ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai kedudukan piutang pajak yaitu Surat Paksa pada
proses Kepailitan dengan studi kasus PT Bestindo Tata Industri dimana Surat
Paksa tersebut terlambat melakukan verifikasi. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui sejauh mana Kedudukan Surat Paksa yang mempunyai sifat
mendahulu dan dapat dipaksakan, berhadapan dengan Hukum Kepailitan. Ketika
putusan pailit dijatuhkan maka terhadap putusan tersebut dapat dilaksanakan
secara serta merta. Harta debitor masuk dalam sita umum, yang pemberesan
hartanya tersebut dilakukan oleh Kurator. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah
meskipun pajak mempunyai sifat mendahulu dan dapat dipaksakan tetapi ketika
terjadi kepailitan maka utang pajak harus tunduk pada aturan hukum kepailitan,
sehingga kedudukan piutang pajak ketika tidak dicocokkan pada saat verifikasi
maka kedudukan piutang pajak tersebut menjadi kreditur konkuren.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discussed about the jurisdictional of tax receivable specifically
Distress Warrant in the Bankruptcy procedure using case study of PT Bestindo
Tata Industri in which the Distress Warrant was late involving in verification
process. The aim of this study was to identify the extent of Distress Warrant
Jurisdictional that had privilege in winding up procedure and posed as enforced
contribution, when dealing with Bankruptcy Act. When the court order of
bankruptcy was imposed, the court order could be executed immediately. The
property of the debtor was included in general requisitioning, which performed by
a curator. The result of this study showed that even though tax had privilege in
winding up the process and posed as enforced contribution, when bankruptcy
occurred the tax liability had to follow the bankruptcy act. Therefore when the tax
jurisdictional was not prevalent during verification, the tax jurisdictional became
concurrent creditor"