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Ditemukan 1 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Shinta Oktavia
Bank Garansi ini merupakan salah satu produk pemerintah dalam menumbuhkan
iklim sehat pada dunia perbankan. Produk ini mendukung dalam meningkatkan
penyaluran dana kepada masyarakat. Resiko Bank Garansi muncul jika nasabah
melakukan perbuatan wanprestasi atau tidak memenuhi segala kewajiban kepada
penerima jaminan. Hingga kini masih terdapat pencairan Bank Garansi tidak tepat
sasaran sesuai dengan resiko yang terkandung didalamnya. Pencairan Bank
Garansi dilakukan saat terpenuhinya unsur wanprestasi. Oleh karena itu, tesis ini
akan membahas mengenai dua hal, yaitu kelayakan pencairan Bank Garansi dalam
hal telah dilaksanakannya prestasi oleh Prinsipal dan Akibat hukum yang terjadi
ada Prinsipal yang telah melakukan prestasi dengan adanya pencairan Bank
Garansi tersebut dengan contoh pada kasus Proyek Pembangunan 12 Unit Rumah
Bank Indonesia di Jalan Panglima Polim I dan VI, Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta
Selatan. Dalam kasus ini terdapat empat pihak yaitu PT Bank DKI sebagai
penerbit Bank Garansi atau jaminan, Bank Indonesia selaku Obligee atau Pemilik
Proyek, PT Elti Prima Raya selaku Kontraktor atau Prinsipal yang bertugas dalam
pelaksanaan proyek dan PT Wisma Kosgoro selaku subkontraktor. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil dari penelitian atas kasus
Proyek Pembangunan 12 Unit Rumah Bank Indonesia ini menyatakan bahwa
Bank Garansi layak dicairkan dalam hal telah dilaksanakannya prestasi oleh
Prinsipal, hal ini terbukti Pada saat Bank Garansi berpegang pada prinsip
Unconditional atau First Demand. Dengan prinsip ini berarti bank akan segera
mencairkan jaminan jika diminta oleh Obligee (tanpa harus membuktikan
kegagalan/wanprestasi/default Principal dan/atau kerugian yang diderita Obligee).
Akibat Hukum yang terjadi pada Prinsipal yang telah melakukan prestasi dengan
adanya Pencairan Bank Garansi tersebut adalah Kontraktor dinyatakan Lalai,
Kontraktor akan menderita kerugian sebesar nilai pencairan Bank Garansi,
Kontraktor menderita kerugian sebesar yang telah dilakukan prestasi, Kontraktor
menderita kerugian berupa keuntungan yang seharusnya didapat dari pelaksanaan
prestasi, Kontraktor masuk dalam daftar hitam perusahaan dan tidak dapat
mengikuti proyek pengadaan barang/jasa sesuai PerPres No. 54 Tahun 2010
tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintahan, Kontraktor menderita kerugian
berupa ongkos, kerugian, bunga dan biaya perkara pengadilan.

Bank Guarantee is one of the products of government in fostering a healthy
climate in the banking world. This product is in support of the improvements in
the distribution of funds to the public. Risks of Bank Guarantee arise should a
customer defaults or does not meet all the obligations to the insured. There is, as
yet, an ineffective disubrsement of Bank Guarantee in accordance with the risk
entailed therein. Disbursement of Bank Guarantee is made should there be
elements of default. Therefore, this thesis will discuss about two things, namely
the feasibility of disbursement of Bank Guarantee in terms of performance having
been implemented by the Principal and the legal consequences arising after
Principals having discharged performance with the disbursement of Bank
Guarantee One of the cases that will be highlighted is the case of 12 housing units
of Bank Indonesia on Jalan Panglima Polim I and VI, Kebayoran Baru ? Jakarta
Selatan. In this case, there were four parties, namely PT Bank DKI as the issuer of
Bank Guarantee or warranty, Bank Indonesia as the obligee or the Project Owner,
PT Elti Prima Karya as the Contractor or the Principal in charge of the
implementation of the project and PT Wisma Kosgoro as the subcontractor.
