ABSTRACTThe natural disaster is something inevitable and sometimes unpredictable. Disasters bring destructive impacts in all aspects of human live. Not only the enviroment, but also to the human resource itself] the infrastructure and the economic activity within the affected area. There is the need to do the recovery on these sectors to help the victims to gain their nonnal live back. This recovery effort involves many level of different expertise from many different sources.
With many entities trying to help working together, there is possibility of conflict to happen. The potential conflicts can prevent the effort to reach its optimum results, make the efforts relief overlapped, sup-par result or possibilities of Wasting the available resources resulting from the conflicts. There are 5 ways of handling conflicts that happens. The methods are avoiding, accommodating, competing, compromising, and collaborating. Is collaboration the ideal way for disaster response on managing the interest of the multi players on the fields and to
make the best use of the resource provided? The study takes 5 major natural disaster for example, which are Aceh earthquake and tsunami, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Nargis cyclone in Burma, earthquake in Haiti and tsunami in Japan. Collaboration shows to be the most effective way on relief effort but needs to be adjusted concerning the conditions. It is also important to build sense of ownership amongst the stakeholders, the' policy dissemination and the certain level of flexibility in its implementation, and to enhance good connnunication
flow in the form of collaboration."