"Kandidiasis adalah infeksi jamur yang disebabkan oleh jamur Candida, dimana spesies yang paling sering menyebabkan infeksi adalah Candida albicans. Saat ini insidens kandidiasis meningkat, terkait semakin luasnya penggunaan antibiotik spektrum luas dan semakin banyaknya infeksi HIV pada manusia. Tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pola kepekaan Candida albicans terhadap antijamur flukonazol dan itrakonazol secara in vitro dari bahan klinik yang masuk ke Laboratorium Mikologi Departemen Parasitologi FKUI periode 2010-2011.
Uji kepekaan pada flukonazol menunjukkan dari 232 sampel Candida albicans didapatkan 226 sampel (97,42%) sensitif, tiga sampel (1,29%) SDD dan tiga sampel (1,29%) resisten. Sedangkan uji kepekaan terhadap itrakonazol menunjukkan dari 232 sampel tersebut, didapatkan 202 sampel (87,07%) sensitif, 20 sampel (8,62%) SDD, dan 10 sampel (4,31%) resisten. Berdasarkan uji kemaknaan statistik, didapatkan pola kepekaan Candida albicans terhadap obat antijamur flukonazol lebih baik dibandingkan itrakonazol secara in vitro.
Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by Candida fungus, which species are most likely to cause infection is Candida albicans. Current increased incidence of candidiasis related to the wider use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and the increasing number of HIV infections in humans. The purpose of this study is to determine the susceptibility profile of antifungal sensitivity of Candida albicans to fluconazole and itraconazole in vitro of the clinical materials that were sent to the Mycology Laboratory of the Department of Parasitology Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia 2010-2011 period.
Test showed sensitivity to fluconazole obtained 232 samples of Candida albicans of which 226 samples (97.42%) sensitive, three samples (1.29%) SDD and three samples (1.29%) were resistant. While testing showed sensitivity to itraconazole of 232 samples, of which 202 samples (87.07%) sensitive, 20 samples (8.62%) SDD, and 10 samples (4.31%) were resistant. Based on the statistical significance test, Candida albicans susceptibility profile to the antifungal drug fluconazole better than itraconazole in vitro."