"Dampaknya terhadap pembangunan ekonomi industri di Jakarta dan juga masyarakat di sekitar lokasi tersebut. Pada akhir dekade 1960an, Pemerintah kota Jakarta melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menarik penanaman modal industri. Upaya tersebut mengalami beberapa hambatan, seperti sulitnya memperoleh tanah lokasi untuk usaha serta buruknya keadaan infrastruktur. Untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut, pemerintah kota Jakarta membangun konsep yang baru pada masa itu, yaitu sebuah kawasan industri. Dalam kawasan industri, masalah perizinan serta pembebasan tanah akan diurus oleh pengelola kawasan industri. Lokasi yang dipilih untuk kawasan industri tersebut adalah di daerah Pulogadung dikarenakan berbagai pertimbangan. Kawasan Industri Pulogadung berhasil meraih tujuannya, yaitu mempermudah penanaman modal bidang industri di Jakarta. Keberadaan Kawasan Industri Pulogadung turut memperbaiki tata ruang kota. Masyarakat sekitar juga merasakan dampak yang positif, karena keberadaan Kawasan Industri Pulogadung memberikan peluang bagi ekonomi mereka.
This thesis will discuss about development of Industrial Estate Pulogadung along and its impact toward the development of industrial economy and also the society around the location. In the end of the 1960s, The City Government of Jakarta did a lot off efforts to attract industry investment. The efforts had encounter some problems, for example was the difficulty of finding a business area and the poor of its infrastructure. To overcame these problems, City Government of Jakarta buit the new concept at that time, was the industrial estate, the licencing and liberation will be done by administrator of industrial estate. The selected location for the industrial estate was in Pulogadung region ndash based on many factors. The industrial estate Pulogadung had achive its purpose, was to ease the industry investment in Jakarta. The existence of Industrial Estate Pulogadung also improved the urban planning. The society arround the location also experienced te good impact, because the industrial estate Pulogadung gave the economic opportunity to them."