"[Kemampuan untuk mempertahankan perhatian merupakan masalah bagi anak dengan gangguan atensi dan hiperaktivitas. Latihan pemusatan perhatian dengan latihan fisik mampu meningkatkan rentang perhatian pada anak dengan gangguan atensi dan hiperaktivitas serta efeknya cenderung bertahan lama. Sedangkan intervensi dengan kegiatan membaca juga terbukti mampu meningkatkan rentang perhatian namun efeknya cenderung menghilang setelah intervensi tidak diberikan lagi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimen (N=15), yang bertujuan untuk membandingkan efektivitas latihan fisik dan kegiatan membaca dalam meningkatkan rentang perhatian pada anak dengan gangguan atensi dan hiperaktivitas. Peningkatan rentang perhatian diukur
ketika anak membaca dengan teknik observasi menggunakan perhitungan waktu dalam detik. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan pengukuran gejala gangguan atensi dan hiperaktivitas dengan alat ukur Vanderbilt ADHD Rating Scale.;The ability to maintain attention is a problem for children with attention and hyperactivity disorder. Attention exercise with physical exercise can increase attention span in children with attention and hyperactivity disorder, and the effects
of these intervention was durable. While attention exercise with reading activity can also increase attention span, but the effect tends to disappear after the intervention was not continue. This research used an experimental design (N = 15), which aims to compare the effectiveness of physical exercise and reading activitiy to increase attention span in children with attention and hyperactivity disorder. The attention span is measured when the children read by observation
techniques using a calculation time in seconds. This study also use the
measurement of attention and hyperactivity symptoms with Vanderbilt ADHD Rating Scale., The ability to maintain attention is a problem for children with attention
and hyperactivity disorder. Attention exercise with physical exercise can increase
attention span in children with attention and hyperactivity disorder, and the effects
of these intervention was durable. While attention exercise with reading activity
can also increase attention span, but the effect tends to disappear after the
intervention was not continue. This research used an experimental design (N =
15), which aims to compare the effectiveness of physical exercise and reading
activitiy to increase attention span in children with attention and hyperactivity
disorder. The attention span is measured when the children read by observation
techniques using a calculation time in seconds. This study also use the
measurement of attention and hyperactivity symptoms with Vanderbilt ADHD
Rating Scale.]"