ABSTRAKPenelitian ini adalah hasil pembacaan terhadap proses migrasi dan karya-karya teater modern dari seniman teater Nandang Aradea. Adapun perjalanan kreativitas seorang seniman yang mengalami proses migrasi fisik dan migrasi budaya berpengaruh pada transformasi estetika karya-karya teaternya. Melalui proses migrasi sebagai perantauan, Nandang Aradea melakukan perjalanan ulang-alik kebudayaan hasil pergerakan dari ruang (space), waktu (time) dan budaya (culture) yang berbeda antara desa dan kota, arus budaya tradisi dan modern, lokal dan global tanpa meninggalkan identitas asal yaitu kebudayaan Sunda sebagai pijakan dengan cara pandang Sunda yang kosmopolitan.
Kajian etnografi biografi ini ingin menjelaskan secara dialektis antara relasi tokoh dan karyanya. Kreativitas seorang seniman memiliki hubungan dialektika dengan representasi identitas secara individual, melalui sumber pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang dipengaruhi proses kultural dan sosial dengan masyarakat di mana seniman itu berada. Upaya pemaknaan karya teater modern Nandang Aradea dilakukan dengan penggalian perjalanan ulang-alik proses berkeseniannya melalui perantauan di dalam negeri dan luar negeri yang dilakukan di empat ruang yaitu Ciamis, Bandung, Moskow dan Banten. Nandang adalah seniman teater yang melakukan pencarian pengetahuan teater modern Indonesia di Bandung, selanjutnya mendalami teater modern Barat di Moskow dan melakukan peleburan seluruh pengetahuan dan pengalaman berteaternya di Banten dengan puncaknya menciptakan bentuk metode teater bernama Teater Miragarasa.
Setiap perjalanan dengan perbedaan ruang, pengetahuan, pengalaman dan dinamika kebudayaan mempengaruhi tranformasi perubahan estetika karya Nandang dalam artistik dan tematik. Upaya pemaknaan perjalanan ulang-alik terhadap karya teater modern Nandang Aradea memiliki hubungan korelasional dengan empat konteks utama yaitu identitas budaya, migrasi (merantau) dan transformasi estetika menuju Teater Miragarasa.
ABSTRACTThe research is resulted from the reading toward the migration process and the works of modern theater of the dramatist Nandang Aradea, by which the creativity journey of the artist experienced the process of physical migration and cultural migration that affected the aesthetic transformation of his theater works. Through the migration process of Merantau (wandering about to new places), Nandang Aradea did the cultural inter-space shuttle journey, resulted from the movement among different spaces, time, and culture between urban and suburban (village), between the flow of traditional and modern culture, between locality and globalism without leaving behind his former identity, that are, the ethnicity of Sundanese culture as its root and a cosmopolitan Sundanese as way of life.This ethnography biography research will depict dialectically the relation between the figure and his work. The creativity of an artist has the dialectic connection with the representation of his individual/self-identity through the source of his experience and knowledge that is affected by the cultural process in society. The effort of constructing the meaning of Nandang Aradea?s modern theater works is done by digging the inter-space shuttle journey of his artistic process through the migration process in the four spaces: Ciamis, Bandung, Moscow, and Banten. Nandang was a dramatist who sought for knowledge about modern Indonesian theater in Bandung, then continually broadened his study in modern European theater in Moscow and assimilated the whole knowledge and theater experience in Banten by creating a form of theater methodology named Miragarasa Theater.Each journey with different spaces, knowledge, experience, and cultural dynamic affect the transformation of Nandang?s aesthetic works in the scope of artistic and thematic. The effort of constructing the meaning between Nandang Aradea?s inter-space shuttle journey and his modern theater works is correlated with the four main contexts: cultural identity, the migration journey (Merantau), and aesthetic transformation that leads to Miragarasa Theater."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016