ABSTRAKLatar Belakang. Stenosis Mitral (SM) tinggi prevalensinya di negara berkembang karena erat terkait
dengan prevalensi penyakit jantung demam rematik (PJR). Pasien SM sedang-berat terdapat
peningkatan regio turbulensi dan shear stress mengakibatkan kerusakan endotel pembuluh darah
sehingga meningkatkan resiko tromboemboli. P-selectin merupakan molekul adhesi berperan dalam
proses inflamasi dan sebagai faktor protrombotik yang diekspresikan secara cepat. Indeks volume
atrium kiri (IVAK) merupakan parameter superior untuk mengukur fungsi atrium kiri dengan
Metode. Penelitian potong lintang melibatkan 20 pasien SM sedang-berat dengan MVA <1.5 cm2
yang menjalani Komisuratomi Mitral Transvena Perkutan (KMTP) yang diambil secara konsekutif
pada bulan Mei 2013 sampai Oktober 2013 di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita Jakarta. Pasien
diambil sampel darah pra dan pasca KMTP untuk diperiksa kadar P-Selectin. Kemudian hasilnya
dianalisa secara statistik.
Hasil. Dalam studi ini, tidak didapatkan asosiasi antara IVAK dengan ekspresi kadar P-selectin pra
dan pasca KMTP. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai pra KMTP β= -0.103 (95% CI -0.251,0.045)
p=0.16 dan pasca KMTP β= 0.009 (95% CI -0.155,0.172) p=0.91. Setelah dilakukan regresi
linier dengan penyesuaian (adjusted) terhadap variabel perancu yakni usia, jenis kelamin, dan atrial
fibrilasi tetap tidak didapatkan asosiasi antara IVAK dengan kadar P-selectin dengan nilai pra KMTP
β= -0.154 (95% CI -0.340,0.032) p=0.09 dan pasca KMTP β= -0.049 (95% CI -0.250,0.152)
Kesimpulan. Tidak ada perbedaan nilai P-selectin pra dan pasca KMTP. Nilai IVAK yang sudah
jelek tidak berhubungan dengan kadar P-selectin pra dan pasca KMTP pada pasien SM.
ABSTRACTBackground. The prevalence of Mitral stenosis (MS) remains significant in developing
countries related to prevalence of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD).In moderate-severe MS
patients enormous increase in turbulent region and shear stress causing dysfunction of
vascular endothelial, as consequence it increase the risk of thromboembolic complication. Pselectin
is an adhesion molecule that play role in inflammation process, it express rapidly in
minutes. Left Atrial Volume Index (LAVI) is superior parameter compare with other
echocardiography two dimension method to assess left atrial function.
Methods. Study was designed as cross-sectional study involving 20 MS moderate-severe
patients with MVA< 1.5 cm2 who performed successful Percutaneous transvenous Balloon
Mitral Valvulotomy (PBMV). Samples were taken consecutively from May 2013 to October
2013 at the National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Jakarta. Blood samples of Pselectin
were collected pre and post PBMV. The result was statistically analyzed by using
echocardiography data of LAVI prior PBMV to describe any association between expression
of P-selectin and atrial function.
Result. In our study, we found no association between LAVI and expression of P-selectin
level pre and post PBMV MS patient. This data describe in each of value of pre PBMV β= -
0.103 (95% CI -0.251,0.045) p=0.16 and post PBMV β= 0.009 (95% CI -0.155,0.172) p=0.91
After we performed linear regression with adjusted confounding variable including sex, age,
and atrial fibrillation, still we found no association between LAVI and P-selectin level. This
data describe in each of value of pre PBMV β= -0.154 (95% CI -0.340,0.032) p=0.09 and
post PBMV β= -0.049 (95% CI -0.250,0.152) p=0.61.
Conclusion. We found there is no difference in P-selectin level pre and post PBMV. There is
no association between poor LAVI value and expression of P-selectin pre and post PBMV in
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014