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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Setia Budi
"Sampai saat ini, minyak dan gas bumi masih menjadi penghasil devisa yang utama bagi Indonesia, hal ini mengingat belum ada sektor lain diluar sektor minyak dan gas bumi yang dapat menjadi andalan bagi Indonesia untuk memperoleh devisa bagi kelangsungan pembangunan nasionalnya. Selain merupakan energi yang tidak terbarukan, dalam pengusahaan maupun pengelolaan minyak dan gas bumi memerlukan modal besar, teknologi canggih, serta sumber daya manusia yang handal.
Dalam perkembangan kontrak hulu migas di Indonesia telah dikenal berbagai macam jenis kontrak, antara lain: kontrak konsesi, kontrak karya, dan kontrak production sharing; dimana pada saat ini yang berlaku adalah kontrak production sharing dangan variasinya, antara lain : JOA/JOB, EOR, TAC. Seperti diketahui, telah banyak kontraktor asing maupun lokal yang beroperasi di Indonesia untuk mencari minyak dan gas bumi. Dari 60 buah cekungan geologi di Indonesia, 15 buah diantaranya merupakan cekungan yang telah berproduksi, dan digunakan sebagai alternatif yang menarik bagi investor untuk menanamkan modalnya dalam kegiatan hulu migas.
Untuk melakukan evaluasi geologi terhadap cekungan yang telah berproduksi tersebut, telah ditentukan 5 buah kriteria (Cadangan, Reservoir, Batuan Induk, Perangkap, dan Migrasi) dan 12 buah subkriteria (Minyak, Gas, Porositas, Permeabilitas, Vitrinite Reflectance, TOG, Type Kerogen, Struktur, Stratigrafi, Kombinasi Struktur dan Stratigrafi, Primer, dan Sekunder). Guna memperoleh penilaian yang akurat, maka dilakukan pula pembuatan kuesioner "Tingkat Kepentingan Kriteria" dan kuesioner "Penilaian Perbandingan Berpasangan", kemudian dilanjutkan wawancara dengan ahli-ahli geologi dari beberapa perusahaan minyak asing maupun PERTAMINA.
Melalui penerapan metoda AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), data yang diperoleh dari wawancara tersebut diolah dengan menggunakan piranti lunak "Expert Choice"; dari sini dapat diketahui bobot kriteria maupun subkriteria secara parsial ataupun global. Berdasarkan pengolahan data dan analisa hasil pembobotan, maka dapat diperoleh 2 (dua) macam strategi yang berhubungan dengan prioritas cekungan, yakni:
- Bilamana berminat untuk mencari minyak
- Bilamana berminat untuk mencari gas"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Setia Budi
A compact, simple and low-cost transversely excited atmospheric (TEA) pressure ultraviolet nitrogen laser {337 nm) has been designed and constructed employing the conventional Blumlein circuit. The measured energy of the output pulse of 337 nm is around 80 -J at 25 kV of charging voltage and l atm operating gas pressure. The beam divergence is found to be 7.7 mrad horizontally and 1.5 mrad vertically. The energy output decreases slightly with increasing gas pressure and gas flow rate, while the beam divergence is relatively stable with respect to the same operating parameters."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Setia Budi
"The role of shock wave in the generation of laser induced secondary plasma was first suggested by Kagawa et al. from an experimental result employing N2 laser on metal targets at reduced surrounding air pressure. This so-called shock wave induced plasma model has since been reexamined and confirmed in a series of experiments performed by Kurniawan and Kagawa et al. using TEA (Transversely Excited Atmospheric) CO2 laser and XeCI excimer laser. All of these experiments were performed at reduced gas pressures. The most important characteristics revealed by those experiments consist of the typical hemispherical shape of the plasma with a thin emission shell at the plasma front, which moves with a propagation length proportional to t°-4, in excellent agreement with the shock wave characteristics predicted theoretically by Sedov. It was further demonstrated that ionic emission was generally insignificant compared to neutral atom emission. While those results have provided relatively solid and comprehensive supports for the model, additional evidence on the density jump characteristic of shock wave generation and other on some unique aspect concerning interaction of shock wave with an object will still be desirable for further clarification on the role of the model.
