"Persalinan prematur definisi adalah persalinan prematur adalah persalinan masa kehamilan kurang dari 37 minggu (WHO, 1993), penelitian Rooney B & Calhoun B.C, (2003) menjelaskan bahwa prematur terjadi masa kehamilan antara 20 minggu sampai kurang 37 minggu.
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui risiko penyakit periodontal terhadap kejadian persalinan prematur berdasarkan pemeriksaan klinis, antara lain Level perlekatan klinis (Clinical Attachment Level/CAL), Periodontal poket dalam (Periodontal Pocket in Depth/PPD), Perdarahan probing (Bleeding on Probing/BOP) dan mengetahui ibu hamil menderita penyakit periodontal lebih berisiko terjadi persalinan prematur daripada tidak menderita penyakit periodontal.
Penelitian observasional dengan disain kasus kontrol yang dilakukan di fasilitas kesehatan (hospital based). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada beberapa rumah sakit di Pontianak seperti RSUD dr Soedarso, RSIA Anugrah Bunda Khatulistiwa, RSIA Jeumpa dan RS Kharitas Bakti. Besar sampel minimal dalam penelitian dengan kasus 87 responden dan kontrol 98 responden, pengumpulan data dilakukan bulan agustus 2014 s/d mei 2015.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa proporsi penyakit periodontal dengan persalinan prematur sebesar 71,40% dan pada persalinan aterm 49,00%. Sedangkan proporsi yang tidak menderita penyakit periodontal dengan persalinan prematur 28,60%, pada persalinan aterm 51,00%. Penyakit periodontal berhubungan bermakna dengan resiko 2,4 lebih besar dibandingkan tidak menderita penyakit periodontal. Sebagai konfonder berhubungan bermakna antara lain faktor resiko ANC dan Pekerjaan.
Saran penelitian ini, ibu hamil dapat melakukan pemeriksaan penyakit periodontal pada tata laksana ANC baik pada pelayanan dasar maupun rujukan pada ibu hamil.
Preterm labor is the definition of preterm labor is labor gestation less than 37 weeks (WHO, 1993), research Rooney B.C B & Calhoun (2003) explain that premature occur between 20 weeks gestation until less than 37 weeks.
The study was conducted to determine the risk of periodontal disease on the incidence of preterm birth based on clinical examination, including Clinical Attachment Level (CAL), Periodontal Pocket in Depth (PPD), Bleeding on Probing (BOP) that pregnant women suffer from periodontal disease is a risk of premature delivery than not suffer from periodontal disease.
Observational study with case control design conducted in health facilities (hospital based). The experiment was conducted at several hospitals in Singapore as dr Soedarso, RSIA Anugrah Mother Equator, RSIA JEUMPA and RS Kharitas Bakti. Minimum sample size in the study with the case of 87 respondents and 98 control respondents, data collection conducted in August 2014 s / d of May, 2015.
The result showed that the proportion of periodontal disease and preterm labor at 71.40% and 49.00% of term deliveries. While the proportion who do not suffer from periodontal disease and preterm labor 28.60%, 51.00% in labor at term. Periodontal disease significantly associated with the risk greater than 2.4 do not suffer from periodontal disease. As confounder significant relationship between other risk factors ANC and Employment.
Suggestion of this study, pregnant women can conduct examination of periodontal disease in ANC governance both at primary and referral services to pregnant women."