"Abstract. The aim of the research is to conduct an initial evaluation on the physical and institutional aspects
of the destination development program of Muaro Jambi temples. The research uses quantitative approach by
referring to the concept of tourism destination quality, of tourism organizational competence, and institutional
competence indicator. The result of the research shows that Muaro Jambi temples have not been sustained
by the availability of adequate amenitas amenity and transportation, even though they have great historical,
geological, and agricultural attractiveness. Institutionally, the program becomes the responsibility of tourism
organizations in the level of central, provincial, and regency governments with vertical relation mechanism
and coordination. However, the condition of tourism-supporting private sectors and the quality of human
resources have become challenges for the government to accomplish the vision of Muaro Jambi temples as a
world’s tourism destination based on historical site and the center of Buddhism culture in Asia. "