A series of experiment have been carried out on the dynamical process taking place in the secondary plasma induced by normal oscillation and Q-switched Nd-YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) laser on brass, copper and zinc targets at reduced air pressures. Accurate dynamical characterization of the cross-sectional view of the plasma expansion has been made possible by the unique confinement technique using two parallel glass plates. In order to detect the shock front and the emission front simultaneously, a new shadowgraph technique involving a He-Ne laser as a light probe was also developed. Furthermore in an experiment intended for giving support to the shock wave excitation model qualitatively, the plasma was forced to collide with a wedge placed in front of the target in order to examine the reflection and diffraction phenomena. Measurements were also performed on the time-profile of the plasma emission to provide a description of the plasma temperature variation with time. The study was further substantiated by measurement of the time-resolved spatial distributions of emission intensities.
The results showed that the plasma was generated through the shock-wave and the dynamical process of the secondary plasma is divided into two stages, namely, the "shock excitation stage" and the "cooling stage". During the shock excitation stage, the atoms gushing out from the target were adiabatically compressed against the surrounding gas, resulting in a rapid rise of the plasma temperature up to around 9,000 K. For the case of 2 Ton gas pressure, with the laser pulse of 86 m7 targeted on copper sample, the shock excitation stage lasted for about 1 µs, which was followed immediately by the cooling stage and the plasma temperature decreases gradually to around 7,500 K in about 3 .is. The excitation stage and the cooling stage periods became longer with increasing laser pulse energy.
The multiple excitation processes associated with the secondary plasma emission, and generated by successive multiple shock wave, was clearly observed when the normal oscillation laser was focused onto the surface of the target. The emission characteristics of this secondary plasma showed an extremely low ion and background emissions. This condition is suitable for highly sensitive spectrochemical analysis, as the temperature of the plasma is still high enough (around 7,000 K) for the excitation of neutral atoms. Another favorable conditions is the large amount of material ejected in the process (amounting to 10 µg), which permits an average analysis.
For a practical consideration, the condition to increase sensitivity by suppressing the background was also studied. The result showed that the sensitivity of laser induced shock wave plasma spectroscopy could be increased by reducing laser pulse energy, in which the less expensive time-integrated detection method can be applied. On the other hand, when the sample requires a high power laser beam, the sensitivity could also be enhanced with the aid of a time-gated DMA (Optical Multi channel Analyzer) system by cutting-off the ionic emission coming from the shock excitation stage."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setia Budi
FeCoNi merupakan paduan ternari berbasis logam transisi merupakan bahan magnet lunak memiliki nilai magnetisasi total yang tinggi, ketahanan korosi dan kestabilan termal yang tinggi dan memiliki potensi aplikasi yang luas pada berbagai perangkat elektronik. Pada saat ini, perkembangan perangkat elektronik semakin maju, misalnya pada perangkat portable modern, menuntut bahan magnetik yang tidak hanya tipis namun juga fleksibel. Dalam penelitian ini, dikembangkan metoda sintesis paduan FeCoNi dalam bentuk lapisan nanostruktur dengan teknik elektrodeposisi pada substrat fleksibel yaitu polietilen PET yang dilapisi material konduktif indium tin oksida ITO . Pengaruh kondisi reaksi seperti tegangan ko-deposisi, komposisi elektrolit, dan penambahan bahan kimia aditif masing-masing cetyltrimethylammonium bromide CTAB dan sakarin dikaji peranannya dalam pembuatan lapisan tipis FeCoNi di atas substrat tersebut.Kajian elektrokimia yang telah dilakukan dalam sel tiga elektroda menunjukkan bahwa inisiasi ko-deposisi Fe, Co dan Ni dari elektrolit 1 0,005 M Fe2 , 0,0020 M, Co2 dan 0,170M Ni2 terjadi pada tegangan overpotential -0,95 V. Penambahan sakarin dalam sistem elektrolit tidak memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap kenaikan overpotential sistem. FeCoNi kemudian dideposisikan pada tegangan -1,00 s/d -2,00 V. Deposit FeCoNi yang dihasilkan membentuk lapisan tipis dengan ketebalan 155 nm dengan permukaan yang halus dan rata serta mengkilap. Hasil-hasil karakterisasi membuktikan bahwa fasa tunggal dari larutan padat FeCoNi telah berhasil disintesis dalam bentuk partikel-partikel halus berkuran 40-180 nm. Larutan padat berupa kristalit FeCoNi berukuran antara 10-22 nm, terbentuk dengan struktur kristal FCC. Kehadiran aditif sakarin dalam elektrolit berperan dalam mengontrol ukuran kristalit FeCoNi. Selain itu, penambahan sakarin juga telah merubah morfologi partikel dari bentuk spherical menjadi equi-axed, menghasilkan mikrostruktur deposit yang lebih kompak bebas retakan pada lapisan. Hasil analisis terhadap sifat magnetik menunjukkan bahwa lapisan tipis FeCoNi hasil sintesis memiliki karakteristik magnet lunak dengan koersivitas terkecil mencapai 0,2 Oe. Lapisan tipis FeCoNi yang diperoleh secara eksperimental memiliki nilai magnetisasi total pada rentang 81 - 121 emu/gram sesuai dengan kondisi reaksi yang digunakan. Perubahan sifat magnetik bahan dipengaruhi oleh kandungan Fe dan Ni dalam lapisan FeCoNi.

