"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektivitas program pelatihan autonomysupportive behaviors pada guru PAUD dalam meningkatkan perilaku mendukung otonomi anak prasekolah melalui kegiatan pelatihan. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian terapan
dengan desain penelitian pretest-posttest design. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam
penelitian berdasarkan sebelas perilaku instruksional mendukung otonomi yang
dikembangkan oleh Reeve & Jang (2006). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program
cukup efektif untuk meningkatkan perilaku guru PAUD dalam mendukung otonomi anak
prasekolah dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terutama pada perilaku ?memberikan
pujian sebagai umpan balik atas suatu pencapaian suatu aktivitas? dan ?memberi dorongan
untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan keterlibatan siswa;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement;The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children?s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ?praise as informational feedback about the student?s improvement or mastery?
and the behavior of ?offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student?s engagement, The purpose of this study is measuring the effectiveness of autonomy-supportive behaviors
training program for early childhood teacher to increase the behavior of supporting
autonomy of preschool children. The type of research is applied research with pretestposttest
study design. Measuring instrument used in research is based on eleven
instructional behavior of autonomy support which developed by Reeve & Jang (2006). The
result show that the program is effective to increase the behavior of early childhood teacher
in supporting preschool children’s autonomy and there are significance differences in the
behavior of ‘praise as informational feedback about the student’s improvement or mastery’
and the behavior of ‘offering encouragements to boost or sustain the student’s engagement]"