"Sejak pandemi melanda, kita perlu menyesuaikan cara-cara khusus untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19, terutama karena pemberlakuan Social Distancing. Di Indonesia, cara kami membeli sesuatu telah berubah secara signifikan, yang mengarah pada pertumbuhan penggunaan E-Wallet di sektor online dan offline. Fenomena ini sejalan dengan kebijakan pemerintah dan tujuan mewujudkan Cashless Society dan mewujudkan inklusi keuangan bagi UMKM di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai itu, adopsi teknologi harus diterima oleh Shopper dan Merchant, terutama di sektor yang lebih luas seperti retail dan F&B. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan variabel signifikan yang mempengaruhi adopsi Dompet Digital oleh pedagang di sektor offline dengan mengembangkan model konseptual berdasarkan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dan berfokus pada hasil Intention to Use dari teknologi tersebut. Survei terhadap 149 responden yang memiliki bisnis brick and mortar di sektor F&B dikumpulkan dan dianalisis menggunakan PLSSEM. Dari 13 hipotesis yang telah dikembangkan, tujuh diterima, dan enam ditolak. Ada juga 12 rekomendasi strategi yang 6 diantaranya dapat menjadi rekomendasi yang patut dipertimbangkan untuk diimplementasikan.
...... Since the pandemic hits, we need to adjust specific ways to prevent the spread of COVID- 19, primarily due to the enforcement of Social Distancing. In Indonesia, how we purchase things has changed significantly, leading to the growth of E-Wallet usage in the online and offline sectors. This phenomenon aligns with the government policy and the objective of pursuing a Cashless Society and bringing financial inclusion for MSMEs in Indonesia. To achieve that, the adoption of the technology must be accepted by the Shopper and the Merchant, especially in the more extensive sector such as retail and F&B. This study aims to find the significant variable that influences the adoption of Digital Wallets by merchants in the offline sector by developing a conceptual model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and focusing on the outcome of Intention to Use of the technology. A survey of 149 respondents who own a brick & mortar businesses in the F&B sector is collected and analyzed using the PLS-SEM. Out of 13 hypotheses that have been developed, seven were accepted, and six were rejected. There were also 12 strategy recommendation which 6 of them was considered as the recommendation that could be implemented based on TOPSIS Method."