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Kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di suatu daerah sangat ditentukan oleh ketersediaan sumber daya khususnya sumber daya vaksin yang kuantitas dan kualitasnya memadai.Pengelolaan distribusi vaksin memerlukan manajemen rantai pasok vaksin yang baik untuk menjaga kualitas vaksin tetap terjaga karena sifat vaksin yang termolabil. Penelitian bertujuan untuk Menganalisis pengendalian suhu vaksin menggunakan Lean Six Sigma selama proses pengiriman vaksin ke Puskesmas di Kota Serang. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data laporan pengendalian suhu vaksin sensitif beku ke Puskesmas di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Serang bulan januari sampai desember 2020 untuk mendapatkan data defect suhu yang tidak memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan sesuai Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No.12 Tahun 2017 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Imunisasi  yang akan digunakan sebagai dasar perhitungan DPMO (Defect Per Million Opportunities) pada Six Sigma. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Lean Six Sigma dalam analisis proses kapabilitas pengendalian suhu distribusi vaksin sensitif beku (Freeze Sensitive Vaccine) dan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan terstruktur melalui wawancara mendalam kepada pakar/ahli yang memahami sistem distribusi vaksin sebagai langkah dalam proses brainstorming untuk menyusun saran perbaikan dalam pengendalian suhu distribusi vaksin sensitif beku ke Puskesmas di Kota Serang Provinsi Banten. Lean Six Sigma didapatkan bahwa sistem distribusi vaksin sensitif beku ke Puskesmas  di Kota Serang perlu adanya pengendalian suhu yang lebih baik agar sesuai Permenkes No.12 Tahun 2017. ......Health services quality in a region is determined by the resources especially vaccine resources sufficient quantity and quality. Vaccine distribution management requires a good vaccine supply chain management to maintain the quality of vaccine stability because the vaccine is thermolable. The research aims to control temperature vaccine using lean six sigma during the delivery of vaccine to hospitals in the city of serang. The data used in this research was data reports control of Freeze Sensitive Vaccine distribution into public health center in serang city health department in january until december 2020 to obtain defect data of inappropriate temperatures based on Minister of Health Regulation number 12 of 2017 on the implementation of immunization will be used as the basis of calculations DPMO (Defect per Million Opportunity) in six sigma. Methods used in research is lean six sigma in the analysis of the process of vaccine distribution capabilities control Freeze Sensitive Vaccine and use a structured list of questions through in-depth interviews to experts of vaccine distribution system in Health Department of Serang City as a step in the process of brainstorming to make suggestions to improve the control Freeze Sensitive Vaccine distribution to Public Health Center in the city of Serang, Banten. Lean Six Sigma knowledge that the distribution system Freeze Sensitive Vaccine to Public Health Center in the city of Serang needed to control the better to fit Minister of Health Regulation number 12 of 2017.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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Berdasarkan UU Nomor 44 tahun 2009 tentang Rumah Sakit Rumah Sakit didefinisikan sebagai institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan perorangan secara paripurna yang menyediakan pelayanan rawat inap rawat jalan dan gawat darurat Pada akhir tahun 2010 RSUP Fatmawati tercatat menjadi Rumah Sakit kelas A Pendidikan dan mendapat Akreditasi Penuh Tingkat Lengkap 16 Pelayanan Paripurna Kemudian tahun 2011 mendapat sertifikat terakreditasi ISO 9001 2008 dan OHSAS Kegiatan kegiatan yang berlangsung di RSUP Fatmawati adalah bagian Non Farmasi Klinik dan Farmasi Klinik Farmasi klinik meliputi pelayanan pengkajian resep penelusuran riwayat penggunaan obat rekonsiliasi obat pelayanan informasi obat PIO konseling visite pemantauan terapi obat PTO monitoring efek samping obat MESO evaluasi penggunaan obat EPO dispensing sediaan steril dan pemantauan kadar obat dalam darah PKOD ABSTRACT Under law No 44 of 2009 on the hospital the hospital is defined as a health care institution that organizes personal health service in plenary that provides inpatient outpatient and emergency department At the end of 2010 Fatmawati Hospital recorded into A class hospital fully accredited education and complete 16 levels of service plenary Then at 2011 certified accredited to ISO 9001 2008 and OHSAS The activities take place in a non Fatmawati Hospital is part of clinical pharmacy Pharmacy clinics include services assesment recipes and search history of drug use drug reconsiliation drug information service DIS counseling visite therapeutic drug monitoring TDM monitoring of drug side effect MDSE evaluation of the use of drug sterile dispensing preparation and monitoring of drug level in blood MDLB ;Under law No 44 of 2009 on the hospital the hospital is defined as a health care institution that organizes personal health service in plenary that provides inpatient outpatient and emergency department At the end of 2010 Fatmawati Hospital recorded into A class hospital fully accredited education and complete 16 levels of service plenary Then at 2011 certified accredited to ISO 9001 2008 and OHSAS The activities take place in a non Fatmawati Hospital is part of clinical pharmacy Pharmacy clinics include services assesment recipes and search history of drug