"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai penerapan etika bisnis dalam prinsip-prinsip corporate governance di pengaturan pasar modal Indonesia yang dapat memberikan value bagi suatu Perseroan sebagai kontribusi terhadap pencegahan praktek tindakan korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme. Dengan mengkaitkan kepada prinsip-prinsip corporate governance OECD yang diadopsi KNKG selaku lembaga independen dan Bapepam sebagai badan pengawasan dan evaluasi dalam pelaksanaan penerapannya pada Perseroan di Indonesia.
Kontribusi pasar modal Indonesia di dunia internasional diarahkan dengan dilakukannya pengawasan dan evaluatif oleh ASEAN dalam suatu pemeringkatan dalam hal penegakan hukum, tugas dan tanggung direksi dan dewan komisaris beserta pemegang saham, perlindungan terhadap para pemegang saham dan para pemangku kepentingan. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif yuridis normatif, penelitian ini bermaksud memaparkan keberlakuan penerapan prinsip-prinsip tersebut agar terciptanya suatu kepastian hukum dalam pengaturannya di pasar modal Indonesia.
......This paper discusses about the assessment of business ethics in the principles of corporate governance in the Indonesian capital market regulations which can provide a value for the enterprises as a contribution to prevent the practice of corruption, collution, and nepotism. By linking to the principles of corporate governance adopted to OECD, KNKG as the independent institution dan Bapepam as supervisory and evaluative body are able to measure the implementation of its application to the entriprises in Indonesia.
The contribution of the Indonesian capital market internationally directed through monitoring and evaluative by ASEAN in a ranking in law enforcement, duties and responsibilities of directors and the board of directors and its shareholders, protection of shareholders and stakeholders. By using the method descriptive normative research, this study intends to describe the applicability of the implementation to these principles in order to lead a rule of law in its regulations in the Indonesian capital market."