FeCoNi is a transition metal based alloy possesses excellent soft magnetic characteristics with a high magnetic saturation value, a low coercivity, highly corrosion resistant and a very good thermal stability. Current growth of today rsquo s electronic devices demands alloys which are not just very thin magnetic films, but must also be flexible magnetic films. In this study, synthesis of magnetic thin film of FeCoNi alloy was carried out onto a flexible substrate of polyethylene PET coated with a conductive layer of indium tin oxide ITO using electrodeposition technique. The influence of reaction conditions like co deposition potentials, electrolyte compositions, and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide CTAB and saccharine additives on the growth and properties of the FeCoNi thin film were investigated.Electrochemical studies performed in a three electrode cell showed that initial co deposition of Fe, Co and Ni from electrolyte 1 0,005 M Fe2 , 0,0020 M, Co2 and 0,170M Ni2 take place at over potential of 0,95 V. The addition of additives and the increase of Fe2 concentration were found to slightly shift the initial co deposition to a more negative potential. The mirror like film of FeCoNi with a thickness of 155 nm was electrodeposited successfully at a co deposition potential range of 1.00 to 2.00 V. Microstructure analysis revealed that single phase of the FeCoNi solid solution was successfully grown on the substrate in the form of fine particles of 40 180 nm. The obtained solid solution was composed by nanocrystalline of face centered cubic FCC FeCoNi with the average of crystallite size of 10 22 nm. The presence of saccharine in the electrolyte was beneficial to control crystallite size and changed particles shape from spherical to to equi axed resulted in more compact film. These conditions were believed to impede crack that found on the film electrodeposited without saccharine. The synthesized FeCoNi thin film exhibited soft magnetic properties at which the low coercivity was 0.2 Oe. Magnetic saturation of the films varied between 81 to 121 emu gram, depending on the co deposition condition. The change of magnetic properties was attributed to Fe and Ni content."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andika Setia Budi
Skripsi ini membahas tentang perbandingan hukum mengenai produk cacat dan informasi yang menyesatkan berkaitan dengan kantong udara (airbag) pada mobil. Selain itu dibahas pula menganai kaitan perkembangan teknologi dan standar penentuan produk cacat pada kantong udara (airbag) yang terpasang pada pada mobil. Adapun hukum yang digunakan sebagai perbandingan adalah hukum Indonesia, hukum Amerika Serikat, dan hukum Uni-Eropa. Skripsi ini disusun sebagai penelitian yuridis – normatif yang berdasarkan hukum positif yang berlaku. Adapun penelitian yang ada dilakukan secara kualitatif dan bersifat eksplanatori. Hasil penelitian dari skripsi ini merekomendasikan perimerintah Indonesia untuk mengatur mengenai kriteria dan klasifikasi mengenai produk cacat; mendirikan atau memberikan otoritas ke badan pemerintahan yang sudah ada untuk mengawasi dan mengatur mengenai keselamatan kendaraan bermotor; serta mempertimbangkan ulang untuk menambahkan unsur material pada beberapa pasal pada Bab IV dari Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen. Selain itu skripsi ini juga menyarankan agar Pelaku Usaha lebih berhati-hati dalam memberikan informasi dan product knowledge kepada konsumen. Di lain sisi, Konsumen juga harus lebih proaktif dan taat terhadapa instruksi atau peringatan mengenai penggunaan produk yang telah diberikan oleh Pelaku Usaha.

