"Latar Belakang: Penderita sirosis hati sering mengalami gangguan sistem hemostasis yang kompleks dan komplikasi perdarahan akut varises gastroesofageal. Peran gangguan sistem hemostasis dalam perdarahan akut varises gastroesofageal penderita sirosis hati masih belum jelas.Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan jumlah trombosit, nilai PT, nilai APTT dan kadar protein C penderita sirosis hati yang mengalami dan yang tidak mengalami perdarahan akut varises gastroesofageal.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang pada penderita sirosis hati. Subjek penelitian diperoleh dari penderita yang berobat di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Seluruh penderita dilakukan pemeriksaan jumlah trombosit, nilai PT, nilai APTT dan kadar protein C. Penderita dengan gejala perdarahan akut saluran cerna bagian atas dilakukan pemeriksaan Esofago-Gastro-Duodenoskopi EGD. Diagnosis perdarahan akut varises gastroesofageal ditentukan dari hasil pemeriksaan EGD. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan jumlah trombosit, nilai PT, nilai APTT dan kadar protein C penderita sirosis hati yang mengalami dan yang tidak mengalami perdarahan akut varises gastroesofageal dipakai uji T indepedent dan uji Mann-Whitney.
Hasil: Terdapat total 63 penderita sirosis hati yang ikut serta dalam penelitian, 21 penderita mengalami perdarahan akut varises gastroesofageal dan 42 penderita tidak mengalami perdarahan akut varises gastroesofageal. Perbedaan jumlah trombosit penderita sirosis hati yang mengalami perdarahan dan yang tidak mengalami perdarahan akut varises gastroesofageal mempunyai nilai p>0,05. Jumlah trombosit.
......Background Patients with liver cirrhosis have complex hemostatic system disturbances and acute gastroesophageal varices bleeding frequently. The role of hemostatic system disturbances in acute gastroesophageal varices bleeding has not been yet clear in liver cirrhosis.Objective To know the difference of thrombocyte count, PT, APTT and protein C level in liver cirrhosis patients with and without acute gastroesophageal varices bleeding.
Methods: This was a cross sectional study. Patients with liver cirrhosis were enrolled from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. All patients underwent examination for thrombocyte count, PT, APTT and protein C level. Patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding underwent examination for esophago gastro duodenoscopy EGD. Diagnosis of acute gastroesophageal varices bleeding based on the result of EGD examination. To know the difference of thrombocyte count, PT, APTT and protein C level in liver cirrhosis patients with and without acute gastroesophageal varices bleeding, T independent test and Mann Whitney test were used for statistical analysis.
Results There are 63 patients with liver cirrhosis in this study, 21 patients with acute gastroesophageal varices bleeding and 42 patients without acute gastroesophageal varices bleeding. The difference of thrombocyte count in liver cirrhosis patients with and without acute gastroesophageal bleeding has p value 0,05. Thrombocyte count. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016