ABSTRAKBerbagai penelitian terdahulu di berbagai negara menemukan bahwa pembangunan telekomunikasi di era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini sangat penting untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk memberikan bukti empiris hubungan infrastruktur telekomunikasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia, dan seberapa besar pengaruhnya. Untuk menjawab hal ini, Penulis menggunakan regresi linear untuk mengetahui dampak infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang di proxykan melalui rasio sambungan telepon fixed-line dan mobile per 100 orang penduduk teledensitas , terhadap Gross Domestic Product GDP . Model regresi berganda dibangun menggunakan variabel-variabel yaitu Teledensitas, Government Expenditure, Foreign Direct Investment, Fixed Investment, openness dan population growth. Data yang digunakan adalah data agregat berbentuk time series periode 1985 mdash;2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teledensitas berpengaruh singifikan dan positif terhadap GDP, dan variabel lainnya juga signifikan mempengaruhi GDP. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan telekomunikasi di Indonesia memberikan kontribusi positif pada pertumbuhan ekonomi.
ABSTRACTVarious studies in many different countries have found that telecommunication development in globalization era plays an important role to economic growth. The objectives of this study were to give empirical evidence of the relationship of telecommunication infrastructure to economic growth in Indonesia, and to determine its impact. To achieve the objectives, the study used liniear regression to determine the relationship of telecommunication infrastructure mdash which proxied by the ratio of mobile and fixed line telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants teledensity mdash towards Gross Domestic Product GDP . To estimate the impact, the study developed Multiple Linear Regression Model with variables included Teledensity, Government Expenditure, Foreign Direct Investment, Fixed Investment, openness, and population growth. Data used in this study was an aggregate level of time series 1985 mdash 2015 . The result found that Teledensity positively and significantly impact GDP, and all variables are also significantly impact GDP. These findings show that telecommunication development in Indonesia enhanced economic growth, and gave positive impact."