This undergraduate thesis discusses about comparative legal comparison on defective product and misleading information which are related to car/vehicle airbags. In addition, there is also a discussion regarding the relation between technology development and industries standard of airbags and the standard of defect. This research compares Indonesian legal system with the United States and European Union legal systems. This undergraduate thesis is a juridical – normative legal research which is based on applicable laws and has explanatory character. The analysis of this research is done qualitatively. The result of this research recommends the government of Indonesia to regulate the defect criteria and classification; establish or authorize an existing agency to regulate and enforce vehicle safety issues; and reconsider to add materiality element on some articles under Chapter IV of Indonesian Consumer Protection Law. Furthermore, Business Enactors should provide clearer and more comprehensive information and product knowledge regarding their product. On the other hand, Consumers should be more active and comply to the instruction and/or warning, provided by the business enactors, regarding the use of the product."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Setia Budi
Kemoterapi merupakan salah satu penatalaksanaan yang penting pada pasien
kanker payudara terutama pada stadium lanjut dan memiliki efek samping
sehingga dapat menggangu kegiatan sehari-hari serta mempengaruhi kondisi
psikologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran efek samping
kemoterapi pada pasien kanker payudara dan upaya mengatasinya. Penelitian ini
menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan 40 responden. Hasil penelitian
menunjukan bahwa sebanyak 82,5% dari 40 responden mengalami mual dan
muntah, sebanyak 72,5% dari 40 responden mengalami kehilangan nafsu makan,
sebanyak 72,5% dari 40 responden mengatakan lidahnya terasa pahit, sebanyak
72,5%dari 40 responden mengalami kebas dan kesemutan, dan sebanyak 65% dari
40 responden mengalami kerontokan-kebotakan. Hasil penelitian juga
menggambarkan tindakan mandiri yang paling sering dilakukan diantaranya dari
40 responden sebanyak 65% memakan buah-buahan, dari 40 responden sebanyak
60% memakan makanan yang manis, dari 40 responden sebanyak 57,5% makan
sedikit tapi sering, dan dari 40 responden sebanyak 57,5% memakai kerudung
untuk menutupi kebotakan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan
sebagai sumber informasi untuk pengembangan pendidikan kesehatan terkait efek
samping kemoterapi dan tindakan mandiri untuk meminimalkan efek samping
yang dialami.

Chemotherapy is an important management for patients who were diagnosed
breast cancer, especially at an advanced stage. Chemotherapy has the side effects,
thus it can interfere the patient's daily activities and worsen the psychological
conditions. This study aimed to describe the side effects of chemotherapy and the
independent action to overcome it in breast cancer patient. This study used crosssectional
design with 40 respondents. The results showed that as many as 82.5%
of respondents had experienced nausea and vomiting, 72.5% of 40 respondents
had experienced loss of appetite, and 72.5% 40 respondents said their tongue
tasted bitter, 72.5% of 40 respondents experiencing numbness and tingling, and as
many as 65% of 40 respondents experienced baldness. The results also described
the most frequently performed independent action to overcome those side effects
in 40 respondents. As many as 65% of respodents eat fruits, 60% ate sweets,
57.5% eat little but often, and 57.5% wear a veil to cover baldness. The results of
this study are expected to be used as a source of information for the development
of health education about the side effects of chemotherapy and the independent
actions to minimize this effects"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Setia Budi
Permasalahan penyakit kulit merupakan masalah umum yang terjadi pada lansia terutama lansia di panti. Hal tersebut bisa terjadi karena pada lansia mengalami penurunan fungsi sistem integumen, penurunan kemampuan membersihkan diri, serta pengaruh lingkungan. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah menganalisis hasil intervensi manajemen pruritus untuk mengatasi masalah kerusakan integritas kulit pada lansia. Implementasi dilakukan selama lima minggu di PSTW Budi Mulia 1 Ciracas, Jakarta Timur dengan memberikan emollient pada lansia sebanyak dua kali sehari dan dilakukan setiap hari. Sebelum pemberian emollient lansia mandi terlebih dahulu menggunakan sabun pH balance dan air hangat. Hasil akhir menunjukkan adanya peningkatan integritas kulit yang ditandai dengan bekurangnya rasa ketidaknyamanan ditandai dengan penurunan intensitas gatal pada lansia yang mengalami kerusakan intergritas kulit. Pihak PSTW Budi Mulia 1 Ciracas diharapkan dapat memfasilitasi penyediaan produk emollient yang aman dan direkomendasikan bagi kulit lansia. Selain itu, perawat diharapkan dapat melakukan intervensi manajemen pruritus emollient therapy pada lansia minimal satu kali sehari pada lansia yang berisiko maupun yang mengalami kerusakan integritas kulit. Kata Kunci: asuhan keperawatan, kulit, lansia, manajemen pruritus

Problems of skin disease is a common problem that occurs in the elderly, especially elderly who live in institution. This is caused by decreased of the elederly rsquo s integument system function, decreased self cleaning ability, and environmental influences. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the results of pruritus management intervention to overcome the problem of skin integrity damage in the elderly. Implementation was conducted for five weeks at PSTW Budi Mulia 1 Ciracas, East Jakarta using emollient oil implemented in elderly skin twice in a day, before that, the elderly was taken shower using pH balance soap and warm water. The result showed the increase of skin integrity characterized by a decrease in the itching intensity in the elderly who suffered skin integrity damage. PSTW Budi Mulia 1 Ciracas is expected to facilitate the provision of emollient products that are safe and recommended for elderly skin. In addition, nurses are expected to perform pruritus management emollient therapy at the elderly at least once a day in the elderly are at risk and who suffered damage to skin integrity. Keywords elderly, nursing care, skin, pruritus management "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Agus Setia Budi
Campak atau kerumut dalam bahasa Banjar adalah salah satu penyakit
infeksi yang dapat di cegah dengan imunisasi dan masih masalah kesehatan di
Indonesia. Penyakit ini secara umum menyerang anak usia dibawah lima tahun
(balita) yang di sebabkan oleh virus morbili.