use drug reconsiliation drug information service DIS counseling visite therapeutic drug monitoring TDM monitoring of drug side effect MDSE evaluation of the use of drug sterile dispensing preparation and monitoring of drug level in blood MDLB ;Under law No 44 of 2009 on the hospital the hospital is defined as a health care institution that organizes personal health service in plenary that provides inpatient outpatient and emergency department At the end of 2010 Fatmawati Hospital recorded into A class hospital fully accredited education and complete 16 levels of service plenary Then at 2011 certified accredited to ISO 9001 2008 and OHSAS The activities take place in a non Fatmawati Hospital is part of clinical pharmacy Pharmacy clinics include services assesment recipes and search history of drug use drug reconsiliation drug information service DIS counseling visite therapeutic drug monitoring TDM monitoring of drug side effect MDSE evaluation of the use of drug sterile dispensing preparation and monitoring of drug level in blood MDLB
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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Pelayanan farmasi klinik yang dilakukan di Kimia Farma No. 7 Bogor meliputi: pengkajian resep, dispensing, pelayanan informasi obat (PIO), konseling dan telofarma. Pengelolaan apotek dimulai dari tahap perencanaan, pengadaan atau pemesanan, penerimaan, penyimpanan serta distribusi obat dan perbekalan farmasi lainnya. Distribusi obat dan perbekalan farmasi dapat dilakukan dengan cara penjualan resep maupun non resep, baik tunai maupun kredit. Apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek mempunyai 3 (tiga) peran yaitu sebagai manajer, professional dan retailer. Sebagai manajer apoteker bertanggungjawab terhadap semua kegiatan di apotek, baik di bidang teknis kefarmasian, administrasi, maupun bidang ketenagakerjaan. Sebagai professional apoteker memberikan pelayanan kefarmasian yang bermutu dan efisien berasaskan pharmaceutical care dan sebagai retailer apoteker harus memiliki kemampuan menjual produk ? produk yang dapat langsung dibeli oleh konsumen. ......Clinically pharmacy service conducted in Kimia Farma 7 Apotek Bogor include: assesment prescription, dispensing, drug information sevice (DIS), counseling, and telofarma. Pharmacy management starts from the stage of planning, procurement or ordering, receiving, storage, and distribution of drugs and other pharmaceuticals. Distribution of drugs and pharmaceuticals can be done by way of prescription and prescription sales of both cash and credit. Pharmacists in the management of the pharmacy has three role is as manager, professional, and reteller. As a pharmacist manager responsible for all activities in pharmacies both in the technical field of pharmacy, administration, and the field of labor. As a proffesional pharmacist providing pharmaceutical services of quality and efficient is based pharmaceutical care and as reteller pharmacists have the ability to sell products that can be directly purchased by consumers.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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Abstrak :
Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota merupakan unit kerja Dinas Kesehatan pada Kota Administrasi. Suku Dinas Kota dipimpin oleh seorang Kepala Suku Dinas yang secara teknis dan administrasi berkedudukan di bawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Kepala Dinas, serta secara operasional berkedudukan di bawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Walikota. Jakarta Timur memiliki 88 puskesmas yang terdiri dari 10 Puskesmas Kecamatan dan 78 Puskesmas Kelurahan. Puskesmas Kecamatan membawahi beberapa Puskesmas Kelurahan. Puskesmas Kecamatan yang terletak di wilayah Jakarta Timur yaitu Puskesmas Kecamatan Makasar, Matraman, Jatinegara, Cakung, Duren Sawit, Kramat Jati, Pulogadung, Pasar Rebo, Ciracas, dan Cipayung. Pengadaan obat di Puskesmas dilakukan oleh Kepala Apotek Puskesmas kepada Suku Dinas Kota Jakarta Timur dengan mengajukan formulir LPLPO (Laporan Pemakaian dan Lembar Permintaan Obat). Perencanaan kebutuhan Obat dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai di Puskesmas mengacu pada Daftar Obat Esensial Nasional (DOEN) dan Formularium Nasional. Pelaporan Penggunaan Obat Rasional (POR) dilakukan setiap bulan dengan tujuan untuk melihat kerasionalan peresepan obat, terutama pada pasien ISPA non pneumonia, diare non spesifik, dan myalgia.ABSTRACT Tribe Health Department is working units in the city Health Department official rate city administration headed by a chief official who is technically and administration under and responsible to the head office as well asoperationally under and responsible to the mayor. East Jakarta has 88 health centers consisting of 10 district health centersand 78 village health centers. District health centers in charge of several villages. Distrct health center is located in East Jakarta which makassar district health centers, matraman, jatinegara, cakung, duren sawit, kramat jati, pulogadung, pasar rebo, ciracas, and cipayung. Procurement of drugs in health centers carried out by the head of Pharmacy Health Center to the east of Jakarta City official rate by submitting a form RSUGD (Report Sheet Usage and Demand for Drugs). Material requrements planningdrugs and medical consumables in health centers refer to the national essential drugs list (NEDL) and national formulary. Reporting rational drug use (RDS) is done evry month with the aim to see the rationality of prescribing drugs, especially in patients ISPA non pneumonia, non-specific diarrhea and myalgia.
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library