ABSTRAKBanyak kontribusi positif yang didapatkan dari pegawai yang memiliki engagement yang kuat terhadap perusahaan. Salah satu penentu engagement adalah pemenuhan terhadap kebutuhan pelatihan dan pengembangan pegawai. Kegiatan unit pelatihan saat ini mulai bertransformasi menjadi corporate university. Menurut Meister 1998 , perbedaan kedua unit pembelajaran tersebut terletak pada kurikulumnya. Apabila bentuk kegiatan pelatihan berpengaruh positif terhadap employee engagement, maka pelatihan dari corporate university diasumsikan juga berpengaruh positif terhadap engagement. Didukung pengaruh moderasi budaya pembelajaran, kegiatan pelatihan dan pengembangan akan memberi pengaruh yang lebih baik lagi bagi employee engagement. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum corporate university berpengaruh positif terhadap employee engagement. Budaya pembelajaran juga terbukti menjadi moderator pada hubungan antara kurikulum corporate university dengan employee engagement. Kata kunci:corporate university, kurikulum corporate university, kurikulum, employee engagement, organisasi pembelajaran, budaya pembelajaran, learning organization, learning culture.
ABSTRACTThere are many positive contributions sourced from an engaged employee. One determinant of employee engagement is the fulfillment of training and development needs. Many training unit has transformed itself into a corporate university. Meister 1998 said that the difference between those two entities lie on the curriculum. If previous style of learning has had a positive effect to employee engagement, it is assumed that training from corporate university will also has a positive effect to employee engagement. Learning culture is assumed to moderate the relationship between corporate university 39 s curriculum and employee engagement. From the research, it is found that corporate university 39 s curriculum has positive effect to employee engagement, while learning culture is found to be moderating the relationship between corporate university 39 s curriculum and employee engagement. "