Di Kota Banjarmasin meskipun keberhasilan cakupan imunisasi campak
telah mencapai lebih dari 90%, dan kelurahan yang telah mencapai UCI sebanyak
51 kelurahan, namun demikian berdasarkan laporan surveilans dinas kesehatan
kota Banjarmasin selama 2011 dilaporkan telah terjadi kejadian luar biasa kasus
campak sebanyak 5 kali, dengan 147 kasus. Penelitian bertujuan untuk
mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian campak pada anak
usia 0?59 bulan di Kota Banjarmasin Tahun 2011. Untuk itu digunakan
pendekatan desain kasus kontrol.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor utama yang berpengaruh
terhadap kejadian campak pada anak usia (0?59 bln) adalah pendidikan Ibu (OR=
13,88), pendidikan bapak (OR =6,33), status imunisasi campak (OR= 4,64), umur
anak (OR=2,46), sedangkan faktor yang bersifat protektif adalah vitamin A
(OR=0,34), dan penghasilan keluarga (OR=0,18).
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa anak yang di imunisasi campak
mempunyai orang tua yang berpendidikan baik, berpenghasilan cukup dan
mendapat vitamin A dua kali dalam setahun dapat mengurangi angka kejadian
Dari hasil penelitian ini disarankan untuk memperbaiki kebenaran cakupan
imunisasi, memberikan pelatihan safe injection dan cold chain bagi petugas
pelaksana di puskesmas, penyuluhan kesehatan dengan bahasa daerah, pemberian
vitamin A dan memberikan prioritas peningkatan program pada daerah dengan
tingkat pendidikan Ibu dan Bapak yang rendah, serta berpenghasilan kurang
sebagai sasaran di Kota Banjarmasin untuk menurunkan angka kejadian campak
pada anak (0-59 bulan).

Measles or kerumut in Banjar is one of the infectious diseases that can be
prevented by immunization and health in Indonesia is still a problem. This disease
generally attacks children under five years of age (infants) which is caused by a
virus morbili.
In the city of Banjarmasin despite the success of measles immunization
coverage has reached more than 90%, and the village which has reached as many
as 51 villages UCI, however, based on surveillance reports Banjarmasin city
health department is reported to have occurred during the 2011 outbreak of
measles cases as much as 5 times, with 147 case. The study aims to determine the
factors associated with the incidence of measles in children aged 0-59 months in
the city of Banjarmasin in 2011. For that use case-control design approach.
The results showed that the main factors that influence the incidence of
measles in children aged (0-59 months) is the mother of education (OR = 13.88),
the father of education (OR = 6.33), measles immunization status (OR = 4.64 ),
age of child (OR = 2.46), whereas protective factors are vitamin A (OR = 0.34),
and family income (OR = 0.18).
This study concluded that children who have measles immunization in the
elderly are well educated, and have income sufficient vitamin A twice a year can
reduce the incidence of measles.
From these results it is advisable to fix the truth of immunization
coverage, providing safe injection training and cold chain for executive officers at
the health center, health education in local languages, provision of vitamin A and
gives priority to improve the program in areas with high levels of education are
low mother and father, as well as earn less as a target in the city of Banjarmasin to
reduce the incidence of measles in children (0-59 months)."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library