Latar Belakang : Riwayat alamiah Lesi Prakanker Serviks menjadi kanker invasif berlangsung bertahun-tahun, sehingga memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk deteksi dini.
Inspeksi Visual with Acetat Acid (IVA) cukup
cost efektif dan mampu laksana di Indonesia. Kejadian lesi prakanker diyakini disebabkan HPV dan dipengaruhi faktor risiko.
Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan karakteristik demografi serta riwayat kesehatan reproduksi dengan kejadian lesi prakanker serviks pada deteksi dini dengan menggunakan metoda IVA.
Metode :
Cross sectional data
Female Cancer Program FKUI-RSCM yang berasal dari deteksi dini di beberapa puskesmas dan kantor di Jakarta.
Logistik regresion digunakan untuk mendapatkan faktor yang memprediksi lesi prakanker serviks
. Hasil : Perempuan berumur ≤ 30 tahun (POR 5,2; 95% CI: 1,4-19,5), umur 31-40 tahun (POR 3,5; 95% CI: 1,0-12,0), dan umur 41-50 tahun (POR 2,1; 95% CI: 0,6-7,7) meningkatkan lesi prakanker serviks dibandingkan umur > 50 tahun. Menikah lebih dari 1 kali berisiko lesi prakanker serviks (POR 5,5; 95% CI: 2,9-10,0) dibandingkan menikah 1 kali. KB pil (POR 2,3; 95% CI: 1,0-5,1), KB susuk (POR 1,8; 95% CI: 0,4-8,7) dan KB suntik (POR 1,5; 95% CI: 0,7-2,8) meningkatkan lesi prakanker servik dibandingkan tidak KB dan KB non hormonal.
Kesimpulan : Umur, jumlah perkawinan, KB merupakan prediktor independen lesi prakanker serviks. KB lebih berisiko dibandingkan KB suntik dan susuk. Dianjurkan deteksi dini pada perempuan yang telah melakukan kontak seksual dan membatasi jumlah pasangan seksual.
Background ;Natural history Cervical Precancer lesions to be invasive cancer along many years, so it has many opportunities to be early detected.Visual Inspection Acetat Acid (VIA) is cost effectiveness and capable in Indonesia.The incidence of precancerous lesions is caused of HPV and influenced of risk factors.Objective : association between demographic characteristics and reproductive health history with the incidence of cervical precancer lesions in women screened by VIA.Methods : Cross sectional with the data’s from Female Cancer Program FKUI-RSCM. Analysis which comes from early detection at primary health care and offices in Jakarta. Logistic regresion is used to obtain factors that predict cervical precancer lesions.Results : Women aged ≤ 30 (POR 5.2, CI: 1.4-19.5), aged 31-40 (POR 3.5, CI: 1.0-12.0), and aged 41-50 (POR 2.1, CI: 0.6-7.5) for cervical precancer lesions in comparison with women in the older age group (>50 years). Married subjects were more than 1 times the risk of cervical precancerous lesions (POR 5,5, 95% CI: 2.9-10.0) compared with one times merriage. Pill contraceptive (POR 2.3; CI: 1.0-5.1), implant contraceptive (POR 1.8; 95% CI: 0.4-8.7), injecting contraception (POR 1.5; CI: 0.7-2.8) are increased precancerous cervical lesions compared non contraception and non hormonal contraception.Conclusion : age, number of marriages, contraception are independent predictors of cervical precancer lesions. The prevention and control of cervical cancer in this study should early detection is done on every woman who has sexual contact and limiting number of sexual partners."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017