Ida Bagus Made Putra Jandhana
Abstrak :
Penerapan prinsip-prinsip Teknik Industri tidak hanya berada di sektor manufaktur saja. Melalui Laporan Praktik Keinsinyuran (LPK) ini dijelaskan bagaimana prinsip-prinsip tersebut digunakan untuk menyusun tim pengoperasian, perawatan, serta turn around Kilang CO2 Removal milik PT. Pertamina Eksplorasi dan Produksi (PEP) yang berlokasi di Subang, Jawa Barat. Kontrak pekerjaan tersebut dilakukan sejak tahun 2013 dan berakhir di tahun 2016. Dalam LPK ini akan dijelaskan peranan seorang engineer Teknik Industri dalam mendesain proses kerja dari awal hingga selesai. Dalam LPK terdapat Struktur Organisasi pelaksanaan kontrak kerja dengan lampiran berupa Kontrak Kerja; Instruksi Kepada Peserta Pengadaan (IKPP); Syarat Teknis dan Komersial (STK); Process Flow Diagram Kilang CO2 Removal; Piping and Instrument Diagram; Hasil Berita Acara Penjelasan Lelang Kontrak Pengoperasian, Perawatan, dan turn around Kilang CO2 Removal; Laporan Harian Operasional dan Perawatan Kilang CO2 Removal; dan Laporan Keselamatan Kerja, Kesehatan, Lindung Lingkungan (Laporan K3LL). Dengan memahami lingkungan kerja yang ada dan perhatian terhadap risiko tercemarnya lingkungan akibat gas CO2, maka tim manajemen dapat menyelesaikan program dengan baik. Di masa yang akan datang, permintaan akan jasa pelayanan manajemen pengoperasian dan perawatan suatu kilang atau instalasi kilang pemrosesan melalui pola alih daya. Oleh karenanya, peranan seorang engineer Teknik Industri akan lebih dibutuhkan dengan meningkatnya pemahaman terhadap manajemen pengoperasian dan perawatan kilang atau isntalasi proses produksi lainnya.
The application of the Industrial Engineering principles is not only in the manufacturing sector. This Engineering Practice Report explains how these principles are employed to manage the operation, maintenance, and turn around the CO2 Removal Plant, owned by P.T. Pertamina Exploration and Production (PEP), located in Subang, West Java, Indonesia. The service contract was carried out between 2013 to 2016. This report explains the roles of an Industrial Engineer in designing of process management from start to finish. The report covers the organization structures for implementing the contract of work which is followed by several copies of document, such as the Contract of Work; Instructions to Procurement Participants; Technical and Commercial Requirement; Process Flow Diagram of the CO2 Removal Plant; Piping and Instrument Diagram (P&ID); Minutes of Meeting during Auction for the Contract of Work for the operation, maintenance, and turn around the CO2 Removal Plant; Daily Report of Operation and Maintenance; and the Report of Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE). By understanding the work environment and paying attention to the risk of environmental pollution due to CO2 gas, the management team were able to finish the work as stated on the Contract of Work. In the future, the demand for the outsource service for operation and maintenance management for the chemical processing plants or other processing plants will increase significantly. Therefore, there will be a strong global demand for the Industrial Engineer who understand the management aspect of operation and maintenance of the processing plants.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library