Normative juridical research was in use in this research. The result of the research
on the Construction Project of 12 Housing Units of Bank Indonesia shows that the
bank guarantee is worth disbursing in terms of the performance having been
implemented by the Principal. It is obvious that Bank Guarantee adheres to the
principle of unconditional or first demand. With this principle, it means that the
bank will immediately disburse the guarantee if requested by the obligee (without
having to prove the failure / default / default Principal and / or the loss suffered by
the obligee). The legal consequences that occur on the Principal having
implemented performance with the disbursement of Bank Guarantee are that the
Contractor is declared to be negligent, the Contractor suffers a loss of as much as
the value of the disbursement of Bank Guarantee, the Contractor suffers a loss in
terms of the profits that should have been obtained from the implementation of
the performance, the Contractor?s company is blacklisted and incapable of
participating in the project procurement of goods / services in accordance with the
Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods / Services for
Government, the Contractor suffers a loss in the form of fees, interest and
litigation costs.;Bank Guarantee is one of the products of government in fostering a healthy
climate in the banking world. This product is in support of the improvements in
the distribution of funds to the public. Risks of Bank Guarantee arise should a
customer defaults or does not meet all the obligations to the insured. There is, as
yet, an ineffective disubrsement of Bank Guarantee in accordance with the risk
entailed therein. Disbursement of Bank Guarantee is made should there be
elements of default. Therefore, this thesis will discuss about two things, namely
the feasibility of disbursement of Bank Guarantee in terms of performance having
been implemented by the Principal and the legal consequences arising after
Principals having discharged performance with the disbursement of Bank
Guarantee One of the cases that will be highlighted is the case of 12 housing units
of Bank Indonesia on Jalan Panglima Polim I and VI, Kebayoran Baru ? Jakarta
Selatan. In this case, there were four parties, namely PT Bank DKI as the issuer of
Bank Guarantee or warranty, Bank Indonesia as the obligee or the Project Owner,
PT Elti Prima Karya as the Contractor or the Principal in charge of the
implementation of the project and PT Wisma Kosgoro as the subcontractor.
Normative juridical research was in use in this research. The result of the research
on the Construction Project of 12 Housing Units of Bank Indonesia shows that the
bank guarantee is worth disbursing in terms of the performance having been
implemented by the Principal. It is obvious that Bank Guarantee adheres to the
principle of unconditional or first demand. With this principle, it means that the
bank will immediately disburse the guarantee if requested by the obligee (without
having to prove the failure / default / default Principal and / or the loss suffered by
the obligee). The legal consequences that occur on the Principal having
implemented performance with the disbursement of Bank Guarantee are that the
Contractor is declared to be negligent, the Contractor suffers a loss of as much as
the value of the disbursement of Bank Guarantee, the Contractor suffers a loss in
terms of the profits that should have been obtained from the implementation of
the performance, the Contractor?s company is blacklisted and incapable of
participating in the project procurement of goods / services in accordance with the
Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods / Services for
Government, the Contractor suffers a loss in the form of fees, interest and
litigation costs., Bank Guarantee is one of the products of government in fostering a healthy
climate in the banking world. This product is in support of the improvements in
the distribution of funds to the public. Risks of Bank Guarantee arise should a
customer defaults or does not meet all the obligations to the insured. There is, as
yet, an ineffective disubrsement of Bank Guarantee in accordance with the risk
entailed therein. Disbursement of Bank Guarantee is made should there be
elements of default. Therefore, this thesis will discuss about two things, namely
the feasibility of disbursement of Bank Guarantee in terms of performance having
been implemented by the Principal and the legal consequences arising after
Principals having discharged performance with the disbursement of Bank
Guarantee One of the cases that will be highlighted is the case of 12 housing units
of Bank Indonesia on Jalan Panglima Polim I and VI, Kebayoran Baru – Jakarta
Selatan. In this case, there were four parties, namely PT Bank DKI as the issuer of
Bank Guarantee or warranty, Bank Indonesia as the obligee or the Project Owner,
PT Elti Prima Karya as the Contractor or the Principal in charge of the
implementation of the project and PT Wisma Kosgoro as the subcontractor.
Normative juridical research was in use in this research. The result of the research
on the Construction Project of 12 Housing Units of Bank Indonesia shows that the
bank guarantee is worth disbursing in terms of the performance having been
implemented by the Principal. It is obvious that Bank Guarantee adheres to the
principle of unconditional or first demand. With this principle, it means that the
bank will immediately disburse the guarantee if requested by the obligee (without
having to prove the failure / default / default Principal and / or the loss suffered by
the obligee). The legal consequences that occur on the Principal having
implemented performance with the disbursement of Bank Guarantee are that the
Contractor is declared to be negligent, the Contractor suffers a loss of as much as
the value of the disbursement of Bank Guarantee, the Contractor suffers a loss in
terms of the profits that should have been obtained from the implementation of
the performance, the Contractor’s company is blacklisted and incapable of
participating in the project procurement of goods / services in accordance with the
Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010 on Procurement of Goods / Services for
Government, the Contractor suffers a loss in the form of fees, interest and
litigation costs.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library