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Abstrak :
STAR-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery takes over portions of East Kalimantan. In the first part of this study, the basic theory of SAR was reviewed, begin by digital signal processing, and then range / azimuth resolution and the last is pulse compression. Specific applications like Frost Filter to reduce speckle caused by multiplicative white noise had been run by "FILTER.F77" program. The Frost filter seems not to give optimum results in this study area. The application of classification also had been run by packet program "Bakosurtanal image analysis system" before and after filtering. Running 'ANALISA & ANALPOS' program and then running its output with 'STATGRAPHIC' program can clear the differences between homogeneous and inhomogeneous areas.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Sarwanto
Abstrak :
Studi dalam tesis ini mengenai politik ekonomi pada Pemerintahan Megawati Soekarnoputri : Studi kasus privatisasi PT. Indosat, Tbk., tahun 2002-2003. Secara umum privatisasi BUMN merupakan kebijakan pemerintah yang sangat dilematis. Pada satu sisi harus segera dilaksanakan agar tercapai efisiensi dan terbentuknya rata pengelolaan perusahaan yang baik (good corporate governance) untuk menghadapi globalisasi perdagangan, pada sisi yang lain justru kebijakan itu tidak popular di tengah masyarakat dan memunculkan tudingan bahwa pemerintahan bagian dari antek neoliberalis. Pro dan kontra mewarnai kebijakan privatisasi di Indonesia untuk menganalisis persoalan itu penelitian tesis ini menggunakan teori demokratisasi ekonomi; demokratisasi politik dan teori konflik politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif-analitis. Data-primer diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) terhadap informan terpilih (purposive) sedangkan data sekunder berasal dari studi literature, jurnal ekonmi, artikel, surat kabar, dokumen tertulis atau foto, dan internat. Kebijakan privatisasi terhadap PT. Indosat Tbk. tidak hanya dilakukan oleh pemerintahan Megawati Soekarnoputri, namun sudah dilakukan sejak pemerintahan Orde Baru (1994); kemudian oleh pemerintahan transisi BJ. Habibie (1998) dan Abdurrahman Wahid. Muncul perbedaan yang sangat mencolok antara periode sebelum tahun 2002 dengan sesudahnya, khususnya reaksi pro dan kontra yang dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak terhadap kebijakan itu. Pada masa Orde bare hingga pemerintahan transisi Abdurrahman Wahid, tidak muncul penolakan yang berarti atas privatisasi PT. Indosat Tbk. Malah di antara eksekutif dan legeslatif saling mendukung. Namun berbeda reaksi yang muncul pada saat pemerintahan Megawati Soekarnoputri mengeluarkan kebijakan privatisasi terhadap perusahaan yang sangat strategis dan menguntungkan itu. Penolakan muncul dari banyak kalangan misalnya para karyawan yang tergabung dalam Serikat Pekerja Indosat (SPI), Anggota Dewan (khususnya Fraksi Reformasi), Ketua MPR; KPPU: Iluni Jakarta serta ormas dan tokoh masyarakat. Studi terhadap privatisasi PT. Indosat Tbk. menunjukkan bahwa alasan yang paling mendasar dari kebijakan privatsisi di Indonesia adalah hanya untuk menutupi kebutuhan defisit anggaran tambahan pemerintah tahun 2002-2003 sebesar Rp. 6.2 triliun. Kebijakan privatisasi oleh pemerintah pada saat ini tidak direncanakan secara matang dan baik bahkan terkesan "asal-asalan" atau asal laku terjual. di samping itu juga pada saat pelaksanaannya ada indikasi KKN. Konflik politik sebagai akibat dari kebijakan privatisasi bukanlah konflik pribadi, namun sebagai bentuk dari konflik ideologi atau kepentingan antar elit partai politik. Metode privatisasi di Indonesia tidak harus meniru kebijakan di Negara lain yang sukses melaksanakan kebijakan privatisasinya, karena di Indonesia persoalan status kepemilikan perusahaan berpengaruh kepada kinerja perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Strategi restrukturisasi BUMN disarankan melalui (1) membuat regulasi yang memihak kepada kepentingan bangsa Indonesia dan kesejahteraan rakyat banyak (2) Membentuk Korporasi perusahaan agar tercipta manajemen dan budaya kerja yang efisien dan produktif (3) penciptaan pasar yang lebih kompetitif atau mengurang/mencabut monopoli. (4) kebijakan privatisasi yang transparan.(ags).
Political Economy Study on the Ruling of Megawati Soekarnoputri; Case Study of PT Indosat Tbk. Privatization 2002 - 2003. The study in this thesis discussed the political economy analysis of the ruling of Megawati Soekarnoputri with a case study on privatization of PT Indosat Tbk in 2002 - 2003. In general, privatization of BUMN (state-owned enterprises) is a very dilemmatic public policy. On the one hand, it has to be implemented immediately to reach higher efficiency and the establishment of good corporate governance in order to deal with trading globalization. On the other hand, the policy was actually not popular in society and inviting accusation that the government has served as part of neo-liberal supporters. Pros and cons saturated the privatization policy in Indonesia. In order to analyse this phenomena, the research on this thesis will use economical and political democratization theory, as well as political conflict theory. This research used descriptive-analytical approach method. Primary data was collected through in-depth interview with purposively selected informants, while secondary data was collected from literature study on journals of economics, articles, news papers, printed documents and interact articles. Privatization policy on PT Indosat Tbk was not only done during the ruling of Megawati Soekarnoputri, but has already don since the New Order rule (1994), followed by BJ Habibie transitional government (1998) and during Abdurrahman Wahid's presidency. Significant differences took place between these periods before 2002 and during the 2002 - 2003, especially in the existence of pros and cons from many actors over this policy. During the New Order until the transitional government of Abdurrahman Wahid, there was no significant rejection over the privatization of PT Indosat Tbk. Instead, executive and legislative members were supporting each other in this policy. However, contradictive reaction submerged when Megawati Soekarnoputri produced the privatization policy over this extremely strategic and profitable company. Rejection came from many subjects such as employers of Serikat Pekerja Indosat (SPI or Indosat Labour Union), members of parliament (especially those from Reformasi Faction), Head of MPR, KPPU, Jakarta's Iluni and other prominent mass organizations and leaders. The study on privatization of PT Indosat Tbk shows that the basic reason of privatization policy in Indonesia was only to cover up the deficit of state's budget during 2002 - 2003 which amounted to Rp 6.2 trillions. Privatization policy by the government at that time was not well planned and gave an impression of being hastily put together that as long as it can be sold, then it was acceptable. In addition, there was also some indications of corruption and nepotism (KKN) took place during the implementation of the policy. Political conflicts resulted from privatization policy was not personal conflicts, but instead took form as ideological or interest conflict between political parties' elites. Privatization method conducted in Indonesia does not have to be a duplication of other methods used by other countries who have been successful with their privatization policies, because in Indonesia the status of company's ownership can influence the overall company's performance. The restructuring strategy on BUMN should be conducted through: (1) Creation regulation which serves the best interest of Indonesian people and their overall prosperity. (2) Creation of corporate company in. order to build efficient and productive management and professional culture. (3) Creation of more competitive market and decreasing monopoly rights. (4) Creation of transparent privatization policy.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library