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Ditemukan 1 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ritonga, Eka Purnama Dewi
Abstrak :
Rekam medis elektronik (RME) telah diimplementasikan di poliklinik rawat jalan Rumah Sakit AN-NISA Tangerang sejak Februari 2019 yaitu di poliklinik rawat jalan. Hingga saat ini belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap RME. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kombinasi kuantitatif dan kualitatif (mixed methods) dengan desain sequential explanatory untuk menganalisis pengaruh persepsi pengguna tentang aspek presentation, information, economics, control, efficiency dan service terhadap penerapan RME. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan terlebih dahulu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada seluruh pengguna RME yaitu dokter, perawat, administrator, staf radiologi, staf farmasi, dan staf laboratorium sebanyak 206 responden, sedangkan penelitian kualitatif dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode regresi linier. Pada penelitian ini, dari hasil analisis deskriptif, 67.0 % responden menyatakan bahwa aspek presentation pada penerapan RME adalah baik, pada aspek information 60,2 % responden menyatakan baik, pada aspek economics 47,6% responden menyatakan baik, pada aspek control 55,8 % responden menyatakan cukup, pada aspek efficiency 82,5% responden menyatakan baik, dan pada aspek service 85,4% responden menyatakan baik. Seluruh variabel penelitian yaitu aspek Presentation, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency dan Service berpengaruh terhadap penerapan RME. Hasil analisis kuantitatif sejalan dengan analisis kualitatif dimana masih dijumpai beberapa variabel yang belum optimal pelaksanaannya di poliklinik rawat jalan RS AN-NISA Tangerang dikarenakan dalam aplikasi RME masih ada yang harus dilengkapi.
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) have been implemented in the outpatient clinic of ANNISA Hospital, Tangerang since February 2019. Until now there has never been an evaluation of the EMR. This research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative (mixed methods) research with sequential explanatory design to analyze the influence of user perceptions about aspects of presentation, information, economics, control, efficiency and service on the application of EMR. Quantitative research was conducted in advance by distributing questionnaires to all EMR users, namely doctors, nurses, administrators, radiology staff, pharmacy staff, and laboratory staff totaling 206 respondents, while qualitative research was conducted by interviews, observations, and documentation. The analytical method used was the regression method linear. In this study, from the results of a descriptive analysis, 67.0% of respondents stated that the presentation aspect in the application of EMR was well, in the information aspect 60.2% of the respondents stated well, in the economics aspect 47.6% of the respondents stated well, in the control aspect 55.8 % of respondents said that it was enough, in the aspect of efficiency 82.5% of respondents stated well, and in the aspect of service 85.4% of respondents stated well. All research variables, namely aspects of Presentation, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency and Service affect the application of RME. The results of the quantitative analysis are in line with the qualitative analysis where there are still several variables that have not been optimally implemented in the outpatient clinic of AN-NISA Hospital in Tangerang because there are still EMR applications that must be completed.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library