"Peneliti berargumen bahwa dominasi kepemimpinan dinasti politik Nehru-Gandhi telah mempengaruhi proses institusionalisasi Partai Indian National Congress (INC) pada tahun 2004-2014. Lebih lanjut, dalam mengidentifikasi fenomena tersebut, peneliti menggunakan model teori dimensions in party institutionalization milik Randall dan Svåsand dan didukung dengan konsep hereditary succession yang dicetuskan oleh Tullock. Melalui metode kualitatif, peneliti memperoleh beberapa temuan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu pengaruh dominasi dinasti Nehru-Gandhi pada era kepemimpinan Sonia Gandhi terdapat pada dimensi internal dan eksternal partai INC. Pada dimensi internal terdapat pada aspek-aspek berupa pembenahan sistem organisasi INC dan upaya penegakkan infusi nilai dan nilai-nilai kepartaian dalam perumusan kebijakan. Sementara, pada dimensi eksternal pengaruh dominasi dapat terlihat dalam upaya memperluas konsituensi dengan memberikan citra inklusivitas sosial kepada masyarakat India dan mempertahankan otonomi pengambilan keputusan partai dengan menjadikan partai tersebut sebagai partai pemimpin koalisi dari koalisi United Progressive Alliance (UPA) di tengah skandal yang menyebabkan keluarnya beberapa partai anggota koalisi. Suksesi kepemimpinan berdasarkan garis keturunan diidentifikasi dengan pengangkatan Rahul Gandhi sebagai Wakil Presiden INC pada tahun 2013. Atas dasar temuan tersebut, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa dinasti politik Nehru-Gandhi berhasil dalam mempengaruhi proses institusionalisasi partai INC melalui dimensi internal dan eksternal partai tersebut, serta melaksanakan hereditary succession pada periode kepemimpinan Sonia Gandhi tahun 2004-2014.
This study argues that the dominance of Nehru-Gandhis political dynasty leadership had influenced the institutionalization of the Indian National Congress (INC) Party in 2004-2014. Furthermore, in identifying the phenomenon, researcher used the Randall and Svåsands dimensions in party institutionalization model theory and supported by the concept of hereditary succession which was initiated by Tullock. Through qualitative method, researcher has found several findings in this study, that influences by the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty in Sonia Gandhis period of leadership were found in the internal and external dimensions of INC as a party. In internal dimensions were found in aspects such as revamping the organizational system of INC and efforts to enforce identity values (ideology) and party values in policy formulation. Meanwhile, on the external dimension the influence of domination was an effort to expand the constituency by giving the party social inclusiveness image to Indian society and maintaining the autonomy of the INC by making it a coalition leader party of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) amid scandals which led to the resignations of several party members of the coalition. Hereditary succession was identified with the appointment of Rahul Gandhi as INC Vice-President in 2013. On the basis of these findings, the researcher concluded that Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty had succeeded in influencing the institutionalization process of the INC party through the partys internal and external dimensions, also succeded the hereditary succession in the period of Sonia Gandhis leadership in 2004-2014."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019