan yang kuat antara pola attachment dan kepuasan hubungan. Selain dipengaruhi
oleh attachment, kepuasan hubungan juga dipengaruhi oleh self-compassion yang dapat
memfasilitasi individu untuk bersikap positif di dalam hubungan romantisnya. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah self-compassion memediasi hubungan
antara pola attachment (avoidant dan anxious attachment) dengan kepuasan hubungan
romantis pada dewasa muda yang berpacaran. Penelitian kuantitatif ini memiliki sampel
partisipan sebanyak 441 dewasa muda (18-30 tahun). Pola attachment diukur
menggunakan Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised; self-compassion dengan Self-
Compassion Scale; dan kepuasan hubungan dengan Relationship Assessment Scale. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self-compassion berperan sebagai mediator bagi
hubungan antara avoidant attachment dan kepuasan hubungan, namun bukan sebagai
mediator antara anxious attachment dan kepuasan hubungan. Implikasi penelitian ini
adalah pola insecure attachment memiliki dampak yang kuat pada rendahnya kepuasan
hubungan romantis.
......Having a romantic relationship is one of the developmental task characteristics of young
adults. Forming a satisfying romantic relationship is related to numerous positive effects
and influence by several factors, one of them is attachment style. Previous studies have
investigated the underlying mechanism between the strong association of attachment and
relationship satisfaction. Apart from being influenced by attachment, relationship
satisfaction is also influenced by self-compassion, which facilitates individuals to act
positively in their romantic relationships. The purpose of this study is to investigate
whether self-compassion mediates the association between attachment style (avoidant
and anxious attachment) and romantic relationship satisfaction among dating young
adults. This quantitative research has 441 sample of young adults age 18-30. Attachment
style is measured with Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised; self-compassion with
Self-Compassion Scale; and relationship satisfaction with Relationship Assessment
Scale. The result of this study shows that self-compassion act as a mediator for the
association between avoidant attachment and relationship satisfaction, while not as a
mediator between anxious attachment and relationship satisfaction. The implication of
this study is that insecure attachment style has a strong negative effect towards
relationship satisfaction"