"Kopi di Indonesia merupakan sebuah komoditas yang memiliki sejarah panjang dan perkembangan industri yang menjanjikan dari segi produksi hingga perkembangan dalam bisnis pengolahan kopi.
Perkembangan ini didorong oleh meningkatnya dukungan dari pemerintah, dan adanya penetrasi gelombang budaya kopi baru yaitu first, second, dan third wave coffee.
Masuknya gelombang budaya tersebut, khususnya third wave coffee, berpengaruh terhadap menjamurnya usaha kedai kopi di Indonesia dan berubahnya budaya konsumsi kopi pada masyarakat yang mendorong jumlah konsumsi kopi yang semakin bertambah.
Banyak jenis usaha kedai kopi di Indonesia yang semakin beragam, menyebabkan sempitnya kesempatan untuk mendatangkan inovasi yang menarik perhatian dan kepedulian masyarakat.
Kopi Tuli merupakan salah satu usaha bisnis kedai kopi baru yang bergabung ke dalam industri sebagai social entrepreneur dengan fokus mengangkat isu mengenai disabilitas tuli.
Melalui bisnisnya, Kopi Tuli berusaha menawarkan value proposition sosialnya dalam bentuk keunikan pengalaman berinteraksi dengan bahasa isyarat dalam kedai kopi.
Permasalahan dialami Kopi Tuli dalam kegiatan pemasaran dan promosinya yang kurang optimal, menyebabkan lemahnya posisi dan kurangnya pemahaman konsumennya.
Meningkatkan brand equity dengan memperkuat positioning yang dapat berimplikasi pada loyalitas konsumen terhadap brand.
Program ini mengangkat big idea brewing stories through gestures yang akan dilaksanakan melalui empat tahapan brand resonance model yaitu salience, performance & imagery, judgements & feelings, dan resonance. Kegiatan pemasaran dan promosi akan melibatkan lima elemen promosi IMC yang pemilihan medianya disesuaikan dengan karakteristik pesan dan khalayak sasaran, serta pencapaian tujuan meningkatkam brand equity.
Situation Analysis
As a commodity, coffee in Indonesia had a long history and has a promising growth in the industry from its production number and its business aspect.
The growth is influenced by the increasing support from the government, and the new waves of coffee culture which are called the first, second, and third wave coffee.
The third wave coffee notably creates a trend that had an effect to the immense growth of coffee shop businesses, and to the culture of drinking coffee itself.
Coffee shops are getting increasingly diverse, and that limits the opportunity for businesses to create innovations that would catch the audiences attention.
Kopi Tuli is joining the coffee industry as a social entrepreneur that is trying to create a larger employment opportunity for Indonesian deaf communities.
Kopi Tuli is offering their social value proposition that is a unique coffee shop experience by interacting using sign language.
The problem that Kopi Tuli is facing are their poor marketing and promotional activities effectiveness, that causes the weakness of their position and their consumer narrow understanding towards the brand.
Strengthening brand equity through strong positioning, that can impact consumer loyalty.
The programs marketing and promotional activities are derived from the big idea brewing stories through gestures. It will be executed through the four steps of brand resonance model (salience, performance & imagery, judgements & feelings, and resonance), using five promotional elements of IMC which includes communication channels that are suited for the targeted audience and the program objective of strengthening its brand equity.
Targeted Audience
Resides/study/work around Limo, Pancoran, Mampang Prapatan, dan Pasar Minggu
Men & women, 18-25 years old, SES A-B, Scholars/University Students/First jobber.
According to the VALS Framework, the audience that this program is targeting are categorized as:
Their visits to coffee shops are motivated by the need to socialize.
Actively searching for a place that offers a unique experience.
Actively using social media."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019