ABSTRAKDalam masa perawatan ortodontik, kejadian lepasnya breket sering terjadi sehinggadiperlukan metode pembersihan yang cepat, efektif dan ekonomis. Hal terpenting adalahkarakter breket yang lepas setelah dibersihkan, kualitas tidak berubah sehingga dapatdipasang kembali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sistem pelarut yang dapatmelepas bahan adesif dari basis breket metal berbasis solvolis tanpa mengubahkarakteristik breket metal dan lebih efektif dibandingkan metode yang umum digunakanyaitu sandblasting dan pembakaran. Penelusuran sistem pelarut melibatkan berbagaijenis pelarut dan faktor pendukungnya: termal, katalis dan surfaktan. Kinerja pelepasanbahan adesif dipantau dengan uji Shear Bond Strength SBS pada gigi Reused dan gigibaru, pengamatan topografi permukaan dan komposisi dengan Scanning ElectronMicroscopy SEM dan Electron Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy EDAX sertagambaran sisa bahan adesif dengan Modifikasi Adhesive Remnant Index ARI .Spesimen penelitian terdiri atas tujuh puluh breket metal Stainless Steel Mini DynaLock dan seratus gigi Premolar satu dengan adesif Transbond XT. Hasil penelusurandiperoleh sistem pelarut dengan susunan pelarut organik N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone,katalis Zn Asetat, surfaktan Triton X-100 dan gelombang mikro. Uji Two Way Anovadari nilai SBS sandblasting, pembakaran dan solvolisis menunjukkan perbedaanbermakna p
ABSTRACTDuring orthodontic treatment, the bracket loose often occurs so that a fast, effective andeconomical cleaning method is needed. The most important thing is the character of thecleaned bracket, the quality does not change so it can be reinserted. The objective of thisresearch is to find a solvent that can remove adhesive material from base metal bracketwithout changing the metal bracket characteristics and more effective than commonlyused method i.e. sandblasting and burning. The search for a solvent system involvesvarious types of solvents and their supporting factors thermal, catalyst and surfaceagent. The adhesive release was monitored by Shear Bond Strength SBS test onreused tooth and new tooth, surface topography observation and composition withScanning Electron Microscopy SEM and Electron Dispersive X Ray Spectroscopy EDAX as well as an overview of residual adhesive with Modified Adhesive RemnantIndex ARI . The study specimens consisted of seventy metal brackets of Stainless SteelMini Dyna Lock and one hundred first Premolar teeth with Transbond XT adhesives.The result of this research is the solvent system with organic solvent N Methyl 2 Pyrrolidone, catalyst Zn Acetate, surfactant Triton X 100 and microwave. Two wayAnova Test of SBS sandblasting, burning and solvolysis values showed significantdifferences p "