Anemia is a significant public health problem in female adolescents although intervention program has been established until present. One of the intervention programs, education on anemia is delivered by paper-based module. A scientific evidence is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of android application to prevent anemia through improvement in food and nutrient intake among female adolescents. The design studies used in this research, i.e. exploration, development (prototyping approach) and open label non-randomized trial. The location of this study was at six Muhammadiyah junior high schools in Depok since October 2015 to June 2016 with the phases of formative, pre-intervention, implementation for five months, post-intervention and follow-up for one month. Sample size calculation in this study was based on estimation means difference between two groups (228 subjects in android application group & 250 subjects in paper-based module group) with statistical analysis using General Linear model to evaluate the effectiveness of android application versus paper-based module on food & nutrient consumption and hemoglobin (Hb). This study showed that after controlling pre-intervention factors, there was significant different on the change in vitamin B12 intake. Other nutrients and Hb level between android application group and paper-based module group were not statistically different because of the influence factors from controlling factors, i.e. environment constraint & pre-intervention Hb. In addition to that, there was no statistically different in intention change after post-intervention and follow-up. This study revealed that adolescents using android application was better in determinant of behaviors, food & nutrient intake and Hb because they were more engaged in implementation intervention and more satisfied in experiencing the intervention. While paper-based module seemed to experience lower satisfaction. This can be interpreted that android application can be used for further intervention. Android application can be used as an education tool to prevent anemia among female adolescents. This effectiveness should optimize social media feature that female adolescents can have more interactive experience.