"......In Indonesin, internet is growing every year Bbascd on numbers that given by APJII
the manager of liX, shows that there are an increasing numbers of internet uset
customer Those numbers has attracted many company in IT business to enter market The increasing number of company that entered this market has the level of competition.
This level of competition also impact on Corbec, as one of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) compay The numbers of their customer is decreasing since final 2004 until
June 2006. Numbers of apartments and ofices buildings that using Corbec's network
access is also decrcasing. Customer survey in August 2005 shows that there are many
Corbec's customer in apartemen that has already change their intenet service to Corbec's
This purpose of this rescarch is to see few things, that is what financial impact from
the decreasing numbers of Corbec customer to the company finance, how does Corbec" offering compete with their competitor dan what action plan can be taken by Corbec to solve this problem.
There are few things that can be found after doing an identification of Corbec's
financial condition The numbers of customer in both segmen already reach the minimum
standard But thosc numbers cannot make a big contribution to the company finance
Service offering that given by Corbec is lower than their competitor in both customer segmen that they have Bad quality on internet service is also makes a lot of their customner change their provider Corbec cannot provide the need of their apartmen customer especially in providing a rualified internet service to support the customer daily activities."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006